Why Rossi pressed the red button

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I think most of that is all in your head ,bought on by your relenting hatred and resentment to success.

I like plenty of sports stars who are very successful, and dislike many who are. To me, its more about how they act and how gracious a superstar they are.

Peyton Manning = Gracious Superstar

Brett Favre = Self indulged douche bag superstar

Jerry Rice = Gracious superstar

Terrell Owens = Punk Superstar
One he beat well for the past two seasons............Stronger teammate? Running away? Surely its more challenging to try to beat Jorge on the Duck which VR has even ridden and is mostly unpredictable?? Running away would be more like retiring or going to 4 wheels-No?

So much as you would enjoy seeing VR humbled, hater that you are, he hasn't been at all. For as much as people like you hate to face it, Jorge is but a Kitten pawing the king of the jungle
(Bop Bop Bop...oh I can't wait for the reaction to this one!!) VR's record stands-and until Jorge or Stoner or Dani matches or beats it, its ridiculous-and borderline hate fueled insanity, to imply that any of the current crop are humbling VR

And the PR power is now firmly back in VR's hands, and it hasn't ever been removed anyway, with his announcement of the Ducati move absolutely overwhelming any talk of Lorenzos race win at Brno, yet again as hard as Jorge tries he can't match VR at present. And most are now seriously questioning Yamaha's support of VR and his surprising lack of pace on track?? And Rossi is adding fuel to this........no matter how you look at it and whether there's truth to it or not, this all is creating a large grey cloud over Jorges potential title win -as with Stoners in 2007-Jorge is whipping everyone by a long way, and as we know hes not that much better of a rider than the other Aliens. No doubt this will be very frustrating for JL-as it was for Stoner, how Jorge deals with it will be interesting. Jorge's development abilities have yet to be proved and with his current dominant performances over the entire field-the pressure will be on next year to do it again-as it was with Stoner in 2008, as it was with Rossi in 2006, and Jorge will not only have VR, Stoner on the Honda but also Spies to deal in his garage with who has the ability to beat him regularly.........

Do you have to dictate posts like these to someone else to write up? It cannot be possible for someone whos thoughts are as retarded as this to be capable of typing.
C'mon, you cannot go on dismissing all posts that you don't agree with, simply labeling them as "bopperism". Do you really think that most people here are participating in this forum in order to listen to these "bopper, bopper" boring refrain coming from you and a couple of others? No, I bet people are here to read posts that actually contain some insight. If all we want is to read the usual Rossi-yes Rossi-no nonsense, there are already so many stupid forums devoted just to that, why spoil this one as well that used to be better.

Don't mind Jumkie, he's just struggling a bit since he's met his match. Before you showed up he was the one who managed to disguise his bias and pretend to be the voice of reason to gain credibility and ensure that the idiots around here took his opinion as unquestionably correct. Now you've showed up doing the same thing but supporting a more popular rider, he's ......
it's getting more and more boring to keep reading through all this "whos a bopper and who isnt" crap

speaking for myself,i'm always happy to read the posts of some people here that point out that in fact most people are just rossi worshipers with no regard for what the sport is actually all about, people who ignore the fact that there are other great riders which are easily as fast as rossi and could be on the same level that he's on ( in the future)

it's because of them that neither stoner in 2007 nor lorenzo in 2010, (let alone nicky in 2006 ) will be accepted and celebrated as the best riders of the year,which is a great shame.because really, to a motorcycle fan the reigning world champion should be the two-wheel equivalent to jesus.

but at the same time,can't we just ignore that sort of BS ?

i mean come on,i remember this whole board feud to be started because we couldn't debate the sport properly,but sometimes it just seems like punches must be thrown at the other side,even if they're just speaking their minds.

back to topic : why did rossi switch?because everyone in his shoes would have done it.

as a ducati fan i've always waited for this.well ok , i always wished for stoner to partner rossi to see who's really faster but anyways,i'm really excited

the only thing that bothers me a little is that i think it would have been even more interesting to see how vale would have done against lorenzo next year. but this year will be the last that you can really compare the results of the two and lorenzo was stripped of his chance to prove himself.

rossi needs to win next years championship,otherwise i think it will be inevitable that people will start wondering whether in fact he ran away from lorenzo.because hands down, no matter if and how rossi would have beaten lorenzo this year : it would have been awfully close ,maybe his biggest challenge to date and we'll never get the conclusion to the lorenzo-rossi war
Don't mind Jumkie, he's just struggling a bit since he's met his match. Before you showed up he was the one who managed to disguise his bias and pretend to be the voice of reason to gain credibility and ensure that the idiots around here took his opinion as unquestionably correct. Now you've showed up doing the same thing but supporting a more popular rider, he's ......

Monsieur Tom, I never disguise my bias. My favorite rider list is there for everybody to read, and it's always been there since I registered to this forum. I never disguised my antipathies either, regarding Lorenzo for example, or Biaggi. Still I do claim to be capable of unbiased assessments, and for sure my preferences are not stronger than my love for the sport, that began many years before Rossi, Stoner or Lorenzo were even born (since I belong to Graziano Rossi's generation, not to Valentino's).

Jumkie's obsession with young captive Rossifans, however, serves no useful purpose. As I said, I don't believe people register to a forum like this to read the usual endless pro-Rossi / anti-Rossi crap one could read anywhere, and his antibopper campaign drives the debate right into that black pit. Too bad he can't stop it.
Do you have to dictate posts like these to someone else to write up? It cannot be possible for someone whos thoughts are as retarded as this to be capable of typing.

This is a great contribution to the debate....hurl inept insults, demonstrates great knowledge on topic and a POV worth listening to..............?
Why??? I guess Rossi got tired of a sushi and sake diet.....so he will now be enjoying lasagna and red wine!! I am just glad his leg injury did not end his career......the grid can't take anymore losses.
Do you have to dictate posts like these to someone else to write up? It cannot be possible for someone whos thoughts are as retarded as this to be capable of typing.

not sure how u stubled on it, but u managed to say something witty. Looks like ur voice is changing Tom. Dont be alarmed when hair starts growing on ur chest and other parts of ur body u are unaware of.
Don't mind Jumkie, he's just struggling a bit since he's met his match. Before you showed up he was the one who managed to disguise his bias and pretend to be the voice of reason to gain credibility and ensure that the idiots around here took his opinion as unquestionably correct. Now you've showed up doing the same thing but supporting a more popular rider, he's ......

So this makes you a tosser who hates everyone....
Don't mind Jumkie, he's just struggling a bit since he's met his match. Before you showed up he was the one who managed to disguise his bias and pretend to be the voice of reason to gain credibility and ensure that the idiots around here took his opinion as unquestionably correct. Now you've showed up doing the same thing but supporting a more popular rider, he's ......

Careful who you designate to be an idiot Tom.
This is a great contribution to the debate....hurl inept insults, demonstrates great knowledge on topic and a POV worth listening to..............?

Actually not so inept as for once Tom managed to say something on target.

U & J4ns, co. worship and now must make up fantastic explanations.
God some of you are so Rossophobic it sickens me.
No no no, they don't hate Rossi just his fans, which apparently is some kind of justification?

Don't disagree with anything they say or how they say it or you will be denounced, they are above criticism because they are real race fans.
No no no, they don't hate Rossi just his fans, which apparently is some kind of justification?

Don't disagree with anything they say or how they say it or you will be denounced, they are above criticism because they are real race fans.

Outting urself? So then, what exactly r they saying that u "agree" with?

1. Rossi's on a Tech3 but just doesnt know it?

2. Yamaha is switching out parts in the middle of the night?

3. Yamaha r makinghis bike slow by magic?

Is this hate as u imply or just calling out the crazy? Perhaps ur crazy too?

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