MotoGP: 2015 Round 13 - Gran Premio TIM di San Marino (SPOILERS)

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DORNA, MSMA, FIM...HRC...what's the difference?
Well it's only right u beat me to it after plundering your Silverstone quip. Looks like Mick is in the hair splitting business lately. Looking for a way to wedge himself into threads sounding clever.
Really? I can find hundreds of instances of you replying to things I've said. This is a perfect example. The thing is, your replies never contain anything of substance. It's all insults and STFU etc. Why don't you just stick your fingers in your ears. That's about your speed.

Only after you mention me or us or disrespect people you have already insulted, yes I reply to you. Only after you have hurled enough .... at me do you draw me into your little game. The saddest thing is you will never realize how big of an ....... you really are, because you feel entitled for some ....... reason. Please don't respond and tell me why, because I don't care.
K9 dyslexia, its a little known condition. Some "humans" see: bow wow woof woof into discernable words in English.
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Only after you mention me or us or disrespect people you have already insulted, yes I reply to you. Only after you have hurled enough .... at me do you draw me into your little game. The saddest thing is you will never realize how big of an ....... you really are, because you feel entitled for some ....... reason. Please don't respond and tell me why, because I don't care.

Dub - it works both ways. I don't insult anyone who hasn't insulted me first. So it becomes a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Do you think we could all of us stop baiting and insulting each other simultaneously? And then we could go back to just being a bunch of guys talking about racing. I know I would like that. And I'm guessing - everyone else here would be happy if this nonsense was over. Why don't you discuss this with Jum, JP and Rent Boy?

Of course expressing a desire for all of us to act like reasonable adults will likely get me branded as a "Net Nanny".:rolleyes:

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So it is a flame war over nothing other than you feeling someone hurt your honor on the internet....and you cant drop it or just walk away because you think some people on this forum would think less of you...?

Seriously your life cant be so empty...that you need the approval of those of on an internet forum.....

Migs, I know standards have fallen in the UK, so much so that having an opinion could be considered a subversive act against society and the state...and might be deemed a criminal charge if considered to be offensive.

But that's not the case here, thankfully.

If you don't like what I think, then I gladly invite you to shut the .... up.

Simple isn't it?
Migs, I know standards have fallen in the UK, so much so that having an opinion could be considered a subversive act against society and the state...and might be deemed a criminal charge if considered to be offensive.

But that's not the case here, thankfully.

If you don't like what I think, then I gladly invite you to shut the .... up.

Simple isn't it?

I invite you to have an opinion, but constant trying to bring discussions back to having your little flame war is getting old... and frankly you are not actually helping your own case.....
if you have in issue or you feel abused then report it and move on....
I invite you to have an opinion, but constant trying to bring discussions back to having your little flame war is getting old... and frankly you are not actually helping your own case.....
if you have in issue or you feel abused then report it and move on....

lol, you can easily continue past if you don't like it. I suggest doing that.
Migs, I know standards have fallen in the UK, so much so that having an opinion could be considered a subversive act against society and the state...and might be deemed a criminal charge if considered to be offensive.

But that's not the case here, thankfully.

JPS, I take your point about the emergent nanny state culture in the UK - and the fact that we are the most surveyed nation in the world, but although you have always prided yourself on your 'liberty' you are also a nation in which 45% of the populace are creationists, and around the same number go through life without even owning a passport. Hardly what I'd call either enlightened or free.

I'm being facetious of course, but it has always struck me when I visit, ironically, how anglicised (Migs Anglicised ...see what I did there?) ...sorry, how anglicised parts of the Eastern Seaboard are compared with your Western counterparts.
JPS, I take your point about the emergent nanny state culture in the UK - and the fact that we are the most surveyed nation in the world, but although you have always prided yourself on your 'liberty' you are also a nation in which 45% of the populace are creationists, and around the same number go through life without even owning a passport. Hardly what I'd call either enlightened or free.

I'm being facetious of course, but it has always struck me when I visit, ironically, how anglicised (Migs Anglicised ...see what I did there?) ...sorry, how anglicised parts of the Eastern Seaboard are compared with your Western counterparts.

If given the choice of the two places, where would you rather live?
omg - i can't...hahahahahahahaha

RIP Rent Boy. Good thing you quoted Him Sparrow. He came and went so quickly some may claim he never existed. All record of him has been vaporized.
I guess the mods didnt like anominity despite every user here being anonymous. So what did we learn today powersliders. Pages upon pages of .... yourself, I hope you die and your mother was a whore is perfectly acceptable but having a little harmless and innocent fun is off limits.
Geonerd definitely does not like this
If given the choice of the two places, where would you rather live?

I first started school in Ontario and we used to cross the border to visit upstate New York - The Finger Lakes, which I remember very fondly. I'm also familiar with many parts of New England.

If I had to choose though, the answer would lie far in the West ... Bakersfield, on account of my crystal meth addiction and penchant for banging crack whores.
RIP Rent Boy. Good thing you quoted Him Sparrow. He came and went so quickly some may claim he never existed. All record of him has been vaporized.
I guess the mods didnt like anominity despite every user here being anonymous. So what did we learn today powersliders. Pages upon pages of .... yourself, I hope you die and your mother was a whore is perfectly acceptable but having a little harmless and innocent fun is off limits.
Geonerd definitely does not like this

The record reflects that it was not he who drew First Blood.


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