MotoGP: 2015 Round 13 - Gran Premio TIM di San Marino (SPOILERS)

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Jum, settle down bud. Your throwing hand grenades on the good work you've done to revive this place. This place has always been a, probably best not to encourage that even more with the same old .... you can't prove, otherwise most of us will once again just 'take the piss' instead of taking part, and the tumbleweeds will be all that's left keeping Kesh company again.

Talps, this place when I joined was first and foremost a very strong pro-Rossi forum as were many forums of the time because Rossi was the dominant force in the sport and it has remained a relatively strong pro-Rossi forum. It did distinctly have a small but vocal level of juvenile or puerile anti-Rossi sentiment throughout 2007 as the likes of Pinky and CSCVAW etc appeared and then disappeared (Pinky to his ladyboy websites and CSCVAW probably back under the rock).

But throughout there has also been a very strong bias against riders who have challenged Rossi as well but this place did never get to the levels of some forums whereby Rossi could not and cannot be questioned, queried or even criticised (this has returned in some forums today).

Despite some opinion to the contrary as well, I do not think that this place (with the previous exceptions mentioned) ever really became a 'pro' forum for any rider short of a commentators personal rider bias and certainly this place was far more cordial to opposing opinions than were most.

You may feel that it has been but as is usual I do have a distinctly different recollection of many years and it should be remembered that criticism or querying does not equate to hating.

What about the race you bunch of narcissistic .....??!!!! :D:D

Was there a race?

That's right .............. was taxis at Sanddown
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Stop trying to drag Migs down to your level Kesh. Yes, Migs and I have had our disagreements, but he knows where to draw the line. You on the other hand feel it your duty to tell parents what a ...... job they're doing FACT. You turn every thread into your personal affirmation machine pointing out our shortcomings and how we dont deserve to post here. Who is next on your censure list? Go ahead and tell Arrabi how tired you are of him making jokes about BM's bestiality you ..... Oh yeah, you dont have the balls, you talked .... when we were on our hiatus (the real kind). Today its the gang-of-three, proud u snitched on Manatee? haha tomorrow who else? Take a HIATUS, a real one, and reflect what demons you need to make peace with. Seriously, get medical help. Stop using the forum as your morphine.

Edit: in my defense, I was writing this before I saw Talps call to get back on topic. Haha

A. Show me any publically made statement where I said anything about anyone's parenting and I'll give you $1.000.00. You keep referring to this incident but it only happened in your fevered imagination. If you have any integrity then stop gossiping about and blowing out of proportion a private incident that you were not privy to.

B. And puhleeeeze.... lay off the snitches ..... We're adults here not a bunch of illiterate, poser-ass, bandanna wearing, tattooed drop-out, teenage gangsta wannabees from Compton. Grow up already. JKD got 86'd years ago because he made a point of rubbing the administrator's face in it. You know "I fought the law and the law won". He asked for it. Came back, acted like a ....... again, and then once more. Nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to be an ........ He'd been warned by the moderators and he childishly forced their hand, and has to accept responsibility for his own actions. Tough .....

And lastly - what went between Barry and Arrib was totally silly ..... Nobody took it seriously. Arrib never stooped to the kind of malicious fabrications that you and JKD have. Arrib never tried to convince new PS members to shun Barry by convincing them that he'd actually had sex with sheep. And nobody was so hypocritical as to denounce Barry for giving as good as he got.

You love to see yourself as the self-appointed arbiter of what is and what isn't acceptable around here and always whine and turn vicious and contrive fake moral outrage about things you couldn't give a .... about in lame attempts to vilify me when things aren't going your way. You can dish it out but can't take the same.

I'm not addicted to conflict. I don't need to have this conversation - but you keep dragging it out. So if as you claim - you're the better man. Put an end to it. Not asking you own up to your ..... Just simply stop. Everybody with an IQ over 60 is bored with this.
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Is this Kesh/Jum exchange a bot?
.... me, they've become sophisticated. Seems only yesterday they just tried to sell you kitchens and offer links to live streams...
Is this Kesh/Jum exchange a bot?
.... me, they've become sophisticated. Seems only yesterday they just tried to sell you kitchens and offer links to live streams...

Whatever happened to penis enlargement pills as a bot as well

Point taken. If you all are bored with this and want it to stop - voice your opinion. Tell Jum, Lotus and Dub (and me) that - no judgement made - you would like it to end.

I assume your penises are big enough already - so say something. If everybody says how sick they are of this - I give my word - I will not be the first to provoke the continuation of this tiresome flame war. On the other hand - I predict that as long as these three think you all are entertained or impressed by this - it will go on until this becomes another Crashnet.
Point taken. If you all are bored with this and want it to stop - voice your opinion. Tell Jum, Lotus and Dub (and me) that - no judgement made - you would like it to end.

I assume your penises are big enough already - so say something. If everybody says how sick they are of this - I give my word - I will not be the first to provoke the continuation of this tiresome flame war. On the other hand - I predict that as long as these three think you all are entertained or impressed by this - it will go on until this becomes another Crashnet.

Kesh and others,

IMO only but between ALL involved things have gotten far out of hand and it does seem to have become somewhat of a 'pissing contest' which is detracting somewhat from this thread and also the valid posts that have been lost in amongst the back and forth of the contest.

May be best if all involved took a small chill pill (as opposed to a blue pill) and accepted that opinions differ and some comments have seemingly been misunderstood or misconstrued

I say 'smokem da peace pipe' and wait to next race or start a separate thread

Sorry if that seems harsh but really it may be time to build the bridge for all concerned

BTW, no offence intended to any combatant either
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Kesh, stop trying to appeal for sympathy, take responsibility for your own actions, be a man for once in your life.

Gaz, what Kesh did there was try to transfer responsibility off of himself and on to you. And frankly you fell for it. He could have just as easily exited the discussion, but no, the snake appealed for sympathy to give himself a pass. Be a man for once Kesh, you chicken .... weasel.
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Fixed it for you.
You see Gaz, you wasted your appeal, this weasel was never going to keep his word. He hasn't yet kept his word so why would you think he would now? Read his conniving appeal again. He just said if YOU call for peace he will shut the .... up. (He will interprete it differently now that im pointing it out). There is no end to this .....
Point taken. If you all are bored with this and want it to stop - voice your opinion. Tell Jum, Lotus and Dub (and me) that - no judgement made - you would like it to end.

I assume your penises are big enough already - so say something. If everybody says how sick they are of this - I give my word - I will not be the first to provoke the continuation of this tiresome flame war. On the other hand - I predict that as long as these three think you all are entertained or impressed by this - it will go on until this becomes another Crashnet.

Well Gaz just told you to shut the .... up. Now lets see you keep your word. Or did you expect "everybody" to do your bidding?

You just said in this post you give your word you "will not be the first to provoke the continuation" of this flame war! It took you all but seconds to continue the flame war.

Gaz please tell me you see what just happened. He got you involved. Now you're on the hook. You tell me what just happened here. That is exactly tbe spineless person you are dealing with.

Kesh, you shameless vermin. Not even the decency to keep others out of it and swindling them to get involved.
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Point taken. If you all are bored with this and want it to stop - voice your opinion. Tell Jum, Lotus and Dub (and me) that - no judgement made - you would like it to end.

I assume your penises are big enough already - so say something. If everybody says how sick they are of this - I give my word - I will not be the first to provoke the continuation of this tiresome flame war. On the other hand - I predict that as long as these three think you all are entertained or impressed by this - it will go on until this becomes another Crashnet.

Well hello again. I see you choose to speak of me after I choose to not respond to you yet again. Just figured I'd point that out.
Mdub, Kesh wanted you to stop the flame war for him. Now he appealed to Gaz to stop the flame war for him. Kesh doesn't seem to understand that he can stop it himself by shutting the hell up.

But I have an idea of how you and gaz can help kesh stop the flame war. kesh give us your login credentials. When he posts the login credentials go ahead and log into his account change the password so that he doesn't know it and then this way he won't be able to post. Then he will achieve his goal of stopping the flame war with your help. Because apparently he doesn't know how to stop himself from talking .....
Kesh, stop trying to appeal for sympathy, take responsibility for your own actions, be a man for once in your life.

Gaz, what Kesh did there was try to transfer responsibility off of himself and on to you. And frankly you fell for it. He could have just as easily exited the discussion, but no, the snake appealed for sympathy to give himself a pass. Be a man for once Kesh, you chicken .... weasel.

No mate I did not fall for it .............. but rather I decided to express the fact that it has gotten out of hand and really is or has become a pissing contest of the highest regard between ALL involved and frankly is tedious and reflecting poorly on all concerned.

Well Gaz just told you to shut the .... up. Now lets see you keep your word. Or did you expect "everybody" to do your bidding?

You just said in this post you give your word you "will not be the first to provoke the continuation" of this flame war! It took you all but seconds to continue the flame war.

No jums, I asked ALL to basically shut it on the subject within this topic or take it to it's own thread somewhere.

ALL is not Kesh alone.
No mate I did not fall for it .............. but rather I decided to express the fact that it has gotten out of hand and really is or has become a pissing contest of the highest regard between ALL involved and frankly is tedious and reflecting poorly on all concerned.
I do not believe you would have made this appeal had it not been for Keshav asking you to get involved. You had plenty of opportunities to make the point but did so exactly and coincidentally after his appeal to sympathy. No shame in falling for it. You can try to save face but I'm not buying it Gaz.

You don't think Keshav could have just shut up and achieved the same goal he was appealing for? Of course he could have, but has been trying to get others to do the work he is unwilling to do for himself.

Keep in mind Gaz the only person here who has self-appointed himself self-proclaimed custodian to clear the forum from this type of flame wars is the one at the center of the shitstorms every time! So if you're going to appeal at least do it with some specificity and call ........ on the shameless weasel.
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Jums, to put it simply ............. yes I would have as I have had a similar message typed many times as the pissing contest has raged from thread to thread and so on to the point where entire threads are ruined because various people take issue with others for failing to dot an i or cross a t, or perhaps it is because one wears g-string underwear whilst another prefers boxes

Don't believe me?

Personally I coudn't care as it is the internet and our opinions and thoughts are like ........ ............ we all have them and of course anyone opposed to my thought is wrong, as is anyone opposed to your thoughts.

I come here to discuss racing and riders not to see places degrade to crash like levels of arguments that go rounds faster than a rear wheel at a burn out.
No jums, I asked ALL to basically shut it on the subject within this topic or take it to it's own thread somewhere.

ALL is not Kesh alone.

Does "all" include Kesh? Because he just said HE would shut up if you asked. I made no such offer. Has he shut up Gaz? (See the time stamp for post 388) He just gave you his word, did he keep it Gaz? The last three major thread have been destroyed by Kesh. Your appeal reminds me of the school master telling those that have to suffer the bully to ALL behave.
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Does "all" include Kesh? Because he just said HE would shut up if you asked. I made no such offer. Has he shut up Gaz? (See the time stamp for post 388) He just gave you his word, did he keep it Gaz?

Jums, now it is you playing words.

Lets go back, I address Kesh and others do I not?

Read that how you will
Jums, now it is you playing words.l

That why I used quotes. So there wouldn't be a play on words.

Lets go back, I address Kesh and others do I not?

Read that how you will

Well then once you "addressed Kesh" then he was obliged as he had made the commitment to shut up. Him and only him. He didn't keep his word, and I pointed this out to you. Whats the play on words? These are quotes!

Lets see if you achieved anything by getting involved with Keshav's appeal then. He shouldn't be bothering anybody with posting .... since he committed to shutting the hell up thanks to your appeal. Quite simple, lets not make this complicated. Either way, if you achieve in getting Kesh to shut the .... up we thank you. :)
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