^^^ all the loony boppers are sulking now hahaha. Well enjoy the rest of the season. You will be ...... next season because you only know how to sing one song.
...., Rog, you're staring to sound just like Nino - stupidly simplistic and 100% wrong.
I'm probably one of Jum's 'NeoBoppers,' right? Well, I don't feel '......' in any way. I'll miss watching Stoner and will lament the decay of the series that he departure exemplifies, but I'm not going to sit around and piss and moan about it all. I'll keep watching, because I also enjoy watching J-Lo, Pie Dude, and all the others go at it. So long as there is decent racing, I'll enjoy watching. If/when the hardware becomes a steaming joke (I'm with Pov, and feel it's headed inexorably in that general direction), then I'll probably lose a great deal of interest.
I honestly think that people like you - instinctive 'joiners,' who latch onto a favorite personality to worship - simply cannot comprehend that others are
not motivated by similar emotional needs. You see yourself losing interest when your Hero leaves the sport, and assume that all other MotoGP fans will do the same. Pull your finger out, please, us introverts don't work that way. As a general rule, we just aren't prone to developing (bizarre) emotional attachments and Hero Complex crushes with people we've never even met!
In short, you don't have a ....... clue why I watch, yet that doesn't stop you from leaping to some inane conclusion that "I'll be ......" without Stoner around. Yep, that's Nino-class logic at work...