Still can't explain eh?
Minor events?.......the guy accused Rossi of lining up for a tow, then followed these accusations with a remarkably egotistical comment on how this non-existent tow that he gave Rossi was the only reason Rossi got a good time, even though Rossi had been posting similar laps all session.......
Then he went on to call him a dog 'following behind'.......
Impolite is the largest understatement I've read for a while.......and all of this after he must have seen the footage, clearly Stoner has something wrong with him.
Of note is how you can just brush aside deliberately inflammatory behavior like this from Stoner of which he created in his head, yet you spend all of time still fuming over an accident that happened 4 weeks ago, of which was not deliberate, for which Stoner received a personal apology, only to throw it back with more ....... comments. Not only this, your justifying idiotic delusional behavior by continuing to cite this accident as an excuse for Stoner to act however he wants
Not only do you not provide any ration for this behavior, you then try to cite Rossi's History with previous rivals, which was completely irrelevant to the point, as a convenient way to dodge and blur the issue to the point of ignorance.
And they say boppers are delusional, extremely bias, hypocritical and elitist........
Stoner is cementing his status as the no 1 cockhead in Motogp, which quite obviously doesn't do him any favors as we all watched his teamate flog him, and the field, yesterday on a circuit which neither of them particularly like or have excelled at so you can't use the 'Its not a Stoner Track' I said before, the Stoner we all know was always hiding right under the surface just itching to come out
As a hypothetical, imagine the reaction if Rossi accused someone of an imaginary tow, and went on the comment and abuse like Stoner did......... OMG, this site would crash for sure.......!