Lizard Man...I'm actually laughing at that, its pretty funny.
Seriously though "the heat" as you put it isnt getting to me at all.
I'm quite a laid back guy and I'm feeling pretty laid back right now
Seriously though it really does seem like one case for Rossi and a different set of rules for the others.
I like Rossi, I have been a fan for ages how can you not admire the guy?
Not many ppl as skillful come along very often and the motorcycle world is seriously blessed to have someone this good still riding.
I do feel however that this has gone to his head just a wee bit.
Rossi did screw up big time at Laguna I don't care what anyone says, he was very very lucky, he did not deliberately run across the dirt and if he or anyone else says he did it on purpose is full of .....
Yeah Casey did get hot under the collar after that but its up to the rider coming back onto the track to give way not the guys who didnt screw up and run off it.
Anyway Laguna was a long time ago and regardless what the individual view point is it provided awsome entertainment regardless of who you go for.
As far as PI Rossi was the only one quoted in the Courier mail and regardless of how you look at it Rossi was beaten by the conditions and the other riders. The conditions where just the same for everyone and he can't blame a crap bike and well the injury thing he seems to be handling that just fine now doesn't he?
And if I recall did I see Rossi get a bit cranky at a back marker for blocking him?
Isn't this the same thing Casey got a roasting for on this forum previously?
Interesting how no one bagged Rossi for that one.
He did do a great job getting to where he did and for the record I think the move he pulled on Nicky was fair and that the only thing Nicky didn't do was give Rossi a written invitation (I was actually going for Nicky as well).
Anyway just my opinion
Lizard Man