A slap on the wrist that ensured that he could not win the title, and left him reliant on other riders to help him.
With all 'due' respect Krops, you seem to put an incongruent bias in favor of a body based on a penalty Race Direction were FORCED to issue. You seem to bank the impartiality of a body who were faced to make a decision on an event that was the equivalent of a crime caught on tape, in real time, where we've seen an intervention in real time which they deferred, for far less obviously deliberate violations; however in this case the action they took was far less than was expected in a normal world. That is incongruent.
When have Race Direction openly admitted (a slip to be sure but quite revealing) their intervention was influenced by the implications of 'a rider's' points? Certainly they did not have Marquez's points in mind, did they? So whom's points are more important? Why is it on this occasion the points trumped immediate action? It seems odd (untenable if I'm honest) that you would point to this action as "proof" of the impartiality of the members tasked to make a decision where impartiality is supposed to purposefully NOT be influenced by the contestant they are presiding over, where clearly, and by their own admission, it did BECAUSE it was Rossi.
Krops, again, I appreciate you offering us your opinions and unique perspective here. Going forward, I want you to know that when I disagree with your opinions, it's just that, a disagreement, nothing personal.
Krops, we all have strong opinions on various GP subjects, the Rossi perpetrated debacle of 2015 is just the latest of what I consider a long line of Rossi-centric episodes. Its a reality of the sport, and frankly it continues to exist because the overwhelming majority of all experts involved are willing enablers. I get Dorna's position, Rossi-centrism translates into dollars for them, but I'm astonished at how aligned the reporting of the sport is cozy to Dorna's narrative. To be sure, you're an oasis (that's a compliment) though frankly, I have found your insistance that Marquez was an active participant (based on a hunch) in a "feud" with Rossi quite disturbing, especially if we consider your entire opinion covering the matter hinges solely on his riding at Sepang (the rest of which has been subsequently dovetailed into the case against Marc).
If I may borrow this quote from Dennis Noyes, "The journalists who used "kick" in their headlines were irresponsable..." I'd like to adapt his admonishing to include journalists who insist a Rossi’s perpetrated debacle as a "feud" between "Marquez vs Rossi". Its a classic one sided bullying episode which is being ' irresponsibly' described as a war. Its inaccurate at best, part of the ........ doctored narrative at worst.
This unchallenged dynamic i describe above is part of the reason Dorna can in haste create the Rossi rule--a fundemental change to the penalty system that has the effect of insulating him while creating a loophole, and the reason Dorna can propose on paper an 'independent' body, one as "independent" as RD is now, in reaction to Rossi's fandom's allegation that Dorna was in cahoots with Marquez's mastermind conspiracy. The key word in the reactionary change is "fair play", the rationale for the inception of such a body. The notion of "fair play" is decidedly an indictment on Marc Marquez, after all, Carmelo's repeated assertions that "we all know what happened" was in reference to a condition that he (and apparently most journalists, experts, and the majority of fans) believed Marquez perpetrated on the championship but wasn't punishable! I feel compelled to repeat, this entire exercise hinges on the belief that so happens to parallel Rossi’s accusation--that Marquez 'rode like a dick' at Sepang. THEREFORE...the 'provocation' as a matter of fact, therefore a "feud", therefore the Rossi rule change to the penalty system, therefore the creation of a new Race Direction exactly like the old Race Direction, and so on and so forth.
For the entire house of cards to stand that Marquez was out to destroy Rossi's championship, it is absolutely necessary for the pivotal point to hinge on the very act of faith (contray to the age old victim - perpetrator dynamic no less) that he 'rode like a dick' at Sepang. Without it nothing else makes any sense. Not one other point of contention can be cited, as that side of the ledge is empty except for this single point--that Marc was provocateur at the Sepang race. This is the Immaculate Conception point for journalists, experts, Dorna, and everybody else sympathetic to Rossi's accusation.