Radio Tavullia: Rossi without Burgess in 2014

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I still can't decide if Pete Benson's any good.

Pete is very good, The problem for JB is his shrinking role and his forced lack of hands on, back in the 500 days, he was regarded as the master, he would be hands on with calculations for jetting, gearing and changes to geometry, in the mid to late 90s the 2ts actually started to gain some serious electronic aids, (over to you Dr no), These required specialist engineers, lessoning his role,  when VR and JB moved to Yamaha he still had a big input into the development in a hands on way as Yamaha saw what he could bring to the table, Despite what some say, he was looking forward to the Ducati challenge as it would of allowed him to use his vast knowledge base, Ducati didn't want to know, Now back at Yamaha he is just shoulder for Rossi and not THE man, sadly the technology has moved to a level that a man like JB is not needed in the way it was.
Well said.


This is such a philosophical problem: riders such as Stoner are so talented, that the crew chief's role, though crucial, does not become an integral part of the riders success, unlike in the case of Rossi, where JB was instrumental in engineering the bike to his needs. Nobody doubt's VR's racing talents however, and we know he is more of a racer than a raw talented rider such as Stoner and some others. For him to stay "competitive", with age, he has to make moves such as this one, thus questioning his loyalty and so many "values" that we expect him to possess. Remember that "love letter" he wrote to his M1 in 2010, saying how all beautiful love stories come to an end? Perhaps this is yet another one; some people, especially the so-called charismatic ones have to resort todark  moves such as this one for their ego alone.. I am sad about this move, but can understand it.
People change, times change. Sometimes you realise what was once agreat relationship is no longer what you need.


Putting on my bass player hat, I have worked with many fantastic players, singers over the years, but eventually, you reach a point where you need something different. A fresh set of ears, eyes whatever, can be the spark that fires you up. Burgess has been through the mill, maybe he just doesn't have the spark that Vale needs anymore. No shame in that, if my wife was facing serious illness, I would be taking stock of what really matters.


I'm not defending Rossi, or saying he is doing the right thing, but if he sees that this is the change he needs, he has to do it. I've walked away from plenty of hard working bloody good bands, because, at that point in time, It wasn't where I wanted to be, and it was draining my playing, and enthusiasm for the gig.


I wish them both well in what they decide to do, it was never an easy desicion, and it may be the final nail in coffin of Vale's career, we will see.

Very disappointed. Lost some respect for Rossi. If he can't dig deep and find that extra bit of pace he should just man up and end it. To blame JB and do this to him at the end is sad. And just my .02 cents, even if (big if) it was down to JB not being able to find that extra 1/10 here or there they've been working together for so long they should have just gone out together. Rossi should have swallowed his pride and took one for the team and kept his mouth shut, put somebody else first for once.


Edit: Just read Austin's post. He speaks reason. Me? Not as much, I think for loyalty he should have stuck by JB, but I guess Vale thinks it's his last year to make an impact and want's to do everything he can, I get it, just not what I would have done.

Reasons to have already lost respect for Valentino - (by a bitter internet forum nobody who at least concedes that Rossi accomplishes more when he drops his trousers and takes a dump than he perhaps has in his entire lifetime).


Nonetheless...somewhat begrudgingly, can't think what posessed me to compose this: -   :diablo:  :derisive:  


1/ The victim mentality 'innocence' surrounding the Great "whiter than" White Management debacle/tax evasion inquiry and the subsequent shenanigans at Yamaha surrounding Marc Canela.

2/ The "I've been looking for an excuse to fall out with Sete for a while now" comment. As much of a queen "Gibber now" was, brush off Qatar 2004 - and this was simply sour grapes from being beaten at the last turn of The Sachsenring and the resultant mauling by the Italian Press.

3/  The "I'll never ride for a tobacco sponsor" pledge. Although in fairness, a diet of Wudy frankfurters would likely fur up your arteries faster than the daily consumption of a pack of 20 Gauloises ever could..

4/ Talking of fur - the '46' on the back of his leathers in 2007 as a charm to invoke the 'rabbit out of the hat' effect again having failed to secure the 2006 title. Surely it would have been easier to have simply conjured a p45 (or p'46') from up your smoke blown arse and unceremoniously handed it in the direction of your clearly 'incompetent' crew chief?  

5/ Treating his once supposed best friend Melandri with a level of contempt and denial that you wouldn't even show for a dose of NSU.

6/ The frankly farcical 2002 and 2003 World Championships.

7/ "It's impossible to gauge the potential of the Ducati because Casey isn't pushing hard enough" - Brilliant, my favourite Rossi quote of all time spoken from the comparative comfort of his 'personalised' recliner/M1. Rather like making a disparaging comment on someone taking a barrel ride over niagra falls from the Grand Observation Lounge of the QE2.

8/ The ill advised, arrogant, conceited, humiliating, highly inauspicious - but hilarious move to Ducati. Curve - what became of the egg on face avi and can the image be reversed?

9/ The podium chair stunt with Capi belittling Pedro in 2006.

10/ The ....... ridiculous bayeux tapestry proportioned banner unfurled at Assen lauding his 100th win.

11/ The lurid canary/custard ....... merchandise that still continues to blight and pollute and our race circuit stands like an indellible semen stain. Still jaundiced by a decade of yellow fever? I'm afraid so.

12/ The WLF ......../front when actually he'd far sooner be rimming Uccio Salucci out back in the motorhome.

13/ The ignominious and humbling prodigal son like return to Yamaha.

14/ The appalling turtle tattoo that more resembles a green turd or the likely fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance..

15/ The unceasing succession of trite vomit inducing Aldo Drudi helmet designs which are about as finely conceived and rendered - (and sometimes seemilngly as much as an afterthought) - as...? - the fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance.

16/ The fact he was once a self proclaimed fan of Max Biaggi.

17/ Valentinik - I hate ......' costumed clowns.

18/ He's a personal friend of Marco Materazzi - unless that is by now he's dumped him like an antipodean crew chief.

19/ Well over a decade of preferential treatment.

20/ The "Sorry Mike" T shirt at P.I. really got my GOAT. Patronising ..... Will never be worthy to fill a pair of Mike's ground down Tex's.

21/ The increasingly tiresome series of post race pantomime clebrations evidently conceived, coreographed and coordinated by the Chuckle Brothers. Loved the way Jorge eventually satirised these and thankfully rendered them utterly superfluous. Not that there's been much to celebrate over the last three seasons.

22/ The alliance with Sky Italia is as unsettling and as much a conflict of interest as granting fairing space to The Forza Nuova, The Mafia, or perhaps obtaining personal sponsorship and endorsement from Allesandra Mussolini. Then again - admittedly nothing will ever quite rival in the objectionable stakes the utter obscenity of having Paris Hilton on the grid. As tasteless as a Wudy hot dog.

23/ Repeating the post race portaloo stunt with the comic subtlety of an unflushable turd.

24/ Accepting an honorary degree in 'Communications' from Urbino University. How does get ...... you insincere, two faced, disingenuous pampered ponce sound? "What if I'd never tried it" was obviously absent from the university reading list.

25/ For spawning a legion of internet forum glory hunting fanboy's with ..... names like "Mick Rossi 46 No.1..:)" who are now peculiarly rarer than Edward Snowden at a Times Square tickertape parade - or a Wudy frankfurter at a Pakistani wedding. Now the clown prince is not winning anymore, fairweather subjects/supporters such as 'Nino' have deserted him along with the sport quicker than...well, under the circumstances, 'a nine times world champion' would appear to abandon his crew chief.

People change, times change. Sometimes you realise what was once agreat relationship is no longer what you need.


Putting on my bass player hat, I have worked with many fantastic players, singers over the years, but eventually, you reach a point where you need something different. A fresh set of ears, eyes whatever, can be the spark that fires you up. Burgess has been through the mill, maybe he just doesn't have the spark that Vale needs anymore. No shame in that, if my wife was facing serious illness, I would be taking stock of what really matters.


I'm not defending Rossi, or saying he is doing the right thing, but if he sees that this is the change he needs, he has to do it. I've walked away from plenty of hard working bloody good bands, because, at that point in time, It wasn't where I wanted to be, and it was draining my playing, and enthusiasm for the gig.


I wish them both well in what they decide to do, it was never an easy desicion, and it may be the final nail in coffin of Vale's career, we will see.

I don't have a problem with Valentino looking for a new crew chief at all. Everyone has his time, and everyone's time eventually ends. JB started off when the tech was several generations away from now ,  what they were doing this year wasn't working, and good luck to Valentino for having ambitions above finishing a ceremonial 4th next year. A younger digital native type guy might be what he needs to improve things.


I hope when it all shakes down there is an absence of rancour between JB and Rossi though, they both owe each other that imo.


Very disappointed. Lost some respect for Rossi. If he can't dig deep and find that extra bit of pace he should just man up and end it. To blame JB and do this to him at the end is sad. And just my .02 cents, even if (big if) it was down to JB not being able to find that extra 1/10 here or there they've been working together for so long they should have just gone out together. Rossi should have swallowed his pride and took one for the team and kept his mouth shut, put somebody else first for once.


Ive been think how to put my thoughts to this topic. You done it for me. Thanks
Well - for those who are not Rossi fans - there is already something brewing to make next season something to look forward to.

That would be the extra dollop of ignominy added to the warm of glow of schadenfreude they experience as Rossi becomes

Colin Edward's teammate on whatever CRT team he happens to be in that season.

Reasons to have already lost respect for Valentino - (by a bitter internet forum nobody who at least concedes that Rossi accomplishes more when he drops his trousers and takes a dump than he perhaps has in his entire lifetime).


Nonetheless...somewhat begrudgingly, can't think what posessed me to compose this: -   :diablo:  :derisive:  


1/ The victim mentality 'innocence' surrounding the Great "whiter than" White Management debacle/tax evasion inquiry and the subsequent shenanigans at Yamaha surrounding Marc Canela.

2/ The "I've been looking for an excuse to fall out with Sete for a while now" comment. As much of a queen "Gibber now" was, brush off Qatar 2004 - and this was simply sour grapes from being beaten at the last turn of The Sachsenring and the resultant mauling by the Italian Press.

3/  The "I'll never ride for a tobacco sponsor" pledge. Although in fairness, a diet of Wudy frankfurters would likely fur up your arteries faster than the daily consumption of a pack of 20 Gauloises ever could..

4/ Talking of fur - the '46' on the back of his leathers in 2007 as a charm to invoke the 'rabbit out of the hat' effect again having failed to secure the 2006 title. Surely it would have been easier to have simply conjured a p45 from up your smoke blown arse and unceremoniously handed it in the direction of your clearly 'incompetent' crew chief?  

5/ Treating his once supposed best friend Melandri with a level of contempt and denial that you wouldn't even show for a dose of NSU.

6/ The frankly farcical 2002 and 2003 World Championships.

7/ "It's impossible to gauge the potential of the Ducati because Casey isn't pushing hard enough" - Brilliant, my favourite Rossi quote of all time spoken from the comparative comfort of his 'personalised' M1. Rather like making a disparaging comment on someone taking a barrel ride over niagra falls from the Grand Observation Lounge of the QE2.

8/ The ill advised, arrogant, conceited, humiliating, highly inauspicious - but hilarious move to Ducati. Curve - what became of the egg on face avi and can the image be reversed?

9/ The rostrum chair stunt with Capirossi - Sepang 2006.

10/ The ....... ridiculous bayeux tapestry proportioned banner unfurled at Assen lauding his 100th win.

11/ The lurid canary/custard ....... merchandise that still continues to blight and pollute our race circuit stands. Still jaundiced by a decade of yellow fever? I'm afraid so.

12/ The WLF ......../front when actually he'd far sooner be rimming Uccio Salucci out back in the motorhome.

13/ The ignominious and humbling prodigal son like return to Yamaha.

14/ The appaling turtle tattoo that more resembles a green turd or the likely fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance..

15/ The unceasing succession of trite vomit inducing Aldo Drudi helmet designs which are about as finely conceived and rendered - (and sometimes seemilngly as much as an afterthought) - as...? - the fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance.

16/ The fact he was once a self proclaimed fan of Max Biaggi.

17/ Valentinik - I hate ......' costumed clowns.

18/ He's a personal friend of Marco Materazzi - unless that is by now he's dumped him like an antipodean crew chief.

19/ Well over a decade of preferential treatment.

20/ The "Sorry Mike" T shirt at P.I. really got my GOAT. Patronising ..... Will never be worthy to fill a pair of Mike's ground down Tex's.

21/ The increasingly tiresome series of post race pantomime clebrations evidently conceived, coreographed and coordinated by the Chuckle Brothers. Loved the way Jorge eventually satirised these and thankfully rendered them utterly superfluous. Not that there's been much to celebrate over the last three seasons.

22/ The alliance with Sky Italia is as unsettling and as much a conflict of interest as granting fairing space to The Forza Nuova, The Mafia, or perhaps obtaining personal sponsorship and endorsement from Allesandra Mussolini. Then again - admittedly nothing will ever quite rival on the objectionable stakes the obscenity of having Paris Hilton on the grid. As tasteless as a Wudy hot dog.

23/ Repeating the post race portaloo stunt with the comic subtlety of an unflushable turd.

24/ Accepting an honorary degree in 'Communications' from Urbino University. How does get ...... you insincere, two faced, disingenuous pampered ponce sound? "What if I'd never tried it" was obviously absent from the university reading list.

25/ For spawning a legion of internet forum glory hunting fanboy's with ..... names like "Mick Rossi 46 No.1..:)" who are now peculiarly rarer than Edward Snowden at a Times Square tickertape parade - or a Wudy frankfurter at a Pakistani wedding. Now the clown prince is not winning anymore, fairweather subjects/supporters such as 'Nino' have deserted him along with the sport quicker than...well, under the circumstances, 'a nine times world champion' would appear to abandon his crew chief.


...... funny .....

Reasons to have already lost respect for Valentino - (by a bitter internet forum nobody who at least concedes that Rossi accomplishes more when he drops his trousers and takes a dump than he perhaps has in his entire lifetime).


Nonetheless...somewhat begrudgingly, can't think what posessed me to compose this: -   :diablo:  :derisive:  


1/ The victim mentality 'innocence' surrounding the Great "whiter than" White Management debacle/tax evasion inquiry and the subsequent shenanigans at Yamaha surrounding Marc Canela.

2/ The "I've been looking for an excuse to fall out with Sete for a while now" comment. As much of a queen "Gibber now" was, brush off Qatar 2004 - and this was simply sour grapes from being beaten at the last turn of The Sachsenring and the resultant mauling by the Italian Press.

3/  The "I'll never ride for a tobacco sponsor" pledge. Although in fairness, a diet of Wudy frankfurters would likely fur up your arteries faster than the daily consumption of a pack of 20 Gauloises ever could..

4/ Talking of fur - the '46' on the back of his leathers in 2007 as a charm to invoke the 'rabbit out of the hat' effect again having failed to secure the 2006 title. Surely it would have been easier to have simply conjured a p45 from up your smoke blown arse and unceremoniously handed it in the direction of your clearly 'incompetent' crew chief?  

5/ Treating his once supposed best friend Melandri with a level of contempt and denial that you wouldn't even show for a dose of NSU.

6/ The frankly farcical 2002 and 2003 World Championships.

7/ "It's impossible to gauge the potential of the Ducati because Casey isn't pushing hard enough" - Brilliant, my favourite Rossi quote of all time spoken from the comparative comfort of his 'personalised' M1. Rather like making a disparaging comment on someone taking a barrel ride over niagra falls from the Grand Observation Lounge of the QE2.

8/ The ill advised, arrogant, conceited, humiliating, highly inauspicious - but hilarious move to Ducati. Curve - what became of the egg on face avi and can the image be reversed?

9/ The rostrum chair stunt with Capirossi - Sepang 2006.

10/ The ....... ridiculous bayeux tapestry proportioned banner unfurled at Assen lauding his 100th win.

11/ The lurid canary/custard ....... merchandise that still continues to blight and pollute our race circuit stands. Still jaundiced by a decade of yellow fever? I'm afraid so.

12/ The WLF ......../front when actually he'd far sooner be rimming Uccio Salucci out back in the motorhome.

13/ The ignominious and humbling prodigal son like return to Yamaha.

14/ The appaling turtle tattoo that more resembles a green turd or the likely fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance..

15/ The unceasing succession of trite vomit inducing Aldo Drudi helmet designs which are about as finely conceived and rendered - (and sometimes seemilngly as much as an afterthought) - as...? - the fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance.

16/ The fact he was once a self proclaimed fan of Max Biaggi.

17/ Valentinik - I hate ......' costumed clowns.

18/ He's a personal friend of Marco Materazzi - unless that is by now he's dumped him like an antipodean crew chief.

19/ Well over a decade of preferential treatment.

20/ The "Sorry Mike" T shirt at P.I. really got my GOAT. Patronising ..... Will never be worthy to fill a pair of Mike's ground down Tex's.

21/ The increasingly tiresome series of post race pantomime clebrations evidently conceived, coreographed and coordinated by the Chuckle Brothers. Loved the way Jorge eventually satirised these and thankfully rendered them utterly superfluous. Not that there's been much to celebrate over the last three seasons.

22/ The alliance with Sky Italia is as unsettling and as much a conflict of interest as granting fairing space to The Forza Nuova, The Mafia, or perhaps obtaining personal sponsorship and endorsement from Allesandra Mussolini. Then again - admittedly nothing will ever quite rival on the objectionable stakes the obscenity of having Paris Hilton on the grid. As tasteless as a Wudy hot dog.

23/ Repeating the post race portaloo stunt with the comic subtlety of an unflushable turd.

24/ Accepting an honorary degree in 'Communications' from Urbino University. How does get ...... you insincere, two faced, disingenuous pampered ponce sound? "What if I'd never tried it" was obviously absent from the university reading list.

25/ For spawning a legion of internet forum glory hunting fanboy's with ..... names like "Mick Rossi 46 No.1..:)" who are now peculiarly rarer than Edward Snowden at a Times Square tickertape parade - or a Wudy frankfurter at a Pakistani wedding. Now the clown prince is not winning anymore, fairweather subjects/supporters such as 'Nino' have deserted him along with the sport quicker than...well, under the circumstances, 'a nine times world champion' would appear to abandon his crew chief.

Shut it down, Ben. This one's the winner.

Reasons to have already lost respect for Valentino - (by a bitter internet forum nobody who at least concedes that Rossi accomplishes more when he drops his trousers and takes a dump than he perhaps has in his entire lifetime).


Nonetheless...somewhat begrudgingly, can't think what posessed me to compose this: -   :diablo:  :derisive:  


1/ The victim mentality 'innocence' surrounding the Great "whiter than" White Management debacle/tax evasion inquiry and the subsequent shenanigans at Yamaha surrounding Marc Canela.

2/ The "I've been looking for an excuse to fall out with Sete for a while now" comment. As much of a queen "Gibber now" was, brush off Qatar 2004 - and this was simply sour grapes from being beaten at the last turn of The Sachsenring and the resultant mauling by the Italian Press.

3/  The "I'll never ride for a tobacco sponsor" pledge. Although in fairness, a diet of Wudy frankfurters would likely fur up your arteries faster than the daily consumption of a pack of 20 Gauloises ever could..

4/ Talking of fur - the '46' on the back of his leathers in 2007 as a charm to invoke the 'rabbit out of the hat' effect again having failed to secure the 2006 title. Surely it would have been easier to have simply conjured a p45 (or p'46') from up your smoke blown arse and unceremoniously handed it in the direction of your clearly 'incompetent' crew chief?  

5/ Treating his once supposed best friend Melandri with a level of contempt and denial that you wouldn't even show for a dose of NSU.

6/ The frankly farcical 2002 and 2003 World Championships.

7/ "It's impossible to gauge the potential of the Ducati because Casey isn't pushing hard enough" - Brilliant, my favourite Rossi quote of all time spoken from the comparative comfort of his 'personalised' recliner/M1. Rather like making a disparaging comment on someone taking a barrel ride over niagra falls from the Grand Observation Lounge of the QE2.

8/ The ill advised, arrogant, conceited, humiliating, highly inauspicious - but hilarious move to Ducati. Curve - what became of the egg on face avi and can the image be reversed?

9/ The podium chair stunt with Capi belittling Pedro in 2006.

10/ The ....... ridiculous bayeux tapestry proportioned banner unfurled at Assen lauding his 100th win.

11/ The lurid canary/custard ....... merchandise that still continues to blight and pollute our race circuit stands. Still jaundiced by a decade of yellow fever? I'm afraid so.

12/ The WLF ......../front when actually he'd far sooner be rimming Uccio Salucci out back in the motorhome.

13/ The ignominious and humbling prodigal son like return to Yamaha.

14/ The appalling turtle tattoo that more resembles a green turd or the likely fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance..

15/ The unceasing succession of trite vomit inducing Aldo Drudi helmet designs which are about as finely conceived and rendered - (and sometimes seemilngly as much as an afterthought) - as...? - the fecal product of Casey's lactose intolerance.

16/ The fact he was once a self proclaimed fan of Max Biaggi.

17/ Valentinik - I hate ......' costumed clowns.

18/ He's a personal friend of Marco Materazzi - unless that is by now he's dumped him like an antipodean crew chief.

19/ Well over a decade of preferential treatment.

20/ The "Sorry Mike" T shirt at P.I. really got my GOAT. Patronising ..... Will never be worthy to fill a pair of Mike's ground down Tex's.

21/ The increasingly tiresome series of post race pantomime clebrations evidently conceived, coreographed and coordinated by the Chuckle Brothers. Loved the way Jorge eventually satirised these and thankfully rendered them utterly superfluous. Not that there's been much to celebrate over the last three seasons.

22/ The alliance with Sky Italia is as unsettling and as much a conflict of interest as granting fairing space to The Forza Nuova, The Mafia, or perhaps obtaining personal sponsorship and endorsement from Allesandra Mussolini. Then again - admittedly nothing will ever quite rival on the objectionable stakes the obscenity of having Paris Hilton on the grid. As tasteless as a Wudy hot dog.

23/ Repeating the post race portaloo stunt with the comic subtlety of an unflushable turd.

24/ Accepting an honorary degree in 'Communications' from Urbino University. How does get ...... you insincere, two faced, disingenuous pampered ponce sound? "What if I'd never tried it" was obviously absent from the university reading list.

25/ For spawning a legion of internet forum glory hunting fanboy's with ..... names like "Mick Rossi 46 No.1..:)" who are now peculiarly rarer than Edward Snowden at a Times Square tickertape parade - or a Wudy frankfurter at a Pakistani wedding. Now the clown prince is not winning anymore, fairweather subjects/supporters such as 'Nino' have deserted him along with the sport quicker than...well, under the circumstances, 'a nine times world champion' would appear to abandon his crew chief.

:thumbs:  Especially that last paragrah

People change, times change. Sometimes you realise what was once agreat relationship is no longer what you need.


Putting on my bass player hat, I have worked with many fantastic players, singers over the years, but eventually, you reach a point where you need something different. A fresh set of ears, eyes whatever, can be the spark that fires you up. Burgess has been through the mill, maybe he just doesn't have the spark that Vale needs anymore. No shame in that, if my wife was facing serious illness, I would be taking stock of what really matters.


I'm not defending Rossi, or saying he is doing the right thing, but if he sees that this is the change he needs, he has to do it. I've walked away from plenty of hard working bloody good bands, because, at that point in time, It wasn't where I wanted to be, and it was draining my playing, and enthusiasm for the gig.


I wish them both well in what they decide to do, it was never an easy desicion, and it may be the final nail in coffin of Vale's career, we will see.


True, as you mention with music or any form of art or sport, change though painful is necessary and inevitable. As you mention bass, this incidentally reminds me of Rachel Bolan of Skid Row saying something similar about how nothing is permanent in life.. something I recollect very vividly from my teenage years when I used to read their interviews, etc.

True, as you mention with music or any form of art or sport, change though painful is necessary and inevitable. As you mention bass, this incidentally reminds me of Rachel Bolan of Skid Row saying something similar about how nothing is permanent in life.. something I recollect very vividly from my teenage years when I used to read their interviews, etc.

I thought you were going to get all philosophically profound, cerebral and deep then...which you almost did until you mentioned 'Skid Row'. About as credible as citing Anthony Gobert for credence in a discussion about particle physics.
Changing crew chiefs isn't  a crime.  What bugs me the most is the manner in which our Hero conducted the deed.  To publicly heave JB under the Yellow Bus was absolutely unnecessary.


Why not wait a few more days 'till the end of the season?  Offer to buy the old man dinner and, over a glass of wine, explain how "I need to try something different."  A week later, Jeremy himself can make a quiet press announcement that he's retiring.  (This is one of those situations where a comfortable corporate lie is probably best for all involved.)


Oh ....... no. That won't do! 

Instead, Rossi's ego insisted that HE be the one to break the news to the howling press corps.  To add significant insult, he does it mere hours after dropping the bomb on JB.  Rossi's acts smack of the same old grandstanding crap we've all grown to know and love, an example of pure selfish control-freak ego on display.


Wave and wink, you ....... twink.  <span style="color:#ffd700;"Look at me!  LOOK AT ME!!!!!"

I thought you were going to get all philosophically profound, cerebral and deep then...which you almost did until you mentioned 'Skid Row'. About as credible as citing Anthony Gobert for credence in a discussion about particle physics.


Oh sorry, I know many of you are genuine rockers and metal folks here and I knew I'd get some flak for that. However, I am and have always been a proud glam rock fan ;). Can't deny, they were one of a kind! Definitely, not the deep, profound sorts, but they did make some music too. Well, the classic GnR, classic Skid Row with Bach, Dee Snider, and the like.. and hey, am a girl - we like the glitter and glam.
<span style="font-size:14px;Arrab, 24 out of 25 reasons are easy to understand, but #16 leaves me wondering...


<span style="font-size:14px;<span style="background-color:rgb(247,247,247);color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;16/ The fact he was once a self proclaimed fan of Max Biaggi.


<span style="font-size:14px;When was that? I must have missed something. Or did you mean Capirossi? 



<span style="font-size:14px;BTW I wouldn't worry too much about this one:


<span style="font-size:14px;<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);18/ He's a personal friend of Marco Materazzi - 


<span style="font-size:14px;<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);Some French (Michelin) guys already made him pay for that more than enough, back in 2006... ;)

Oh sorry, I know many of you are genuine rockers and metal folks here and I knew I'd get some flak for that. However, I am and have always been a proud glam rock fan ;). Can't deny, they were one of a kind! Definitely, not the deep, profound sorts, but they did make some music too. Well, the classic GnR, classic Skid Row with Bach, Dee Snider, and the like.. and hey, am a girl - we like the glitter and glam.


To be fair, if you saw pics of what me an Arrab looked like in our respective youths, you would probably have seen a hint of glam rock influence....
Now, we will see Rossi winning again... NOT!


This is just a pathetic attempt by il Clownio to apportion blame for how ..... he's become.  What a great way to reward someone who's shown such loyalty over the years :boos:

Oh sorry, I know many of you are genuine rockers and metal folks here and I knew I'd get some flak for that. However, I am and have always been a proud glam rock fan ;). Can't deny, they were one of a kind! Definitely, not the deep, profound sorts, but they did make some music too. Well, the classic GnR, classic Skid Row with Bach, Dee Snider, and the like.. and hey, am a girl - we like the glitter and glam.


Love it!! Be unapologetic :)


GnR wasn't glam though ;) Even though they were at the Strip at the same time they weren't a hair band. Too raunchy, gritty and dirty. They were the genuine article. At the time.

Love it!! Be unapologetic :)


GnR wasn't glam though ;) Even though they were at the Strip at the same time they weren't a hair band. Too raunchy, gritty and dirty. They were the genuine article. At the time.

They definitely had some influence from the glam scene. They just left the makeup bag at home.