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guys on this site seem to want rossi to fix it. no?
Are you saying it would not behoove him to do so?
guys on this site seem to want rossi to fix it. no?
If Jlo wants to stop getting booed maybe he should get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness for the thumbs down, zip the lip, and all his other crap instead of waiting for Rossi to try to fix it. It's not Rossi who did that stuff. It's Jlo himself and he keeps egging it on. (no. not by beating rossi, but by the multiple zip the lip stuff).
He gave a little "it was wrong" but that obviously wasn't enough.
JLo is a cock. Simple. Its been documented that he is basically not a nice person, and at one point, had to hire someone to make him more likeable. Says it all really.
The PERVERSION of equity, justice, decency, and perspective continues.
You guys following Rossi's lead to villainize yet another rider is not only typical but part of an infamous tradition. It's not a coincidence the most hated men in MotoGP are the guys Rossi has pointed out to be hated. The Yellow Hordes, in true cult fashion are subject to such eerie mind control. Lorenzo bad!
But moreover, the perversion of fairness is quite fascinating. For those of you justifying your hate for Lorenzo, consider Lorenzo was rightful giving Rossi the thumbs down on a podium Rossi had no business being on. Lorenzo's expression of disapproval was warranted! Why do I use the word 'perversion'? Because you guys target one of the few men who publicly expressed the appropriate response to a man who had just deliberately crashed out a fellow competitor. That is something all you guys should disapprove of and applaud Lorenzo for having the courage to express it publicly! For those of you who think Lorenzo had nothing to do with it, your perversion of perspective has blinded you to the fact Lorenzo has everything to do with it by virtue of lining up on the grid next to a man who used violence to eliminate a fellow competitor--Lorenzo is an interval member of that fraternity! In fact he is the current face of it by virtue of being the Champion. It's why there are 'safety meetings' with multiple riders, because they are ALL invested.
The thumbs down was an appropriate response! And frankly, you guys are booing the wrong person. But your perversion of what is fair-minded is so upside down irrational that the perpetrator has become the victim! Exactly like the so called 'lap of honor' which was quite the contrary! If anything it was a lap of DISHONOR, like a convicted criminal serving out his sentence. Why was he in that position? How is this significant point being lost?
The fact Rossi cruised around in 4th was because of his dishonorable meltdown where he took matters in his own hand, judge, jury, executioner to a crime that only existed in his head! His response was a violent act. You guys with your perverse 'indignation' over the thumbs down gesture don't realize that is appropriate towards a man who had just disregarded all the principles of fair play. He put a contestant on the ground on a hot track. (Oh I know you guys think Marquez crashed himself out, he must had appeared on the dirty edge of the track magically.)
The fascinating aspect of it is that you guys express a sense of justice, pointing out how undignified was the thumbs down gesture. It is tantamount to you seeing a bully push an innocent person onto the street with incoming traffic. A fellow spectator on the sidewalk sees what the bully has done and flips him the middle finger, and you guys are going ballistic with the spectator for being undignified?
Yet this is exactly what you're doing! Oh, Lorenzo is the worst person on earth for flipping the finger to a bully who just pushed a guy onto incoming traffic. Uhm, no indignation for the bully? What the .... is going on in that head that this would remotely seem right to you guys?
Oh, but you guys are convinced the injured party is Rossi because he said he was "disrespected" by Lorenzo. Wait wait, he gave Rossi the thumbs down because he had just deliberately crashed out a fellow rider (of which Lorenzo is invested) at the same venue many of you guys shed crocodile tears for Rossi's friend? In what ....... universe does this remotely make sense?
Rossi not only deserves the thumbs down, he deserves the getting the middle finger, and told to .... off for crashing out a fellow competitor. What he deserved most was a 6 month ban, at very minimum. But the perversion is he us cheered and loved. He's done nothing wrong. Only the men on the grid with the courage to point out what a ...... thing Rossi did are the bad guys. No wonder there are no "journalists" or paddock members to call Rossi out, they're all to scared of the perverted Yellow Hordes. Like all real Emporers, they are immune from human decency. They can put humans in harms way and be loved for it.
Content Warning: Look ....... (.)(.)
The tires have caused major problems for riders, therefore it's rather naive to believe there are not winners and losers in terms of tire performance. Pedrosa has so far been the most adversely effected, and he has said as much. The peculiarities of the Michelin being brought to the venues are inconsistent and if it has effected Pedrosa, it also means it has presented Marquez with a challenge. All the top riders have had DNFs, so no it is NOT a unique problem for HONDA.The tires are what they are and everybody is riding them. I think without Marquez, Honda would be sitting here today with zero wins and languishing in points..Pedrosa being 4th in points is VERY misleading, he is about 7th in raw performance. The Honda is a turd that does nothing well compared to the Ducati and Yamaha.They should be embarrassed .
Lorenzo apologies for the thumbs down thing. Rossi has not apologised for a single thing his actions have caused. And to say he cannot fix it, again I disagree. His 'Fans' wanted Iannone's head on a stick after PI last year until Rossi told them not to.
I'd love to be able to just enjoy the sport without the hatred for any of the riders and all the other ........ that's going on just now. Unfortuantely with the cheering of crashing riders and such like, it's taken a bit of enjoyment out of motogp just now.Why not just enjoy the sport? Seriously!
The PERVERSION of equity, justice, decency, and perspective continues.
You guys following Rossi's lead to villainize yet another rider is not only typical but part of an infamous tradition. It's not a coincidence the most hated men in MotoGP are the guys Rossi has pointed out to be hated. The Yellow Hordes, in true cult fashion are subject to such eerie mind control. Lorenzo bad!
But moreover, the perversion of fairness is quite fascinating. For those of you justifying your hate for Lorenzo, consider Lorenzo was rightful giving Rossi the thumbs down on a podium Rossi had no business being on. Lorenzo's expression of disapproval was warranted! Why do I use the word 'perversion'? Because you guys target one of the few men who publicly expressed the appropriate response to a man who had just deliberately crashed out a fellow competitor. That is something all you guys should disapprove of and applaud Lorenzo for having the courage to express it publicly! For those of you who think Lorenzo had nothing to do with it, your perversion of perspective has blinded you to the fact Lorenzo has everything to do with it by virtue of lining up on the grid next to a man who used violence to eliminate a fellow competitor--Lorenzo is an interval member of that fraternity! In fact he is the current face of it by virtue of being the Champion. It's why there are 'safety meetings' with multiple riders, because they are ALL invested.
The thumbs down was an appropriate response! And frankly, you guys are booing the wrong person. But your perversion of what is fair-minded is so upside down irrational that the perpetrator has become the victim! Exactly like the so called 'lap of honor' which was quite the contrary! If anything it was a lap of DISHONOR, like a convicted criminal serving out his sentence. Why was he in that position? How is this significant point being lost?
The fact Rossi cruised around in 4th was because of his dishonorable meltdown where he took matters in his own hand, judge, jury, executioner to a crime that only existed in his head! His response was a violent act. You guys with your perverse 'indignation' over the thumbs down gesture don't realize that is appropriate towards a man who had just disregarded all the principles of fair play. He put a contestant on the ground on a hot track. (Oh I know you guys think Marquez crashed himself out, he must had appeared on the dirty edge of the track magically.)
The fascinating aspect of it is that you guys express a sense of justice, pointing out how undignified was the thumbs down gesture. It is tantamount to you seeing a bully push an innocent person onto the street with incoming traffic. A fellow spectator on the sidewalk sees what the bully has done and flips him the middle finger, and you guys are going ballistic with the spectator for being undignified?
Yet this is exactly what you're doing! Oh, Lorenzo is the worst person on earth for flipping the finger to a bully who just pushed a guy onto incoming traffic. Uhm, no indignation for the bully? What the .... is going on in that head that this would remotely seem right to you guys?
Oh, but you guys are convinced the injured party is Rossi because he said he was "disrespected" by Lorenzo. Wait wait, he gave Rossi the thumbs down because he had just deliberately crashed out a fellow rider (of which Lorenzo is invested) at the same venue many of you guys shed crocodile tears for Rossi's friend? In what ....... universe does this remotely make sense?
Rossi not only deserves the thumbs down, he deserves the getting the middle finger, and told to .... off for crashing out a fellow competitor. What he deserved most was a 6 month ban, at very minimum. But the perversion is he us cheered and loved. He's done nothing wrong. Only the men on the grid with the courage to point out what a ...... thing Rossi did are the bad guys. No wonder there are no "journalists" or paddock members to call Rossi out, they're all to scared of the perverted Yellow Hordes. Like all real Emporers, they are immune from human decency. They can put humans in harms way and be loved for it.
Content Warning: Look ....... (.)(.)
Rossi used his machine as a weapon to deliberately crash out a rider, the attack was violence. He looked over at his target, made deliberate control inputs to his machine both position and acceleration to put a fellow competitor in harms way. In racing this can be literally deadly! There is no debate except the perversion of the brain to insist that it wasn't dangerous, or Marquez crashed himself out (as insane as that is) or that it was justified (perhaps the most insane position).Without wanting to go into the whole thing again -beatingadeadhorse.com , this forum is THE only place where people insist that the Sepang thing was an act of violence, IT WAS NOT!! Enough said. You and others on here have an unreal hatred for one of the best people to race in GP ever conspiracy theories, cheating etc etc.
Why not just enjoy the sport? Seriously!
If you were to tally in magnitude the hate for riders in two columns, on one side Lorenzo on the other Rossi, which would have a greater sum?I'd love to be able to just enjoy the sport without the hatred for any of the riders and all the other ........ that's going on just now. Unfortuantely with the cheering of crashing riders and such like, it's taken a bit of enjoyment out of motogp just now.
Rossi used his machine as a weapon to deliberately crash out a rider, the attack was violence. He looked over at his target, made deliberate control inputs to his machine both position and acceleration to put a fellow competitor in harms way. In racing this can be literally deadly! There is no debate except the perversion of the brain to insist that it wasn't dangerous, or Marquez crashed himself out (as insane as that is) or that it was justified (perhaps the most insane position).
You probably cheer for athletes that have used dubious means to get ahead. Nothing about Rossi’s undeserved "accomplishments" beyond that point are legitimate. That is why I refuse to recognize any wins or podiums or any points he is gifted, he doesn't belong racing as much as other athletes are rightfully banned when they commit a transgressions so egregious as to be suspended.
I'm sure you are the type of person who would have been cheering for Tonya Harding after her attack, after all her twirling was impressive. You're part of a culture of spectators that doesn't account for a competitor's character, or their behavior in competition, as long as they have "success" on the field all is good. Though frankly I don't even believe that about you to be honest, just like those here expressing their indignation for Lorenzo who correctly expressed disapproval for an attack perpetrated on a fellow. I'm sure you walk on by when a girl is getting slapped around by her boyfriend. Thumbs up to that guy, right? In the NFL we had a guy torturing dogs. (Oh but like you, I'm sure you'll split hairs and call it "fighting dogs" (rationalization of reality is a powerful tool). But he was a good quarter back, a fantastic athletes, surely his performance on the field should be admired! So he found his way back in the league. At least this guy did what his PR handlers told him to, apologized for it, all was back ok. Rossi has yet to express any responsibility, because like you, he doesn't believe he did anything wrong.
Do you ride a bike Daniboy? I'll tell you like I told another guy who said the same thing as you, believing that Rossi didn't attack Marquez violently. Let's go out on a track day, you pass me I'll pass you cleanly a the few laps, then and some point of my choosing I'll take you to the edge of the dirty track, using my controls to position my bike to block you until 'you' lose control from my deliberate attempt at confusing you. Then when you go down (hopefully nobody behind us fixates on you on the ground and careens into you spine) you can tell me what I did was not violence. Deal? I'll provide you with the bike, you don't have to pay for any damages to it. When can you fly over?
Ah yes, the victim didn’t escape the perpetrator hard enough.You're talking about PROFESSIONAL riders with reaction speeds miles better than ours. Add to that I could see it as well as you, yet even as the event happened, I could see a way out for MM . Fact is you will always believe your own gospel. I will always believe mine. We'll meet in the middle sometimes no doubt.
Ah yes, the victim didn’t escape the perpetrator hard enough.
How do you plead?
Not guilty your honor.
But you're caught on multiple cameras committing the crime.
But your honor, he didn't get out of my deliberate attempt to confuse him good enough, it's his fault.
Oh, in that case not guilty. You're free to go.
(I was wrong, this is the most insane rationalization. )
Daniboy, something about you is amusing. I think we'd have fun getting drunk. If our paths ever cross at Circuit of Wales, we will definitely cue up a few pints.
It's akin to blaming rape victims for being raped.
"Ah well you shouldn't have worn a short skirt, you were just asking for something to happen."
"Why didn't you just run away?"
"Why didn't you just run away?"
Without wanting to go into the whole thing again -beatingadeadhorse.com , this forum is THE only place where people insist that the Sepang thing was an act of violence, IT WAS NOT!! Enough said. You and others on here have an unreal hatred for one of the best people to race in GP ever conspiracy theories, cheating etc etc.
Why not just enjoy the sport? Seriously!
We can't because the sport we have loved and followed for decades has been infested by a cult, and great riders are actually vilified rather than recognised for winning championships, and even for winning races, and continue to be booed for doing so in this sport where their lives are always at risk.
There was a rather ludicrous conspiracy theory last year, voiced by a master media manipulator who fully knew his power, against which 5 or 10 posters on an obscure internet forum is rather insignificant.
Why doesn't Valentino just "enjoy the sport"?, particularly since he publicly differentiated himself from JL and Pedrosa in 2014 on the basis that he was happy to be out there still riding competitively while they were could not handle not being able to win against MM in that year of his total dominance. He has 9 titles and rode extremely creditably last year up until Sepang. He (and his fans) could try accepting that he was still amazingly good last year at age 36 but just not quite good enough.
Like your pal, he was rather desirous of winning a world championship, and VR in all likelihood gained a minimum of 3 points on him by an illegal act, and as Jumkie says later he as a fellow competitor is entitled to an opinion in regard to such a move that took out a fellow competitor. I am with Jumkie, I don't think he even should have apologised.He is being booed because he acted like a complete ....... (kinda like you) after Sepang and attacked Rossi for an incident he wasn't even involve in. He also has the personality of a drone. Why is Pedrosa not booed? Why is Vinales not booed? Lorenzo was a dick after Sepang, this is why he's booed, and fans who pay good money can boo, cheer and support whoever they want. GTFO of here with your ........ all the time.
JLo is a cock. Simple. Its been documented that he is basically not a nice person, and at one point, had to hire someone to make him more likeable. Says it all really.
The .... is Marc did try to run away. Rossi kept manipulating the controls and position of his bike. Of course if you slow it down to 1/millionth of the actual speed, it looks like Marc had hours to think about it. Except of course he and exactly everyone around the world was first confused, then collectively shocked that Rossi would do this overt attempt to crash out a competitor. The commentators were speechless.
These fools act like what Rossi did was commonplace. Oh yeah, Marc just didnt try hard enough to get away from the guy suddenly losing his mind. Question for anybody: when was the last time we saw someone do something similar to Rossi in MotoGP/500s? Name year, riders involved.
Content Warning: Look ....... (.)(.)