Yes, the classic GnR crew with the first five of them, was awesome. Agree, not the same genre as Poison, RATT or Crue who were proper glam - I like them too though
. Skid Row carried that rebellious youth image so well, especially with Bach as frontman. Also, King Kobra and WASP - though not proper glam were such awesome bands. And there were so many, and most of them came unscathed from the 80's, are alive and still won't reunite! Oh apologies for posting about music on a racing thread, but i couldn't help the analogy.
Indeed, and Michael Monroe is so talented!
They definitely had some influence from the glam scene. They just left the makeup bag at home.
Yes, the classic GnR crew with the first five of them, was awesome. Agree, not the same genre as Poison, RATT or Crue who were proper glam - I like them too though
G n R were heavily influenced by Hanoi Rocks, my favourite band of the 80s, and proper sleazy glam!
Indeed, and Michael Monroe is so talented!