Dorna is ......, what's the point of watching valencia...again? If MM had had a ounce of class he'd have run his own race. His lap times were well within range of Dani and JL, that's where he should have been racing. Had this race finished Dani, MM, JL, VR, or MM, Dani, JL, and VR, Valencia would be an awesome race.
However, a classless a$$hole just ...... the series, Dorna, VR, JL, MM fans and the POINTS leader by playing games because he thinks he deserves to be in the fight but is completely irrelevant in the points. Can you get a bigger ego than that.
I hope and pray every rider on the grid pulls aside in valencia and lets rossi go by unless they are in the points race. We know the classless loosers that are NOT in the points race at honda will not, but regardless Honda, just gave Yamaha the championship a race early, Jorge is the 2015 champ, and no need to watch the race, as it's not going to be a race.
I guess the MM fans can hope MM will drive his bike into VR one more time, see their hero get bitch slapped by the GOAT again. If you can't win, drive your honda into the nearest champ. Honda's new motto.
I can't wait until MM is leading the points again going into the last half of the year, and another little classless bitch that is 5th in the points crashes him out, repeatedly. MM fans will just say that's racing and move on right? HAHAHHA.
Karma's a bitch and MM just ...... karma in the a$$. I would watch Dorna again just to see every rider in the field go at MM like he just did, every year so he never gets another title...that would be justice, imho.