MotoGP: 2015 Round 17 - Shell Malaysia Motorcycle Grand Prix (SPOILERS)

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So I wonder if this would be considered dangerous or safe but either way it looks like an attempt by a pissed off rider to try and piss off a certain rider, and got the reaction it deserved

From practice

Webm.Host - asdfasdf

And in the background ............. go Jack, keep saving that front tyre
Just managed to get that to load.
What a dickheaded, pathetic move.
Talpa, your take on this?
"Afterall, if MM was really playing for Lorenzo, why did he take the 5 points from him at MG? "

he probably doesnt give a fk about lorenzo or rossi or any other guy for that matter, he wanted to win the race, he wouldve done the same if rossi was in front too, he probably felt(or maybe knew) as long as the guy on the front is in his sight, he can catch him on last 2 laps( and we saw that he closed up the gap few time and then stayed back) maybe he just didnt want to drag those other 2 into victory contention and preferred to have 1 guy in front of him (and have those other 2 tangled with each other). i DO think there was something up with his race, but it was a tactic, and a well deserved win.

he might sound retarded at times but i really think he is a smart boy. ( that came to me at misano, when he intentionally stayed back from rossi and JL, and went into pit to change his bike, if he was in front they wouldve gone to the pit after him and the whole race wouldve had another outcome, he says i didnt feel good on the bike but i seriously believe he did that on purpose so they wouldnt go after him in the pit.)

ps, i know ive said rossi is playing a mind game, but bear in mind that there has been times when he is just brutally honest and says what he means, this might be one of those time. i wouldnt be surprised if we see some moronic stuff from him and iannone on Sunday.
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Rossi was more controlled and far less angry back in those days, as afterall he had control of the situation and at present he does not have that same level of situational control

Well stuff me, I am certainly not MOST people and near all I have spoken with are also not MOST so not sure where this MOST comes from (although some very Rossi centric forums are definitely in agreement with you)

Many people watching could see the times where MM ran wide, missed braking markers and took them for what (I suspect) they to actually be, a rider pushing way hard on a bike that he is not 100% happy with.

And BTW, apparently Smith also has gone public with an occasion where he had mega front end trouble with the tyre, backed off for a few laps and found that the tyre then came back (as MM had said)

As for Ianonne, what else is he to say given that VR has called his fans out for abusing Ianonne because Ianonne beat him (fair and square). Ianonne could hardly come out and disagree publically at least

Please ooutline these dirty tactics

I mean, you aren't saying that a person wanting to race with others before clearing off are dirty tactics, surely.

If so, please advise of your thoughts regarding the 'dirty tactics' or years past where riders are said to have hung back and played with the opposition to make things 'more entertaining' only to clear off into the distance.

MM rode his race, Rossi his. Rossi lost and has come out to blame everyone and everything. Sounds a bit whingey or whiney to me.

Are you suggesting that he is dangerous, determined or focussed?

If dangerous then he should not be on the track.

If determined, I suspect that there are many out there equally determined, and if focussed, well it is his job.

What I personally hope is that we do not see repeats of years past where things are decided by rough and ready passes that if done by rider A are genius, but if by Rider B are dirty and unsportsmanlike.

All that said, the championship is still in Rossi's hands and what I see is a flustered Rossi trying to get MM to stay out of the way and thus to minimise the points lost.

Afterall, if MM was really playing for Lorenzo, why did he take the 5 points from him at MG?

Completely disagree with everything here, by most I mean other places, websites, forums which are better than this one, with members who have far more balanced views than you or I.

I said this is what Rossi is saying about Marc and his tactics, I did not say that was my view-I suggest you read a little better, although I stand by the fact that two of the best riders in the world said that Marc was playing at PI-and I believe them over you or any other keyboard warriors who have a long history of dislike for Valentino Rossi.

The practice start thing looked a little dangerous to me, obviously designed to rile Jorge and it did, although Jorge has a history of shaking his head at other riders this season. Jorge's comments today about Rossi not being the fastest of the two therefore putting him on the back foot are a little silly too, as Rossi was faster in PI and Motegi, I think this is getting to all of them-much like 2006 feathers are flying
Talps, so let me get this straight, you're gonna believe Rossi and his best friend Iannone BECAUSE they are "two of the best riders in the world" (one with an ax to whine....err i mean grid) but you're gonna call ........ on THEE best "two riders in the world" who called ........ on Rossi?

What's the logic?

just a question, so you think MM couldn't do what he did on the last lap, 5 laps sooner?

just a question, so you think MM couldn't do what he did on the last lap, 5 laps sooner?
I don't think Marc operates on that level. Hence why I thought /think this accusation of being a mastermind so absurd. I think what u see is what u get, a dude singularly wanting to get to the front and win. The times I've seen him not lead I interprete as him mitigating some acute issue like saving tires, experiencing front tire overheating, or rear grip issues, etc. Remember, the fuel load is something that is also managed and changes the characteristics of the machine, hence a race distance management. Consider Assen, a last lap surge. Contrast to Indy, stocking then latter stage race surge.

So to answer your question directly, no.
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That reminds me.

When Rossi showed up with lap time charts, graphs, and a bunch of documents with hand written notes, it appears a sheet fell out of the pile as he retired back to his motorhome. One unidentified spectator found the document. Its still unclear if it belonged to Valentino Rossi.

View attachment 11355

Thinking of it.... You may be simply seeing your dark side reflected in
Darth VR46! :eek:

Thinking of it.... You may be simply seeing your dark side reflected in
Darth VR46! :eek:

Hahaha good one bro. I bet you didn't know I'm a SWs nerd. Got the epic Star Wars Celebration ticket stub to prove it. :)
tnx for the quick reply, specially since its a going trend in the forumes that old timers dont read other ppls comments.

in this case, its just the difference of opinion, cuz we saw him close up the gap from 1.5s to 0.5 s then pulled back a few time.(no fuel or tire saving etc in those laps,huh!). i think what rossi was saying was that he couldve gone in front earlier but didnt,which i agree, but rossi said he did that to help JL, which i dont agree,(ive said all of these in my previous post.)

ps, in those races that he didnt get in front(you mentioned assen and indy, he stays very close to the last lap from start to finish, but not in this one)
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@feros, it is actually unimportant whether Marquez was playing games with Rossi or not, because if #93 has a speed that allows him to do that, he can use it as he likes, as long as he doesn't do anything that breaks the rules or puts other riders in danger. Rossi is "taking intentions to court", as we say in Italy, something that generally equals to a waste of time. In the end, if Vale manages to be faster, then Marc cannot play any games. That's all.
J4rno, can you give us some insight as to how the Italian media are reporting this? Any particular bent bias or inclination regarding Rossi's absurd accusations?
i didnt say it was important, kudos to him if he can fool rossi, my point was maybe the guy(rossi) is actually telling what he think and we are (including myself) could be wrong about him about mental games or whatever, the guy just need the pace and cant find it, and we are seeing him acting up, am i disappointed by him, yes, but cut him some slack.
Completely disagree with everything here, by most I mean other places, websites, forums which are better than this one, with members who have far more balanced views than you or I.

Dare I suggest that if these forums are so excellent and have members with more balanced views it may be worth staying there and not allowing others to upset you by questioning Rossi as everytime there is criticism you seem to take a personal affront (yes, a bit pot and kettle there as I am much the same with some riders)

As for balanced views, well I do not like the Rossi persona and have never hidden that, nor tried to hide it but I do find many contributors here to be balanced in their views. Yes this place has a fair share of the 'tainted' or 'biased' views but ALL forums I am on have much the same demographic so if you have found one that does not display bias and is nothing but balanced, awesome, you never know I may already be there or find it and be there soon ;)

With regards to Rossi and his control, I stand by it. In years past he had a more controlled approach and let us be quite honest, in the Biaggi/Gibernau era he was vastly superior so was able to control fully the situation on track and with the media making the others the villains, he was in some way able to control off track as well. In these days there is not 1 but at least 3 or 4 others capable of getting in his way or upsetting his rhythym and as such, he has far less control of the situations today then in yesteryear

I said this is what Rossi is saying about Marc and his tactics, I did not say that was my view-I suggest you read a little better, although I stand by the fact that two of the best riders in the world said that Marc was playing at PI-and I believe them over you or any other keyboard warriors who have a long history of dislike for Valentino Rossi.

Rossi has NOT stated anywhere publically that I have read that Marquez applied 'dirty' tactics and as such I totally read these as your paraphrasing and thus your view.

I did read it, actually read it three times initially and then again just now, still read it exactly the same - you applied the word dirty to paraphrase your views of what Rossi was saying or alleging.

I do further notice that you have left alone the question as to why it is unfair (as claimed) when one rider (Marquez) does a Rossi on Rossi (stays back then runs off into the distance after entertaining himself as alleged to have occur). All good on that front as I will assume you do not see it as unfair (as I do not) and as such really, Rossi is being a sook.

As for the riders comment, both have vested interest to make such a comment.

Rossi for obvious reasons and Ianonne being firstly an Italian and secondly having just been defended by Rossi (rightly) from a range of vitriolic attacks against him by the rabid Rossi fans. Of course Ianonne will support Rossi but it does fly in the face a little of what was said after the race but yes, on watching maybe he got a different impression to that which he had on track

Either way, there are no rules that stipulate that any alleged actions of Marquez were against either the spirit or rules of the race ........ so all legal, above board which means that those complaining really need to build a bridge, suck it up etc

The practice start thing looked a little dangerous to me, obviously designed to rile Jorge and it did, although Jorge has a history of shaking his head at other riders this season. Jorge's comments today about Rossi not being the fastest of the two therefore putting him on the back foot are a little silly too, as Rossi was faster in PI and Motegi, I think this is getting to all of them-much like 2006 feathers are flying

The practice start thing is a dick move ........... there was no need for it at all and really were it done by others I am sure that you would be leading the chorus demanding that they be fined/excluded or penalised in another way.

This year we have seen all sides of Rossi, the good, the indifferent, the happy, the pissed off and now the petulant.

I for one have always seen this and totally expect it from these guys as they are extremely tightly wound balls of intensity who need everything to be balanced and within their immediate control. Upset that applecart and the toys get thrown ............. the applecart has been upset, the dummy spat and the toys thrown.

May the better of the two win the championship and may it not be decided by rough or poor actions of either of the two combatants, and nor may it be decided by the actions of another.
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...No sour grapes though

Wow, i actually vividly remember that commercial even though i haven't seen it for a decade or something haha. The human mind is an incredible thing, isn't it? We've all heard a song that you knew years ago, but hadn't heard for the longest time, and immediately you can easily sing along and recite the lyrics without any thought? That was one of those moments, great find.

Ahh the days when i used to give a .... about American Motorcycle racing... Is that still a televised series?
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Wow, i actually vividly remember that commercial even though i haven't seen it for a decade or something haha. The human mind is an incredible thing, isn't it? We've all heard a song that you knew years ago, but hadn't heard for the longest time, and immediately you can easily sing along and recite the lyrics without any thought? That was one of those moments, great find.

Ahh the days when i used to give a .... about American Motorcycle racing... Is that still a televised series?
You articulated my thoughts exactly!

MotoAmerica is on TV, but it's generally a highlights show. Decently done. This was the first year.
Okay.. Here is my humble opinion on the "Rossi everyone is out to get me conspiracy".

I am George fan, and would prefer to see him win the championship. But with that said, I ride a Yamaha, so I would prefer a Yamaha to win over all other MFG. (Would probably prefer to have a beer with Rossi than George. George doesn't act like he would enjoy a beer or a nice shot.)

So, here is my opinion... Rossi's statements are being blow way out of proportion..

Let me lay down my case for the judges.

First I want to start with that I will argue with anyone that Rossi is in the top 5 all time MotoGP riders. I will leave it to you if you think he is first or fifth, but anyone that has watched MotoGP can't honestly put him much lower than that. Maybe 7th for some..

Second, I think if anyone is under pressure, it is Rossi, and I completely understand why. Rossi is 36 years old, and yes, he has had a GREAT year, but he has to feel that his time is slipping away and this has to be his best and maybe last chance to get his 10th championship and tie the record for the most number of Moto wins. I personally, couldn't imagine the pressure he is going to wake up to Sunday. Knowing that he has 11 point lead, going into the last two races, KNOWING that he has only been the 3rd or 4th fastest bike on the track during the last 4 or 5 races. Knowing two 3rd's will probably lose him the championship.

Lastly, if you are going to be the 3rd or 4th fastest bike on the track, and needed to finish within 1 spot of the guy in second place to ensure you win the championship, what would you say or do to make sure that happens?? If running my mouth to the guy that has a 90% chance to either finish 1st or 2nd, increases the chance of him finishing 1st and not being between me and the guy I have to finish within one spot of.. Well, I would say anything I needed to. The smack I would talk would be epic..

That is all Rossi did. Rossi implanted the fact in MM head that he doesn't want to look like he effected the championship to the masses. Now MM is going to be more likely let them race. YES, he is going to race his balls off to win. BUT, but, is he going to race the same all out for 2nd or 3rd.. I don't think so

Rossi didn't do anything I would not have done to win a championship.

My rant for the night.. Thanks for tuning in..
I agree WVM. The Rossi that showed up to the press conference isn't the same guy. His face; it didn't even look like him. Like Sparrows said, he looked blazed, haha. Rossi on camera is this jovial dude. Not right now. He looks deeply troubled; stressed.

I have a slightly different view on his .... talking. In MMA/Boxing, fighters talk copious amounts of .... on one another, which puts the onus on said .... talker to actually back it up. I think Rossi is just trying to fire himself up even more.

Truth be told, it could backfire. Say this race plays out in a fashion which then requires Rossi to actually win the final race (a scenario which could indeed play out). Now he just stoked the Marquez flame to Chernobyl levels. Smooth move!

Rossi buzzing Lorenzo's Tower probably appeared more dangerous then it actually was. He's being a dick right now, clearly. It was also clear by Lorenzo's reaction that Rossi achieved the desired effect.
Good stuff gentz. Interesting to get such a diverse set of takes. Curious question for the forum, wondering, if Casey Stoner uttered the same accusations as Rossi has, what might be the reaction across the GP fandom?
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Good stuff gentz. Interesting to get such a diverse set of takes. Curious question for the forum, wondering, if Casey Stoner uttered the same accusations as Rossi has, what might be the reaction across the GP fandom?

If Stoner, George, Doohan, Rainey or even (got to love this one) Biaggi would have said the same thing in the twilight of their years, when trying to win a MILE STONE of a championship, I would have made the same excuse for them.

No difference than the smack football player or a boxer/MMA fighter might say before a match. If what you said crosses the mind of your opponent during the race, you accomplished what you set out to do, and now you have an advantage. Small or large as it might be.

Oh.. And George was fast on FP3..