Of course they're all ......... You don't get to that place in any competitive sport without having an incredibly narrow focus. When your attention is restricted to training, practice, knowledge of motorcycles, the politics of the sport, dealing with lawyers and agents brokering deals based on how ....... incredibly talented you are - you get an ego the the size of a house and don't end up being a well-rounded person with great social skills. These guys spend their free time, screwing dimwitted umbrella bimbos, playing video games, watching car chase movies and hanging out with other racers who basically want to talk about the same limited few topics. How many of these guys do you think ever read a book (Jane's Gun Recognition Guide doesn't count) that isn't about motorcycles or cars (or great car or motorcycle racers)? If you're surrounded by people who constantly tell you how great you are and almost never tell you when you're wrong, you basically end up being a spoiled kid. I'll bet if you gathered up all the racers in the paddock, you'd be lucky if you found one guy who knew the name of the President of Haiti or even France for that matter.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you man. I don't think these guys are ........, except for a small minority. The guys who stand out as ....... I could name you almost by name to a man (of those's I met and some from reputation): Maladin to top the list. From the current GP grid: Nicky, Dovi, Bradl, Aoyama, Lorenzo, Bautista, Smith, Iannone, Edwards, AEspargaro, Petrucci, Hernandez. All these were very nice to me, and all I've ever read about them were good things about their personality.
Rossi, Marc & Pedrosa, were all nice to me when I met them too (though VR did hobble away and paid me no mind when I asked for an autograph, but I could actually understand). The ....... part for me comes from disregard to fellow competitors. Marc, as nice and go lucky as he seems, had simply put lots of careers and himself in questionable danger (though after he almost took out Pedro and Jlo, that talk somebody surely had with him has made him much more prudent, ie today's passes). Same goes with VR. Pedrosa, he is a special case for me. I really think he was an "......." as a man, though I will admit, I think most came from his manager and mentor. I bet he would be nicer if his coach wasn't telling him that getting ahead also included trying to .... over others with less clout, that meant Nicky. He couldn't with Stoner because the man was simply 2x as good, and Marc is 2x as good with the clout and full backing of the series. But just look at the times his character has been tested. Nicky days, Bridgestone debacle, chatter issues, all the times he has used his clout to whine and eventually get his way.
Btw, all those things you said, I don't see why that would make ........ or ignorants per se. Boning umbrella ....., how does that make anyone dumb. It would make me feel like a genius and a million bucks. President of Haiti is Bob Marley, right?