I never said Rog never took things Personal Kesh so don't link me there, what I do say is that Rog could debate and did not take everything as an attack as he was capable of seeing points.
Was he thin skinned - well yes in the early years of my time here as he was one of the Rossi fans at a time when the guard was changing to other riders being competitive, and he simply saw everything as a question or taint on Rossi but no way was he the most think skinned (a certain Queenslander comes to mind as far worse in that aspect, and others since come and gone).
Having never met him I will not judge Rog on a face to face but will say that as someone who often disagreed with him, we had some very good discussions (forum and occasional PM) and not once did I find that he could not take it, but that if dished then he would return serve and sometimes with interest.
Rog is not, was not and for me never will be the worst person or contributor we have had to this place be that as a troll or as a person unable to accept criticism of their favourite and I would welcome his contributions which were at times well worth the read.
I actually say this as Rog was a Brit with a rampant anti-Aussie sense which led to some hefty and robust chats and being an Aussie I was one that copped it in spades, but never took it personally and never felt it was personal.
This place should be accepting of all and welcome all views where if we do not appreciate the manner than we skip past it and move on.