Look. We get it, you're bored and want to stir up more needless drama. FFS, find something more substantial to bitch about. That crap from "Urban Dictionary" is so obscure that virtually nobody here ever heard of the expression being used as a slur. The entry was, you can be sure, written by some oversensitive college kid looking to feel self-important by calling for the PC Police over what is for many Mexicans, a non-issue. I've been to Mexico many times and if you go into stores where they sell Mexican comics, you will find there are many incredibly well illustrated comics done by local artists in the classic superhero styles. My father is a very well known comic illustrator. I in fact draw a little myself, so I collect a bit. In the shops longside the superhero comics you will find a very sweet innocent comic for small children called "Memin Pinguin" about, you guessed it, a Mexican monkey. It's been a classic children's comic beloved by Mexicans for 60 years, not to mention a popular children's TV cartoon show. A while back some pendajo from the USA saw one and made a lot of noise about it being racist and the Mexicans reaction to his ranting was ??? Que? WTF are you talking about? It even got a write up on CNN. The guy who made all the fuss was probably the same moron who wrote up the "Urban Dictionary" entry. Have a little dignity and stop trying to twist an innocent thing into something ugly for the sake of drawing attention to yourself. That's Knockdown's job.