If burgess deserves some credit for Rossi’s immediate success on the Yamaha, he deserves some of the blame on the lack of it on the Ducati. It cuts both ways.
The problem with “But what’s about Ducati” is that that’s not how you measure someone’s GOATdom. You look at the career as a whole. Marquez right now is in the stage of his career when Rossi was in 2004-2006. It is simply too early to say how he is an altime greatat the peak. For all we know, he could very well become a Pedrosa in a couple more years. Or leave and drive F1 cars.
So once again, he hasn’t crossed the peak of his career yet, haven’t gone to a second tier bike and showed what he can do or is fighting for championships or P2/P3 a decade and more into his career. Let’s revisit this discussion in a few years time.
But as of now, in this given day, he is the best rider on track by a considerable margin.