Gran Premio Motul de la República Argentina 2017

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I was thinking the same thing. The rotor seems to stop wobbling towards the end. Those rotors are meant to withstand the heat and not warp.

I genuinely doubt it is warp in the sense of a warped disk but at the time it was the only word I could come up with, but I was intrigued by the amount of 'play' in the disk and just found it bloody interesting and great footage.

Would be interested to see if similar occurred for others in the same circumstance (hard acceleration on ripple strips).

I must admit and say I watched it on loop for a while and just went ........ wow!

How good is some of the modern camera work and the technology that allows us to see some much more on the bike ............ I am not the greatest in terms of wishing advancement in some technology areas but the sheer capability of today's cameras I am very happy to wish for improvements to the technology
A comparison of the sounds of the 2017 bikes -

The Repsol sounds like my Aunt Augusta's circa 1950s washing machine with a bad bearing.

Ducati sounds like a cheap scooter with a hole punched in the muffler.

Aprilia sounds like a '40s era Cessna flying overhead on a hot Summer day.

KTM sounds like the sump pump in my basement - just before it died.
He is picking Vinales to win the race.
Ugh. That doesn't sound like him, does it? Come on Honda get some Tesla people working on that software or something.

Mandatory flying laps on the hard rears. What if someone sandbags it? Would they really know?
Root Cause Analysis. Look it up. If the tyres were failing on various different bikes then the common denominator is?.........

Take your time.

Overheating is the problem, the soft tread heats up quicker and is best kept fully wet . Have you never seen riders going off line to find standing water to cool their tyres?
Another sport where delamination is common is drifting, those guys overcook their tyres all the time and the same thing happens. Because they are using the tyres outside the operating window.
How you keep failing to understand this simple fact is beyond me.
You take exception to what you consider to be "conspiracy ...." mostly by automatically crying conspiracy theory in the absence of much in the way of arguments, in defence of a rider who himself made huge unproven allegations of malfeasance by a competitor to the world press at large, which he has not withdrawn and in fact still continues to maintain. A few posters on an obscure internet forum forming a view with which you disagree is the bigger problem?. Sure.

The internet remains free, you and your "buddies" can obviously occupy such an internally inconsistent/contradictory position all you like, it is the frequent implication that you somehow occupy the intellectual and moral high ground by rejecting "conspiracy theories" with which I take issue.

No Michael, the one's crying conspiracy are the ones saying 'Special treatment for Rossi ' all the time. Just in this thread because Michelin brought a new tyre it prompted the usual guys to say it was only for Rossi. Yeah it was so specifically made for him that he ended up in 16th place on Friday. In fact the very tyres that suited Rossi have been withdrawn and instead he has a carcass that moves too much and takes away the precise feeling that he is used to.
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Overheating is the problem, the soft tread heats up quicker and is best kept fully wet . Have you never seen riders going off line to find standing water to cool their tyres?
Another sport where delamination is common is drifting, those guys overcook their tyres all the time and the same thing happens. Because they are using the tyres outside the operating window.
How you keep failing to understand this simple fact is beyond me.

Says the man who was arguing earlier in the thread on the basis that Rossi and Lorenzo ran different tyres. The same tyre delaminated for Dovi much earlier in the race, in conditions pretty close to full wet, which you guys keep conveniently ignoring btw.

GP bike racing is not car drifting, and again the notion that riders, or perhaps one rider anyway, the one towards whom you and MV obviously have absolutely no bias, somehow used judgement to ride just below the threshold of delamination, which would require somehow anticipating that delamination was a risk even though this had never happened apart from anything else, is more ridiculous than anything for which you are attempting to take your opponents to task. I leave aside that MV, if not you, argues simultaneously that Lorenzo is both too timid to push in the wet since his crash at Assen 2013 and at fault for the delamination of his tyre in the race under discussion because he pushed too hard. If you want to bring cars into it, as I recall there was an F1 race where they discovered in practice that the Michelin tyres wouldn't stand up to the ambient/track conditions, and the Michelin runners weren't allowed to start rather than leaving it up to the drivers to drive below the tyre failure threshold. At PI 2013 there was a mandatory pit stop when the available tyres could not cope with the ambient conditions, in that case an abrasive newly laid track surface, and this is what should have happened with the Michelin soft wets, either that or their use not being allowed at all, if Michelin anticipated sudden delamination if track conditions got drier, something they fairly obviously didn't anticipate of course, as did no one calling the race live to my knowledge, the only savants to whom such a failure was predictable being you and MV, in your case with the help of that most powerful of visual aids and predictive devices, the retrospectoscope.

Crutchlow was the one who chose hard fronts and rears, the winning choice if you avoided crashing out early in the race when conditions were not suited to the hard front tyre, and he very definitely rode that tyre according to the conditions early in the race and didn't crash out, a fate the only other rider who made that choice failed to avoid. MM was the rider who went soft wets front and rear and somehow got his bike home for third.
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That article backs up nothing. Gouburt tries to blame the riders instead of the actual culprit. We've seen rain tyre run on dry tracks that didn't delaminate.

I don't know why you and MV feel the need to defend Michelin so badly when they've shown themselves consistently in the past to be total ......
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Worth reading this as it confirms what MV and I have been saying.

Yes, we all read that at the time as most of us usually do. Perhaps you should have read it before you argued on the basis of Rossi running a different tyre than Lorenzo. I am perfectly willing to believe that Rossi can adapt his riding to preserve his tyres from wearing or ride well on worn tyres, he has done that all his career, what I am disputing is that he can somehow ride at below the threshold of delamination for a tyre when such delamination was unprecedented, and the tyres which did fail were not showing signs of performance deterioration during the race and leaving the delamination aside didn't show much wear on inspection.

I didn't need to do so, but googled the 2005 US F1 GP, the race which only the Bridgestone shod teams ran. I recalled the pre-race manoueverings including the proprosals to set up a chicane to limit speed in the problematic corner or having mandatory tyre changes after 10 laps, with the tyre rules at the time not allowing tyre changes except for safety seasons, but didn't know that it was Michelin who pulled the plug on their runners, because of concern they would be criminally liable for any accidents and consequent injuries.
Still waiting for an explanation from you or MV for Dovi's tyre delaminating much earlier in the race.

Ducati loading the front more with the winglets possibly. Braking style. It could be a combination of the two.

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