Looks like Rossi is trying to show Marc the fine art of eating pussy.
Very good.
One hell of a rider MM. Dominating some very good riders with ease.
Looks like Rossi is trying to show Marc the fine art of eating pussy.
MM: I was able to win 4 in a row cause of these BIG BALLs
Vale: oooooooooooooooooooooooops
Just when the opposition starts gaining some confidence, he pulls half a second out of the bag. If its boring to some, tough ...., its beautiful to watch anyone in any sport get into the zone. I watched it the other night when Kevin Durant and LeBron James just went off. There is nothing you can do when someone who is supremely talented finds that comfort zone, except hope that it ends.
LeBron & Durant elevate their game on pure skill and ability. The MotoGP series as it stands would be the equivalent of KD & Lebron wearing special shoes that let them run faster than everyone else. Or making the other players wear weight vests Marquez is clearly an elite rider , no doubt, but the machinery/budget, and new rules are tipping the scale further.
LeBron & Durant elevate their game on pure skill and ability. The MotoGP series as it stands would be the equivalent of KD & Lebron wearing special shoes that let them run faster than everyone else. Or making the other players wear weight vests. Marquez is clearly an elite rider, no doubt, but the machinery/budget, and new rules are tipping the scale further.
He is trouncing the guy who is on the same bike with same budget under the same rules. Why is it so hard for people to just admit the obvious. It cracks me up when they go on and on about Marquez being overrated because of this and that, only to say " Marquez is clearly an elite rider". The truth is, the machinery in GP has been as equal in performance the last 10 years than any decade in the history of the sport. Take away one rider, and everyone is talking about the lineup below being 1-10 within half a second.
I always believed that Povol has a #23 Michael Jordan jersey in the back of his closet somewhere. It's right next to the Rossi jersey and just behind the Marquez jersey. Remember in the 90s roughly 50% of Americas owned that jersey because they jumped on the latest big thing bandwagon.
The LeBron analogy is interesting but Povol got it all wrong. LeBron couldn't win jack .... until the heat went out and bought the three best players in the NBA at their position and created a dream team. After they won their first championship they went and bought one of the the best three-point shooters in the game to further tip the scales in their favor. So to sum up the first half of LeBron's career he was basically on the equivalent of a satellite bike but as soon as he was given a Repsol ( Wade, Bosh Allen) he has been unstoppable.
So RW your analogy has come to fruition. The rest of the NBA is basically wearing leaded vests and the Heat is wearing special shoes
I think MM is absolutely the most talented guy in GP at the moment. By a comfortable margin. I don't however think he could win (perhaps an occasional) on this Ducati, let alone one from 2 or 3 years ago. Clearly the bike is important and he currently sits atop the best one.
Valentino has looked like the only rider that could possibly challenge Marquez this season. Jorge and Dani seem totally baffled and demoralised.
Just friendly conversation here . As far as Pedrosa goes, everyone has trounced that guy. That proves nothing. Pedrosa has how many premier class championships? And yet, THIS season he would be winning the championship pretty handily. That's just an interesting sidebar. As far as my comment you quoted, I consider MM elite in the same way that JL, VR, and DP are. You can rank them however you want. But why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that Honda pushed through a rules change and carved out an advantage for themselves? Come on man. Seriously, I want you to answer this question. If the machinery in GP is so equal, and Marquez is so dominant, you honestly believe you could put MM on the Ducati, right now, and the race results would be the same?
Haha, indeed. The Heat really are Repsol. I would've given LeBron all the praise in the world if he would've lead THAT Cleveland team to the Championship. He got close, proving he's great, but fell short. Then he decided to take the easy way out. I can't respect. So in the end, my thoughts about LeBron and Marquez are similar. I think they're both really great, elite. That's not in question. But there are other factors which create a further advantage for both these guys, and some folks like to pretend these factors don't exists. ** I'm a Philly native by the way, 76ers Championship, 2016!!! You heard it here first**