Arrib did nothing of the sort. What drugs are you taking? He spoke highly of a great drummer's sound, which BTW was in no small part the work of genius Andy Johns who had a brilliant drum room and knew a thing or two about creating a great drum sound. Nothing there that I don't agree with.
And don't move the goalposts. I never said they weren't one of the great bands of their era.
Simply said, Bonzo was a great drummer. The greatest? Never! He wasn't around long enough to create the kind of body of work that would put him in the same category as guys like Buddy Rich or Steve Gadd or Ringo. Too bad really. Perhaps he would have realized that cannon if hadn't died choking on his vomit due to taking all those drugs to assuage the guilt he felt for ....... all those little 14 year old girls. 14 year old children. Naturally you will ignore the well documented stories in "Hammer", and you can also ignore Pamela Des Barres recounting of same because after all they're not convenient to your narrative. Okay... you can take your fingers out of your ears now, get out your Hello Kitty marker and go back to drawing hearts with arrows though them on the cover of your Led Zepplin Fan Club Scrap Book.