I don't believe Marquez to be a dirty rider, he is hard and aggressive but other than his rookie year I don't remember any *valid* complaints about him being dirty. Iannone is probably the most dangerous man on the grid but I don't see him as dirty either just as Gaz said somewhat maniacal on his approach(though I believe him when he said he wasn't trying to pass Dovi and I give him a pass for the Lorenzo crash for no other reason than Lorenzo was going just way slower than anyone expected and it wa terrible timing when he came up to Lorenzo.).
Rossi however is dirty IMO and we don't need to rehash old stuff as to why he is.
This is spot on. Alvaro Bautista used to crash and take out riders on Suzuki like they were giving him 72 virgins for it. Randy DePuniet used to crash so much that a Crashy Thread would have 'crashed' the forum. Dirty? No. Words have meaning (despite this being a foreign concept for Vudu). But 'dirty' means you use a Machiavellian tactic during the act of racing. In this regard, Rossi is head and shoulders the dirtiest rider in the paddock. There is no debate. He's played with riders when knowing he's had the better pace.
I was talking to a friend regarding his now overly debated pass on Lorenzo. We all agree the pass was within GP standards--if viewed through the lense of good faith racing, which I will content included another Rossi-esk aspect; notwithstanding, the reason it became contentious was because Lorenzo recognized it was a bit of Rossi needle.
What rider in the paddock is recognized for employing 'HEAD GAMES'? Can you name him?
But since Sepang 15 Rossi has suddenly campaigned that his leopard spots were all a mirage, supposedly he's just a honest, straight up, good faith racer. His fans, who had previously lauded his capacity to play around to submit his 'weaker' fellow competitors with psychological manipulation and on-track superiority to mind .... his competition, suddenly decided Rossi's racing and conduct is of 'good faith'--no head games at play. 15 years of reputation for Machiavellian head games turned into Mother Teresa-esk honest racing for position! Rossi was just racing for position, Marquez was using DIRTY toying with Rossi. Unbelievable.
Rossi employed a bit of needle on his pass on Lorenzo. Rossi needed to make a statement, at his home GP against a guy he hates. Rossi is many things, ruthlessness is a big part of his nature. He hasn't changed his spots. He holds grudges, this has been abundantly clear. He's admitted it just a few weeks ago, according to him he's paid too much for not letting it go. He hates Lorenzo more than Marquez, because Lorenzo has the audacity to openly call ........ on him. Marquez doesn't do this, he is still a snot nosed kid, happy go lucky, with a .... smile, that races with enthusiasm. Despite his transgressions, like the above examples, they are not malicious. Rossi makes moves on track and says things off it for malicious intended, trying to use his popularity as a weapon. It's work often. No other rider has produced an illustrious list of villains.
Rossi is not only DIRTY, but he's a bitch to boot. Whining and crying the first time he got a tiny taste of his own medicine. Mommy Media, Marquez raced me too hard. Dirty chickenshit!
If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.