As I thought I said, if Lorenzo had to explain to Dovi after the race what their agreement was then there fairly obviously wasn't any agreement with Dovi.
I am doing what I always do, attempting to sift evidence both ways, with a pre-existing prejudice in favour of Lorenzo of course which I will forsake as the evidence accumulates, which I am fairly close to doing now.
On this occasion the anti-Lorenzo view is the Nick Harris/Krop/DORNA narrative was all I was saying, but of course even they can be speaking the truth on occasion.
I'm not sure how Dorna figures in here.
Though I agree that Krops/Dorna (and Harris) by virtue of being Rossi-centric have historically been "anti-Lorenzo" in their view, I don’t particularly think this narrative applies with what we witnessed from Lorenzo.
I've given Lorenzo much props throughout the years, particularly this season at Ducati; but I see his behavior the last two races as an affront to Dovi, and thus I cannot stomach. Dovi is not cut from the same cloth as most of the characters in MotoGP, he far more special as a man than a rider. For Lorenzo to treat Dovi in this way, in the most important and fluid moment of his professional career, is unforgivable. As I said, Lorenzo rode the last two races as if it was a foregone conclusion that the championship was already decided (to my amazement, mirroring much of the sentiment expressed on the forum by supposed members who "understand" that it's not over until it's over.) The greatest example of this being true about sport is the 2006 championship, which if you care to scroll back, was a similar sentiment expressed here back then. The miraculous was pulled off, because it was possible. But lots of things have to go right and wrong, in this case, as I've said repeatedly, Pedrosa thumbed the balance in Marc's favor, Lorenzo decidedly thumbed the scale 'against' Dovi.
Go back and read the stuff people are posting here, including Lorenzo's pre-event statement, much of it follows this defeatist sentiment: well Marc isn't going to crash, a mechanical is more likely but lighting won't strike twice, he almost did crash! Well Dovi wasn't going win, even my friend Arrabi, whose opinion I consider as close to the Word of God, suggesting Pedrosa's race was inconsequential when asked to comment on Honda team orders. Inconsequential? The man sat comfortably back between Marc and the Ducatis for .... sake, then challenged for the win immediately after Marc went through the gravel! That's exactly what Marc needed to happen in case he lost concentration for a '2nd' time and crashed out! Then there's people saying, Dovi didn’t have the pace to win, he looked tired, Lorenzo owns Valencia (except Jlo won at bunch of other tracks over the years, yet was .... at all of them this year). WTF am I reading here? If Zarco and Pedrosa have contact (not unlikely considering Zarco) then Dovi is suddenly in the lead! At that point "pace" means .... all. These are statement from solid members saying basically Dovi didn’t have a chance, EXCEPT that's absolutely wrong. That's the nature of a hail mary, miracle, snowball's chance in hell, etc. It may not have been pulled off, we already know it was unlikely, it's a stupid thing to repeat this when considering what 'might have happened'. Because when it does, like 2006, it reminds us that all that .... stacked against it means on occasion the Nicky Hayden's of the world, the Leicester City's of the world, the 1980 US Olympic hockey teams of the world can pull it off when everything goes right. Lorenzo could have quite possibly been that tiny butterfly that tipped the scale against Dovi, the good guy of the paddock who deserved at very least to be treated by his teammate as Marc was served by his.
You may not care for Mdub's opinion on several matters, but he was spot on in this thread regarding Jorge's absurd claim of "knowing" Dovi's pace who was directly behind him in real time ( laughably people agreeing here with Lorenzo's real time assessment, note, some of these same people also "knew" Lorenzo pulled over at Malaysia). But, I couldn't say it better myself and that is: Lorenzo had no ....... way of "knowing" what Dovi was experiencing behind him, to claim so afterwards is "sick"! Considering the context too, as Lorenzo viewed his pit board several laps "Dovi +0", later becoming "-1 neon arrow down", meanwhile his dash was lighting up like a Christmas tree, hey ......., pull the .... over' for Lorenzo to then turn around and say he thought he was "helping Dovi" and worse "knowing" he was towing is "sick"!
I had similar thought to yourself Mike, as I watched in dismay, the only explanation I could figure was that they had a previous agreement. I thought ok, maybe Dovi and Jlo talked about a strategy, like in distance running, I'll be the rabbit, then you can pounce. But post race almost immediately it became clear, Lorenzo had not helped Dovi, he had not helped Dovi at Malaysia either, but rather the reality came into focus; Lorenzo tried to assert himself selfishly for position to save what has been a season long failure. He raced like many of these guys do at Valencia who have had a .... season, they see it as their last opportunity to salvage something. In Lorenzo's case, to assert himself in a team that he's been thoroughly whipped, knowing they signed him to lead the project, but up until then had been an abject failure! I said it before on this thread and it bears repeating, if you compare Rossi and Lorenzo's first year stint at Ducati Lorenzo comes off looking far far worse. Rossi's teammate didn't go winning 6 races to his 0. Lorenzo is desperate, selfish, and unfortunately perceived the championship to be over.
I would think we all know enough about world and how sophisticated organizations go into PR damage control when an employee goes rogue. We see it played out in real life all the time, yet we're supposed to swallow the ........ Ducati is dishing, don't believe what your eyes saw people, "trust me". No, I haven’t heard that before this year.
If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.