Stoner a "High Speed Drug Pusher"

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I still smoke Marlboro so i guess its having the opposite effect on me
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ROCKGOD01 @ Aug 29 2008, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>Folks this is something very serious when it comes to personal freedoms. I don't smoke but if I ever felt like it I should have the choice. Also who gives a .... if tobacco want to throw money at motogp ...... who cares let them. It is an adult sport and they shouldn't have to do what they do today by hiding their name and ..... This is just a small nail in the coffin when it comes to YOU choosing your own path in life. So I went ahead and wrote the letters to those ........ and told them because they have brought this to my attention that Casey is sponsored by Marlboro I am going to start smoking and promote the use of Tobacco. I told them that it was the wrong thing to do by making fun of Stoner by calling him the new Marlboro man because it will have the opposite effect than what they were aiming for. The less they made a wave the less anyone would have even noticed. THEY ...... up. SMOKE BRAKE!
how do you figure that ? kid's watch the sport as you said yourself you have watched it since childhood. banning smoking and banning tobacco advertising are 2 different issues, thats not confuse the 2.banning tobacco advertising does not effect your personal choice or liberty at all.

stoner does appear to be the new marlboro man, he walk's about with there adds all over him. when i met him out side the circuit he still had his red marlboro shirt on endorsing there deadly product. im not singling casey out and i dont blame him personally. he went to the team that offered his career the bet opportunity's like most of us would except regardless. im just against tobacco advertising period.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (an4rew @ Aug 29 2008, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>I still smoke Marlboro so i guess its having the opposite effect on me

give it up mate. its slowing the blood to your brain and making you post stupid things.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (roger-m @ Aug 29 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>im just against tobacco advertising period.

Thats easy to say but they pay the biggest bucks, also if you look at other sports like Snooker is in big trouble right now because of this legislation.

Theres only a few tracks where the sponsor is allowed to show their actual name, the rest of the time they get a raw deal as a sponsor.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (an4rew @ Aug 29 2008, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>Thats easy to say but they pay the biggest bucks, also if you look at other sports like Snooker is in big trouble right now because of this legislation.

Theres only a few tracks where the sponsor is allowed to show their actual name, the rest of the time they get a raw deal as a sponsor.
there are plenty of teams that dont use tobacco money in motogp so dont tell me its a real issue.
<object width="425" height="350<param name="movie" value="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent</param><embed src="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350</embed></object>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Goatboy @ Aug 29 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'><object width="425" height="350<param name="movie" value="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent</param><embed src="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350</embed></object>
I don't get the problem with Tabacco advertising. Lewis Hamilton has Johnny Walker written on his face and nobody seems to mind.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tom @ Aug 29 2008, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>I don't get the problem with Tabacco advertising. Lewis Hamilton has Johnny Walker written on his face and nobody seems to mind.
never heard of Johnny Walker tobacco ! and alcohol will be next im sure. put yourself in a parents position. i have 3 kids 1 nearly your age. i dont want them to smoke because it wastes all there money and is bad for there health. as a good parent i want the best for my kids and want them to live long healthy lives and give me granchildren. tobacco advertising wants to earn loads of money for there shareholders and doesn't give a .... about my family or there future. by advertising in things like motor sport that young lads and girls follow and look up top the riders gives the message to my children.
just because you smoke doesn't mean my children should be subjected to the bad influence you were given.
Andy Roo, I couldn't agree more.

Roger-m, I have 16 & 20 year old children. Both of them have chosen not to smoke, like their mom, whilst I am a smoker. They grew up exposed to tobacco advertising and living with a smoker, yet where given the tools to decide for themselves. Why do I need the government to help exactly?

Austin, you realize the irony of your statement, "It really is a shame that our sport has ties to something that I don't personally agree with." considering your use of the HS Thompson image as your avatar. You seem to be advertising your personal philosophy using "tobacco chiq".

Son of Doohan, right on!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Goatboy @ Aug 30 2008, 04:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'><object width="425" height="350<param name="movie" value="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent</param><embed src="<object width="425" height="344<param name="movie" value="</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true</param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344</embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350</embed></object>
Bill Hicks - genius.
Let me start by saying that the do-gooders will always come out and pick on am easy target such as (in this case) Stoner, so we should get used to it and tolerate their ramblings as after all they are fully entitled to their opinions and views (just as we are).

That said, I would genuinely like to see figures of how many people started smoking because of cigarette advertising, as I suspect the number would be so small to be almost invisible. Most people take up smoking because of other aspects to the environment in which they frequent (ie. smoking parents, colleagues etc), not because they saw an advert or a sponsored rider/sport.

Let me ask, how many people in this forum started riding motorbikes simply and only because they saw an ad for a motorcycle?

Many may have watched motorcycling, or been in the environment which swayed them to then choose to ride, but I strongly doubt that people started riding for the sole reason of an advert.

To say that smoking is harmful and should therefore be restricted in availablility is actually something I fully agree with, but in Australia (not sure of overseas markets) that is already the case. The law means that you must be older than 16 in order to purchase and in NSW the display is restricted in terms of size and placing, so there are already some actions in place.

Additionally, given that alchohol probably does as much harm should that also be targeted by the do-gooders?

Roger, if we are to say that CS should not be sponsored by Marlboro because he does not smoke, does the same apply for other riders not suing their sponsors products, irrespective of whether they are harmful?, , but each and every rider does that.

Personally I would love to see the sport become 'clean' and not involve sponsors who provide harmful products but the question then becomes where does it end?

What of sponsors (potential or current) that use Asian sweatshops to produce their products, or those with history of harming the environment or making products that harm the environment. How far does it go?

This went in a different direction.
I didn't set out to start a debate on smoking & smoking sponsorship.

The attack by lobbyists on a individual sportsman that is employed by a team was what I thought was wrong.
They attacked an individual not for any of his actions or behaviour but for decisions his employer, Ducati, made long before he was ever in the picture. Business & sonsorship decisions that where made many seasons before Casey got there.

Whether it is a road safety or environmental group attacking Rossi for road deaths & global warming from carbon emissions due to his link with Fiat for the cars they make(yes its a stretch) or an anti-drinking lobby attacking Lewis Hamilton over domestic violence by drunk husbands for his TEAMS sponsorship by Johnny Walker(exageration for effect) I think it is wrong.

If attacking Casey for his red & white Ducati is correct then Nascar driver Mark Martin should be lambasted for the bombing and killing of thousands of women & children due to his TEAMS sponsorship by the United States Army. I think not. He just drives a race car for a living.

All these guys do is drive, ride, kick footballs etc They usually don't run the team their employed by or make the sponsorship decisions. They are simple sportsmen. A lot of whom put back into the community.
Casey supports and promotes young up & coming riders in Australia, something his father is also involved with. What he doesn't do is smoke, the guy is a pretty good role model. The lobbyist seemed to miss this fact. I doubt they'd know much about Stoner at all.
All the MotoGP riders support 'Riders for Health'. Riders is the official charity of MotoGP.
Shinya Nakano handed over a 5000 euro cheque in one of his many donations.
Recently A James Toseland charity cycle ride in association with Bennetts, the UK's number one for bike insurance has raised more than £5,500 Riders for Health
Marco Melandri has even been to Africa to see the Riders for Health charity work first hand.
But lets smoke Marco because his employer did a deal with a tobacco company years before he was around.

Didn't mean to get that into it folks but I don't like seeing these young riders that do good things getting a bad rap from ill informed nobodies.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GeePee @ Aug 30 2008, 07:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>This went in a different direction.
I didn't set out to start a debate on smoking & smoking sponsorship.

The attack by lobbyists on a individual sportsman that is employed by a team was what I thought was wrong.
They attacked an individual not for any of his actions or behaviour but for decisions his employer, Ducati, made long before he was ever in the picture. Business & sonsorship decisions that where made many seasons before Casey got there.

Whether it is a road safety or environmental group attacking Rossi for road deaths & global warming from carbon emissions due to his link with Fiat for the cars they make(yes its a stretch) or an anti-drinking lobby attacking Lewis Hamilton over domestic violence by drunk husbands for his TEAMS sponsorship by Johnny Walker(exageration for effect) I think it is wrong.

If attacking Casey for his red & white Ducati is correct then Nascar driver Mark Martin should be lambasted for the bombing and killing of thousands of women & children due to his TEAMS sponsorship by the United States Army. I think not. He just drives a race car for a living.

All these guys do is drive, ride, kick footballs etc They usually don't run the team their employed by or make the sponsorship decisions. They are simple sportsmen. A lot of whom put back into the community.
Casey supports and promotes young up & coming riders in Australia, something his father is also involved with. What he doesn't do is smoke, the guy is a pretty good role model. The lobbyist seemed to miss this fact. I doubt they'd know much about Stoner at all.
All the MotoGP riders support 'Riders for Health'. Riders is the official charity of MotoGP.
Shinya Nakano handed over a 5000 euro cheque in one of his many donations.
Recently A James Toseland charity cycle ride in association with Bennetts, the UK's number one for bike insurance has raised more than £5,500 Riders for Health
Marco Melandri has even been to Africa to see the Riders for Health charity work first hand.
But lets smoke Marco because his employer did a deal with a tobacco company years before he was around.

Didn't mean to get that into it folks but I don't like seeing these young riders that do good things getting a bad rap from ill informed nobodies.

+100000 ^
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GeePee @ Aug 30 2008, 07:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>Casey supports and promotes young up & coming riders in Australia, something his father is also involved with. What he doesn't do is smoke, the guy is a pretty good role model. The lobbyist seemed to miss this fact. I doubt they'd know much about Stoner at all.

I doubt that they 'miss' the support Stoner gives to junior riders and the charities he supports but rather they choose to overlook as it does not suit the message they wish to 'push'.

I sense that the organisation needed publicity for some form of protest or upcoming event and they decided to portray a public figure as evil personified to further their aims. Unfortunately I have so far not been able to track down any upcoming event that the publicity may coincide with.

However whilst we are focused on the negative there is a side that appears to be overlooked and that is that this little known Australian lobby group (which in itself appears splintered) knew that we had a World Motorcycle champion and that his team is sponsored by Marlboro.

I used to smoke when I was a idiot and to young to buy it, even before it was raised to 18. A lot of my friends still do smoke, I doubt one of them even knows who Casey Stoner is. I doubt more than 10 in the whole college know enough about him to link him to Marlboro cigarettes and then think 'I’ll buy some of them because they're Stoners sponsor'. Its ......... I don't even know why I used to smoke, just something to do that we shouldn't have done, was absolutely nothing to do with advertising.

I'm not saying that advertising doesn't have anything to do with children smoking, that would be silly, but I do not know one person that started as a result of it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Son of Doohan @ Aug 29 2008, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>Whilst the government taxes these companies they should be able to advertise. Usual government standards apply.

Completely outstanding. 100% spot on.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (roger-m @ Aug 29 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>how do you figure that ? kid's watch the sport as you said yourself you have watched it since childhood. banning smoking and banning tobacco advertising are 2 different issues, thats not confuse the 2.banning tobacco advertising does not effect your personal choice or liberty at all.

stoner does appear to be the new marlboro man, he walk's about with there adds all over him. when i met him out side the circuit he still had his red marlboro shirt on endorsing there deadly product. im not singling casey out and i dont blame him personally. he went to the team that offered his career the bet opportunity's like most of us would except regardless. im just against tobacco advertising period.
Well I don't tink you should have to restrict tobacco advertising. I am not against it and I don't smoke. I just think that it is only part of the slippery slope. So what that I have watched it since childhood. By that statement I should have been a pack a day smoker if that is the case. I don't like it but I am all for being able to run your business in a free market and that includes advertising. You could also argue that Vehicles kill people every year by driving them so why not ban Fiat? IT is a personal choice to smoke so if you really think about it, it becomes a parenting issue for children but no one wants to admit that these days.
theres some real lame ass comparisons in this thread

vehicles are necessity for most,tobacco is not. no one said tobacco advertising makes you start smoking but it sure glamorizes it which sends out the wrong message to the easily led.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (roger-m @ Aug 30 2008, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><div class='quotemain'>theres some real lame ass comparisons in this thread

vehicles are necessity for most,tobacco is not. no one said tobacco advertising makes you start smoking but it sure glamorizes it which sends out the wrong message to the easily led.
Look roger I don't think tobacco should be advertised either, but this is a matter for ducati or dorna or even FIM not casey stoner. This is another case of him being held to different standards than every other motorsport competitor in history. Maybe if he wins multiple world championships and has several hundred million dollars he will come to a sudden realisation and take a moral stance.

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