Why Rossi pressed the red button

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This thread title is offensive to you !!??

HHHoooooollleeeeyyyy Cccchhhrrriiiiissssttttt!!!!!!

I think we are gunna need a bigger ticket for you

What i find offensive is that you continue to refer to people in this thread as "boppers" even when its clear that the argument is not about making people love rossi, or knocking stoner, lorenzo, hayden etc etc......its simply about you guys just giving the elitism a rest. As frankly nine times out of ten the attitude is not required.

As for what you say about me trying to come on and play a role(sorry i dont know the person/character you compared me to)...well thats your opinion and thats fine, but i actually just wanted to make a stand for my own satisfaction as i find you lot(the elitist anti crowd) to be so full of it its almost too much.
Nothing to do with me, we all chose our own words ...... and decide as to what side of "credible" we want to be on here at PS.nets

What are you babbling about here lol? your constant referring to people as boppers when they make a comment(even valid ones), is clearly an attempt to belittle peoples opinions.

Based purely on the fact they are fans of rossi.

So yeah everything to do with you.
Hello Rob!!...................... If its "dross rinsed and repeated bollox your after, " Wait till you meet "Barrymachine" and Mastodon" . They have a Bromance thing going on, and are both secretly in Love with The Doctor. They just wont admit it.

I see what you mean now mate.......lol.

I'm signing off now because my point is well and truly put across, no matter who tries to dress it up as something its not....or even avoid the actuall issue thats been raised.
Yeah quit calling us boppers! Only boppers can call other boppers a bopper. In we say boppah.

Rob, whats is up my boppah? Getting into an argument with Barry is a waste of time. You nailed it on the head when you said," You missed the point in epic fashion." That is all ........ Barry ever does.
Yeah quit calling us boppers! Only boppers can call other boppers a bopper. In we say boppah.

Rob, whats is up my boppah? Getting into an argument with Barry is a waste of time. You nailed it on the head when you said," You missed the point in epic fashion." That is all ........ Barry ever does.

sup mdub my boppah friend
as a rossi fan i am not entitled to debate that imho(and forgetting rossi for a minute) the duc was untouchable in 2007....??????

You are being supiciously/exaggeratedly naive but I will play along. How do you know that stoner did not in fact have an equal bike in 2007 and an inferior bike in the other years

I am well known to be a stoner fan and have no problem with threads in praise of rossi or with rossi himself; as you say those who don't enjoy them can ignore them anyway. I am perhaps more of a rossi fan than I had thought because whilst I am happy for stoner to beat him in a race with both of them riding at their best I do not enjoy seeing valentino finishing 5th even riding injured. I admire the mental strength exhibited by him in coming back so early from such an injury.
You are being supiciously/exaggeratedly naive but I will play along. How do you know that stoner did not in fact have an equal bike in 2007 and an inferior bike in the other years

I am well known to be a stoner fan and have no problem with threads in praise of rossi or with rossi himself; as you say those who don't enjoy them can ignore them anyway. I am perhaps more of a rossi fan than I had thought because whilst I am happy for stoner to beat him in a race with both of them riding at their best I do not enjoy seeing valentino finishing 5th even riding injured. I admire the mental strength exhibited by him in coming back so early from such an injury.

It was simply an example as its a very common opinion....

Maybe you are right that the bike was only a match that year. But the easy overtakes on the straights, some times double overtakes and visible speed difference made it pretty conclusive. One could in fact argue thats its naive to not admit to the sheer power difference in 2007.....its common knowledge now. The only real course of debate is that despite its power it may have been a donkey to ride.

But hey i dont want to go down that road in terms of debating it lol, just keep it in context as an example i was using to argue my case
It was simply an example as its a very common opinion....

Maybe you are right that the bike was only a match that year. But the easy overtakes on the straights, some times double overtakes and visible speed difference made it pretty conclusive. One could in fact argue thats its naive to not admit to the sheer power difference in 2007.....its common knowledge now. The only real course of debate is that despite its power it may have been a donkey to ride.

But hey i dont want to go down that road in terms of debating it lol, just keep it in context as an example i was using to argue my case

1. Aprilia cube.

2. Loris capirossi.

3. There were once very widely held, and very well documented historically, bodies of opinion that the earth was flat and that the sun rotated around the earth.

My comment regarding your naivety related to you being apparently completely new to this forum, which you seem to imply you have never even read prior to joining in the last few days and hence are completely unfamiliar with its tenor.
1. Aprilia cube.

2. Loris capirossi.

3. There were once very widely held, and very well documented historically, bodies of opinion that the earth was flat and that the sun rotated around the earth.

My comment regarding your naivety related to you being apparently completely new to this forum, which you seem to imply you have never even read prior to joining in the last few days and hence are completely unfamiliar with its tenor.

I see what your saying about the aprillia cube ,however that was alomst unridable by EVERY rider....so its rather m00t

The capirossi point i dont get, and the point that the world was once considered flat.....yes hundreds of years ago lol.

Replays/video and common sense will tell you the stoner point is valid....cant compare the common knowledge that the duc was easily the fastest machine in 07, to humans once believeing the earth was flat rofl.

But like i said before please dont start going defensive over stoner, as it was an EXAMPLE........to suggest that if you are a rossi fan and you get into a debate about that kind of thing, its bopperism.
I see what your saying about the aprillia cube ,however that was alomst unridable by EVERY rider....so its rather m00t

The capirossi point i dont get, and the point that the world was once considered flat.....yes hundreds of years ago lol.

Replays/video and common sense will tell you the stoner point is valid....cant compare the common knowledge that the duc was easily the fastest machine in 07, to humans once believeing the earth was flat rofl.

But like i said before please dont start going defensive over stoner, as it was an EXAMPLE........to suggest that if you are a rossi fan and you get into a debate about that kind of thing, its bopperism.

I don't like the bopper tag and have never applied it to anyone personally. If you really are a neophyte I apologise; I would agree that the forum at this particular point in time is unreasonably anti-rossi. From my point of view it is more anti- a certain element among rossi fandom. The battles are now somewhat stylised and not taken too seriously by most protagonists; as others have told you jumkie and chopperman/roger have actually become very good friends in real life having met through the forum, despite being the forum's arch-hayden and arch- rossi fans respectively.

The point that povol and others are making is that there was a history in 2006 and 2007 of hayden and stoner not only being given no credit, but actually being vilified for beating valentino by some rossi fans, which led to fans of these riders with no previous animus against rossi becoming a little hostile.

You actually made my point for me regarding the aprilia cube; it had a far greater power/ straight-line advantage than the ducati gp07 but was unrideable by anyone as you say. Given that nobody other than stoner could ride the gp07, including loris capirossi for whom and presumably partly by whom the bike was developed, it is considered vaguely possible by some non-rossi fans that stoner's riding may have had something to do with his victory in 2007. Some of us also think that valentino might have actually had reasonably good equipment for many of his world championships ( doubtless deservedly so and mostly with significant contributions by him I would not disagree), and that carping about a ducati rider possibly having some advantage for a single year by fans of a rider who has won his (very many) premier class world championships on factory honda or factory yamaha bikes is a little ungracious. Seeing you have not detracted from hayden's world championship I will not address that question.
I don't like the bopper tag and have never applied it to anyone personally. If you really are a neophyte I apologise; I would agree that the forum at this particular point in time is unreasonably anti-rossi. From my point of view it is more anti- a certain element among rossi fandom. The battles are now somewhat stylised and not taken too seriously by most protagonists; as others have told you jumkie and chopperman/roger have actually become very good friends in real life having met through the forum, despite being the forum's arch-hayden and arch- rossi fans respectively.

The point that povol and others are making is that there was a history in 2006 and 2007 of hayden and stoner not only being given no credit, but actually being vilified for beating valentino by some rossi fans, which led to fans of these riders with no previous animus against rossi becoming a little hostile.

You actually made my point for me regarding the aprilia cube; it had a far greater power/ straight-line advantage than the ducati gp07 but was unrideable by anyone as you say. Given that nobody other than stoner could ride the gp07, including loris capirossi for whom and presumably partly by whom the bike was developed, it is considered vaguely possible by some non-rossi fans that stoner's riding may have had something to do with his victory in 2007. Some of us also think that valentino might have actually had reasonably good equipment for many of his world championships ( doubtless deservedly so and mostly with significant contributions by him I would not disagree), and that carping about a ducati rider possibly having some advantage for a single year by fans of a rider who has won his many premier class world championships on factory honda or factory yamaha bikes is a little ungracious. Seeing you have not detracted from hayden's world championship I will not address that question.

I totally agree with pretty much everything you have said here.
Being a non Rossi fan, we are grossly outnumbered. For every one of us, there is 100 fawning Rossi worshippers and we feel it is our duty to dispense 100 times as much ........ to even things out.
Seriously, think about it . If you are not a Rossi fan, or just not prone to idolize other humans,what would you think about endless threads on your favorite board that are dedicated to the constant praise and adulation of one guy. We get it, he is great, the best that has ever been, BUT, we dont see the need, or the want, to talk about him, praise him, make excuses for him on a 24/7 basis. I grew up in the 60's , It is reminiscent of girls fainting, screaming, crying, and otherwise making fools out of themselves over the Beatles. I didnt get it then, and i dont get it now.

Maybe we can get this freak to make a video and have the names changed from Brittany to Valentino



That's bs Mr Slave,

if your Favorite rider isn't making news or isn't good mostly, it's not Rossi or his fans problem for talking about their favorite rider. Just tell me you wont celebrate or talk about Hayden if he scores a 4th place. The problem of yours and the other haters is that your own favorites do a .... job and Have Never been able to be good for 2 season's in a row.
I see what your saying about the aprillia cube ,however that was alomst unridable by EVERY rider....so its rather m00t

The capirossi point i dont get, and the point that the world was once considered flat.....yes hundreds of years ago lol.

Replays/video and common sense will tell you the stoner point is valid....cant compare the common knowledge that the duc was easily the fastest machine in 07, to humans once believeing the earth was flat rofl.

But like i said before please dont start going defensive over stoner, as it was an EXAMPLE........to suggest that if you are a rossi fan and you get into a debate about that kind of thing, its bopperism.

Being fast has never been Ducati;s problem. Even back in the 1000's era, they had the speed to top the charts on a regular basis. It was then, and was in 07, all about handling, or lack thereof. The fact remains, Stoner was, and is to this day, the only rider to ever tame the Ducati, and there has been some damn decent riders give it a go.
Being fast has never been Ducati;s problem. Even back in the 1000's era, they had the speed to top the charts on a regular basis. It was then, and was in 07, all about handling, or lack thereof. The fact remains, Stoner was, and is to this day, the only rider to ever tame the Ducati, and there has been some damn decent riders give it a go.

Wrong statement unless you mean 800 ducati, for the record Capirossi did really well in 06 and it was shame that he got cought in that accident which wasn't even his fault otherwise there was a good chance that he could have won the championship back in 06.
Wrong statement unless you mean 800 ducati, for the record Capirossi did really well in 06 and it was shame that he got cought in that accident which wasn't even his fault otherwise there was a good chance that he could have won the championship back in 06.

selectively of course, he means the 800....oneTroy Bayliss that year, I believe it was a one-two even that race for Ducati, hasn't happened since either. Povol no doubt didn't even see anything that year that didn't relate to Nicky......and with the subseqent hatred bore a now semmingly common blind admiration for anyone who beats Rossi.

The duck was a championship winning machine in 2006, a bike and rider that beat a fully fit Rossi regularly that year and seriously challenged in rounds like Malaysia. Well before Stoner even lay a hand on it.
selectively of course, he means the 800....oneTroy Bayliss that year, I believe it was a one-two even that race for Ducati, hasn't happened since either. Povol no doubt didn't even see anything that year that didn't relate to Nicky......and with the subseqent hatred bore a now semmingly common blind admiration for anyone who beats Rossi.

The duck was a championship winning machine in 2006, a bike and rider that beat a fully fit Rossi regularly that year and seriously challenged in rounds like Malaysia. Well before Stoner even lay a hand on it.

Yes Rossi was fully fit, it was the ...... bike that year, or was it the ...... tires. I cant keep up with the bopper excuses.
So how many wins has Capi had on the Duc. Talp? I didn't realise he did that much "taming"

6 or 7 in 4 years on the 990's and none on the 800. By all means not bad,but was very inconsistent. When i say tame a bike, im talking about dominant years like Rossi has had, like Stoner had, like Jorge is having. Where no matter what, and no matter where, you can expect them up front in the top 3-4, even on a bad day.
6 or 7 in 4 years on the 990's and none on the 800. By all means not bad,but was very inconsistent. When i say tame a bike, im talking about dominant years like Rossi has had, like Stoner had, like Jorge is having. Where no matter what, and no matter where, you can expect them up front in the top 3-4, even on a bad day.

...., your select in your information pov.

In 06 capi came:

1st 3 times

2nd 4 times and

3rd once

had he not have been taken out in catalyuna and gone on to win he would have sealed the championship. 8 podiums in the 06 season is hardly inconsistent.

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