Though I do not hate MM I'll give this a try. Both Martin and Marini lost their front ends but neither of them were doing anything crazy or out of line, IMO. Both had inside lines and both lost the front. Though it was unfortunate AM and EB got caught up in it, low-sides happen in almost every race and as such, they were labeled racing incidents. They didn't punt anyone out of the way to get their respective lines. Marc on the other hand, came into that turn wildly out of control with zero possibility of getting his bike stopped. He careened off Martin and planted his front wheel into Olivera's hip / lower back. It was beyond being aggressive and did cross into recklessness. Marc admitted he made the mistake and accepted his penalty. As for the MM haters, Marc has given them enough prior incidents they can point to as evidence of a pattern.
And whilst on the the subject, why didn't Nakagami get a penalty?