First of all Doc, do your homework buddy. Frick and Frack were two pejorative names created by Kesh. Frack took on the name to mock the insult. (Not sure which is which actually, Frick and Frack had a hilarious debate over which was Frick and which was Frack as no clarification was given.)
Second, the last time I used a Kropo quote to discredit Mick, who had been obtuse, you jumped all over me (though u made no mention of the obtuse bit, and it seems you missed the 'bashing' sequence that led to the Frack username, so let's not get too sentimental here, eh). And that is EXACTLY when the 2nd to last flare up began. All verifiable by time stamps. So...seems to me you boys are doing your part. Don't shoot the messanger homie. Sorry to use another Kropo quote. Love and peace lover, Jum.