Rules changes in wake of 2015 discussion

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But as you are part of BURN THE WITCH!!!!! BURN HIM!!!!! party, I know that you will not agree with that.
Oh come on Krops, that's a bit of a strong reaction man.

My question was for clarification, as I thought the logic seemed odd. The "proof" you offer that these gentlemen are independent (and what that implies) is because they issued Rossi a penalty? With all doo respect, I don't see how this 'proves' anything for or against.

I think a simple "yes" would have sufficed. Thanks for the clarification, I'll do my best to gloss over the outburst. Here is my reply to your clarification: i don't think I would have opened myself up to argue PROOF these Dorna employees are independent on account they issued Rossi a penalty for an incident that was as subtle as a hand grenade. Especially given they didn't issue a penalty in the normal expected way, which called for an immediate action. Not to mention the play-by-play commentary, like the rest of us, were sure would happen 'during' the race.

I get that perhaps based on your interactions with these men gives you a sense they are good guys personally. That's fine. I'm ok with that, but you sound like their actions were not called into question other than by me little'o Jumkie. Are you unaware of the debate surrounding RD's action? If you're going to categorize me in the 'witch burning party' for that, well add a few other infinitely more important voices (one of which is a 2 time champ). But to argue 'proof' these guys motives were pure and free of pressure (that's what "independent" implies) because hey, look, they issued Rossi a penalty (in a incident that begged a penalty if there ever was one) seems rather anemic, sorry man. I just thought it seemed odd, and if I may say, weak logic. That was just the point I wanted to make.

Now moving on... (and come on Krops, don't get upset, we just throwing stuff around here).

Ok, I'm feeble, I can't ignore the "witch hunt" part. Krops, it seems to me the witch hunting has been aimed at Marquez. He has been charged, tried, and convicted (including by you) on less evidence than the Salem "witches". Considering you just wrote a piece arguing that Marquez probably thinks he saw a kick, but, you argue, his brain couldn't have possibly processed that in a split second, and reason the lad is just mistaken because, well, your account of what happened is correct. Therefore...HRC and the FIM are correct in not releasing the data on offer? But I'm the witch hunter?

Race Direction: ok son, so give us your account of what happened?

Marc Marquez: well, I was running my own race and...

Race Direction: whoa...stop right there. We don't believe you at all. You were provoking Rossi, you liar.

Krop: Nah really, those guys in Race Direction are totally legit.

Kropotkin op/ed: well, Marc thinks he saw a kick. Whoa, dude really? Your brain couldn't have possibly processed that. I won't call you a liar, but let's just say you're mistaken son.

Marc Marquez is the WITCH being hunted, NOT Rossi! Yours and others reporting on it insisting it's a "feud" is, as Dennis Noyes likens the reporting of "The kick", inaccurate at best. We have here a one sided perpetrated event. We can list on a ledger all the attacks Rossi has made, then attempt to list on the other column the attacks/counter attacks Marquez has made and it would be absolutely zero on Marquez side. The one solitary event YOU have admitted to is that "Marc rode like a dick at Sepang". That is it! And there is absolutely zero evidence you are right. None. Race Direction agrees with you, based exactly on the same act of faith. Because despite what Marquez states (the victim) you choose to believe otherwise!

That is witch hunting! When you have zero evidence and believe the charged victim is guilty because the popular accuser says so. Oh I know you think you are free from being tainted by Rossi's accusation. So, you must reason, Marc's guilt is based on racing cleanly. It was just too many overtakings too early in the race, right? Rossi was just racing with pure motives UNLIKE Marc, that dick. If we submerge Marquez in water and he lives, he is a witch.

And this lopsided ledger of attacks is as you insist a "feud".

.......Ledger of Attacks.........
Rossi...................... vs........Marquez

Thursday accusations..vs.......Zero
Runs rival off track.....vs.......Zero
Sepang accusations.....vs.......Zero
Valencia accusations....vs......Zero
M1 launch accusations..vs......Zero

Exactly how is this a "feud"? All I see is Rossi attacking Marquez over and over and over again. The only thing you have in the bag is a hunch of an attack by Marquez, you 'belief' that he rode like a dick at Sepang. That's it! Which is an act of faith, and its one that is incongruent because it decidedly favors the admitted perpetrator. In other words, you hinge your entire tally on that ledger of Marc's guilt on a situation where you are siding with the criminal.

So, lets revist this standard of logic you just offered as "proof" that the Race Direction body are independent because they issued Rossi a penalty. An action that was debated. Could you also extend that same benefit of the doubt to Marquez in that one occasion where he raced for position cleanly which happened to involve several passes on account he was being passes himself?

Take another look at that ledger Krops. The only solitary tally you can put on Marquez is that he 'rode like a dick' at Sepang. This belief is based on very little, in fact it's just a hunch of yours (and everyone who agrees with it). Everything else on that ledger is an indisputable FACT. I'd have a better chance at describing a home invasion burglar as a guy having a "feud" with the homeowner.

And again, seriously, I appreciate you giving up some time to throw this stuff around with us. Its all good man.
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I said this at the time and I stick by it, but both should have been parked for the final race as it's high time both were taught a lesson.
Because being victimized by Rossi is proof of guilt? What was Marc's crime?

Thats the question. What was Marc's crime? I've never heard the answer yet.
Because being victimized by Rossi is proof of guilt? What was Marc's crime?

Thats the question. What was Marc's crime? I've never heard the answer yet.

Marc is an arsehole who needs taking down a peg, the disgraceful little .... should have been banned for the rest of the season for his antics in a practice session at Silverstone earlier in the season when ignoring yellow caution flags he carried on like a mad man losing the bike which nearly hit a group of marshalls trying to remove a bike from the gravel. Yellow flags are out for a reason.

Regardless of his role in the Rossi incident I don't like the guy, just like I don't like Rossi. Silver spooners who've had it easy.
Marc is an arsehole who needs taking down a peg, the disgraceful little .... should have been banned for the rest of the season for his antics in a practice session at Silverstone earlier in the season when ignoring yellow caution flags he carried on like a mad man losing the bike which nearly hit a group of marshalls trying to remove a bike from the gravel. Yellow flags are out for a reason.

Regardless of his role in the Rossi incident I don't like the guy, just like I don't like Rossi. Silver spooners who've had it easy.
Bro, I agree with you he deserved more punishment for those incidents. Yes. If you go back and see my takes, I thought he needed to be sat down for his thoughtless attempted manslaughter of the Thai rider, the incident he caused Pedrosa to crash, the infamous sensor incident, and yes, is almost motorcycle torpedo of Crutchlow and the marshals helping him. Yes. But I find no crime committed at Sepang. None. We can't punish the guy retrospectively because of past crimes when he was the victim in this one. Surely that doesn't make sense.
Marc is an arsehole who needs taking down a peg, the disgraceful little .... should have been banned for the rest of the season for his antics in a practice session at Silverstone earlier in the season when ignoring yellow caution flags he carried on like a mad man losing the bike which nearly hit a group of marshalls trying to remove a bike from the gravel. Yellow flags are out for a reason.

Regardless of his role in the Rossi incident I don't like the guy, just like I don't like Rossi. Silver spooners who've had it easy.

I don't like MM, and I was with Jumkie earlier this year in calling for a race ban with the way he has ridden over the past few years.

That said, he was not at fault at Phillip Island or Sepang or Valencia.

He has done nothing wrong, and has been hit with a Scarlet Letter based upon VR's insistence that he has done something wrong.

MM did get a silver spoon of sorts, but wouldn't you say his results have more than backed all of this up? He is legitimately faster than almost all on the grid. His pole position at COTA was stunning for how on the ragged edge he was. I don't know, the kid is ....... fast.
Born with a Silver Spoon stuck up your ass must have a different meaning where I come from. I always thought it meant you were brought up in a privledged surrounding wanting for nothing. I have read that MM came from pure middle class working folk who sacrificed their lives so their kids could go racing.
Hmm, ok.
Isn't it a bit hyperbolic to leap from being "part of the sanctioning body" to "the architects"?

I was having a discussion with Povol; we were both active on the forum at the time and I have opined fairly extensively about that race. I have always thought Ezy/Dorna were the architects of that event, both the format on the day and in bearing some of the responsibility for the tyres being insufficiently durable. I had previously believed their influence on RD to be indirect rather than that they were part of RD though.

I have a real problem with companies with the media rights/the producers of the spectacle for TV having a role in decisions concerning safety, exemplified by the running of that Japanese F1 race in a typhoon, very likely because Bernie didn't want TV scheduling problems as I gathered from watching the preamble to the race well before the tragic outcome in that race.
Only member of Dorna in Race Direction is Javier Alonso. He is there as Dorna's representative. The others are employed by Dorna (apart from the FIM rep Franco Uncini), but are independent. The fact that Rossi got a penalty should be proof enough of that. The other proof being that half of the world think Rossi should have been Mussolinied for his crimes, the other half believing that Marquez should have been burned at the stake.

To say Race Direction are independent of Dorna, would mean they should be allowed to operate without Duress.

So Race Direction are reporting back to the very company/boss they are investigating? That is the definition of Duress

Marc is an arsehole who needs taking down a peg, the disgraceful little .... should have been banned for the rest of the season for his antics in a practice session at Silverstone earlier in the season when ignoring yellow caution flags he carried on like a mad man losing the bike which nearly hit a group of marshalls trying to remove a bike from the gravel. Yellow flags are out for a reason.

I said that at the time and wholeheartedly agree. It then set off an argument with a Rossi bopper on here when he denied that it set a precedent for younger classes/generations, on which I called total .........
After watching this interview and Carmelo's body language, I have absolutely no confidence in the impartiality of this organization.

MotoGP: Ezpeleta: "No hubo biscotto" |

Maybe this post needs a bit more explanation. At what point was Carmelo's body language revealing his hidden bias?

I watched that whole thing and it just sounded like:
"depa depa depa depa depa depa depa" with occasional riding clips spliced in.
Maybe this post needs a bit more explanation. At what point was Carmelo's body language revealing his hidden bias?

I watched that whole thing and it just sounded like:
"depa depa depa depa depa depa depa" with occasional riding clips spliced in.
See post 49.
I guess I'll have to just take your word for it then. I thought you could point to a certain part of the video where his body language was indicative of something to motivate you to be suspicious of him. He seemed just sort of normal to me when he was talking.
I guess I'll have to just take your word for it then. I thought you could point to a certain part of the video where his body language was indicative of something to motivate you to be suspicious of him. He seemed just sort of normal to me when he was talking.

Ezpeleta always looks like he is trying to talk you into putting your life savings into a "special fund", and is hurrying to do so before the Feds arrive to arrest him.
See post 49.

Mate, I'm confused: you are fluent in Spanish right?

I'm interested in your view on it but can you paraphrase the parts that concern you?

And about the body language, can you qualify that view? That you are taking into account the MASSIVE DIFFERENCES in culture between, for example, Latin and British-based chaps?
Mate, I'm confused: you are fluent in Spanish right?

I'm interested in your view on it but can you paraphrase the parts that concern you?

And about the body language, can you qualify that view? That you are taking into account the MASSIVE DIFFERENCES in culture between, for example, Latin and British-based chaps?

Brother, I'm probably not the guy you want assessing Carmelo's body language because I'm bias. I don't have a high regard of the man based on little more than soundbites, interviews, and my 'belief' he is at the center of the sport's machinations (apart from me being a cynic about these types of executives). Yes, I'm fluent in Spanish, first language, the "Latin" cultural kind, haha. I purposeful didn't elaborate much on my original post because as you imply above, it's rather futile as it can be so easily shot down.

You're an astute members here with a unique way of looking at things. You made a case against 'intent' because we couldn't really "know". But frankly, that is not how we live our lives, we make judgments about other's intent even in the face of denials. So let me just say, there is plenty of research on 'body language' that it transcends spoken language in general terms, it's universal. Though obviously there are limitations. Posts on a forum are even more difficult to read for meaning. Let me give you an example. Reading for example Krop's post above, I honestly don't know if he was being sarcastic to mock the point that some of us here automatically think Carmelo is a crook, or that he is a crook. I do however get a sense that Kropo gives the organizers the benefit of the doubt, or at least more than me. And frankly he is in an infinitely better position to know.

Long enough disclaimer? Let me continue to paint my perspective on the matter. When Rossi’s exchange with Carmelo was 'caught on tape', the one where he tells Ezpeleta they'll talk later in his "motorhome"; there were various takes on the matter. J4rn0, an Italian speaker, had a favorable take and said of the exchange, it wasn't meant as anything dubious; I think the impression J4rn0 gave us was it was just a 'lighthearted' exchange and meant to be jovial. When Kropo reported on it, he gave the impression (which I share) that Rossi "summoned" Carmelo to his motorhome and indicated an inappropriate dynamic between league executive and contestant. Big difference, right? Who is right? The British expat living in the Nederlands who is a GP insider or the native Italian speaker Rossi fan?

So, make of my opinion what you will, i thought Carmelo's body language betrayed him all throughout that interview, specifically when he says "we all know what happened" (which he repeats for added affect) like, wink wink, we all know Marquez ...... with Rossi, but im not gonna spell it out (that's what his body language said to me). Which was decidedly not; "we all know what happened"--Rossi lost his mind. The vibe from Carmelo is Marquez screwed up and created this situation, where he (Ez) had to step in and clean up the mess. When Carmelo explains his reason for canceling the pre-event press conference at Valencia, he says the riders were "relieved" because they were "asked" not to talk about the incident. The vibe i get is its politician style lawyer double speak ......... He trys to come off as the hero who saves the riders from having to deal with an incident they wanted to avoid instead of a guy obviously pulling a PR damage control hardball gag order with the benefit of insulating Rossi. Carmelo is talking about the gag order, he makes it sound like he was just doing the guys a favor, putting it on the riders and disassociating himself from his own decision. The part where he talks about the data release by HRC, he makes it sound like he had nothing to do with it, as if it was purely an FIM decision, and he's just going along. The part I found most disengenious was his explanation why they had to make an emergency new rule (we seem to have a lot of reactionary 'new rules' often). There is a moment where he says, he doesn't think there was a "Spanish conspiracy" by the 'riders', but goes on to say, I see why people would think that. His body language makes it sound like he can certainly sympathize with those fans thinking Marc and Jorge conspired, he doesn't go out of his way to say it's absurd. But when he addresses that he might be accused of being part of that Spanish conspiracy, to show how honest he is, well let's just change rules to prove it. Basically he strikes me as a guy who is bullshiting me trying to convince me he's the nice guy trying to get everyone to get along doing his best for GP, a transparent and authentic kind of bloke, your buddy next door, but the impression I get is he's really the oil executive on the heels of a major oil spill disaster covering up that they creating the conditions for it, saying he really cares about the environment.
Long enough disclaimer? Let me continue to paint my perspective on the matter. When Rossi’s exchange with Carmelo was 'caught on tape', the one where he tells Ezpeleta they'll talk later in his "motorhome"; there were various takes on the matter. J4rn0, an Italian speaker, had a favorable take and said of the exchange, it wasn't meant as anything dubious; I think the impression J4rn0 gave us was it was just a 'lighthearted' exchange and meant to be jovial. When Kropo reported on it, he gave the impression (which I share) that Rossi "summoned" Carmelo to his motorhome and indicated an inappropriate dynamic between league executive and contestant. Big difference, right? Who is right? The British expat living in the Nederlands who is a GP insider or the native Italian speaker Rossi fan?

Thing I would say about this though, is given that DORNA has routinely paid visits to the VR motorhome to make sure everything was to the liking of the deity inside, this was in fact a summoning being dressed up as a jovial conversation.
Brother, I'm probably not the guy you want assessing Carmelo's body language because I'm bias. I don't have a high regard of the man based on little more than soundbites, interviews, and my 'belief' he is at the center of the sport's machinations (apart from me being a cynic about these types of executives). Yes, I'm fluent in Spanish, first language, the "Latin" cultural kind, haha. I purposeful didn't elaborate much on my original post because as you imply above, it's rather futile as it can be so easily shot down.

You're an astute members here with a unique way of looking at things. You made a case against 'intent' because we couldn't really "know". But frankly, that is not how we live our lives, we make judgments about other's intent even in the face of denials. So let me just say, there is plenty of research on 'body language' that it transcends spoken language in general terms, it's universal. Though obviously there are limitations. Posts on a forum are even more difficult to read for meaning. Let me give you an example. Reading for example Krop's post above, I honestly don't know if he was being sarcastic to mock the point that some of us here automatically think Carmelo is a crook, or that he is a crook. I do however get a sense that Kropo gives the organizers the benefit of the doubt, or at least more than me. And frankly he is in an infinitely better position to know.

Long enough disclaimer? Let me continue to paint my perspective on the matter. When Rossi’s exchange with Carmelo was 'caught on tape', the one where he tells Ezpeleta they'll talk later in his "motorhome"; there were various takes on the matter. J4rn0, an Italian speaker, had a favorable take and said of the exchange, it wasn't meant as anything dubious; I think the impression J4rn0 gave us was it was just a 'lighthearted' exchange and meant to be jovial. When Kropo reported on it, he gave the impression (which I share) that Rossi "summoned" Carmelo to his motorhome and indicated an inappropriate dynamic between league executive and contestant. Big difference, right? Who is right? The British expat living in the Nederlands who is a GP insider or the native Italian speaker Rossi fan?

So, make of my opinion what you will, i thought Carmelo's body language betrayed him all throughout that interview, specifically when he says "we all know what happened" (which he repeats for added affect) like, wink wink, we all know Marquez ...... with Rossi, but im not gonna spell it out (that's what his body language said to me). Which was decidedly not; "we all know what happened"--Rossi lost his mind. The vibe from Carmelo is Marquez screwed up and created this situation, where he (Ez) had to step in and clean up the mess. When Carmelo explains his reason for canceling the pre-event press conference at Valencia, he says the riders were "relieved" because they were "asked" not to talk about the incident. The vibe i get is its politician style lawyer double speak ......... He trys to come off as the hero who saves the riders from having to deal with an incident they wanted to avoid instead of a guy obviously pulling a PR damage control hardball gag order with the benefit of insulating Rossi. Carmelo is talking about the gag order, he makes it sound like he was just doing the guys a favor, putting it on the riders and disassociating himself from his own decision. The part where he talks about the data release by HRC, he makes it sound like he had nothing to do with it, as if it was purely an FIM decision, and he's just going along. The part I found most disengenious was his explanation why they had to make an emergency new rule (we seem to have a lot of reactionary 'new rules' often). There is a moment where he says, he doesn't think there was a "Spanish conspiracy" by the 'riders', but goes on to say, I see why people would think that. His body language makes it sound like he can certainly sympathize with those fans thinking Marc and Jorge conspired, he doesn't go out of his way to say it's absurd. But when he addresses that he might be accused of being part of that Spanish conspiracy, to show how honest he is, well let's just change rules to prove it. Basically he strikes me as a guy who is bullshiting me trying to convince me he's the nice guy trying to get everyone to get along doing his best for GP, a transparent and authentic kind of bloke, your buddy next door, but the impression I get is he's really the oil executive on the heels of a major oil spill disaster covering up that they creating the conditions for it, saying he really cares about the environment.
I think David speaks Italian, and may even have been a translator in a former life. I think he meant exactly what he said in regard to how Uncle Carmelo presents, but I agree is less inclined to see conspiracies than the likes of you or me.

My impression after merely reading the statement concerned in translated English from my point of view of bias similar to yours was exactly the same as yours, and I was going to ask whether anyone had seen what Ezy had said in context and in Spanish before you posted.
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Brother, I'm probably not the guy you want assessing Carmelo's body language because I'm bias. I don't have a high regard of the man based on little more than soundbites, interviews, and my 'belief' he is at the center of the sport's machinations (apart from me being a cynic about these types of executives). Yes, I'm fluent in Spanish, first language, the "Latin" cultural kind, haha. I purposeful didn't elaborate much on my original post because as you imply above, it's rather futile as it can be so easily shot down.

You're an astute members here with a unique way of looking at things. You made a case against 'intent' because we couldn't really "know". But frankly, that is not how we live our lives, we make judgments about other's intent even in the face of denials. So let me just say, there is plenty of research on 'body language' that it transcends spoken language in general terms, it's universal. Though obviously there are limitations. Posts on a forum are even more difficult to read for meaning. Let me give you an example. Reading for example Krop's post above, I honestly don't know if he was being sarcastic to mock the point that some of us here automatically think Carmelo is a crook, or that he is a crook. I do however get a sense that Kropo gives the organizers the benefit of the doubt, or at least more than me. And frankly he is in an infinitely better position to know.

Long enough disclaimer? Let me continue to paint my perspective on the matter. When Rossi’s exchange with Carmelo was 'caught on tape', the one where he tells Ezpeleta they'll talk later in his "motorhome"; there were various takes on the matter. J4rn0, an Italian speaker, had a favorable take and said of the exchange, it wasn't meant as anything dubious; I think the impression J4rn0 gave us was it was just a 'lighthearted' exchange and meant to be jovial. When Kropo reported on it, he gave the impression (which I share) that Rossi "summoned" Carmelo to his motorhome and indicated an inappropriate dynamic between league executive and contestant. Big difference, right? Who is right? The British expat living in the Nederlands who is a GP insider or the native Italian speaker Rossi fan?

So, make of my opinion what you will, i thought Carmelo's body language betrayed him all throughout that interview, specifically when he says "we all know what happened" (which he repeats for added affect) like, wink wink, we all know Marquez ...... with Rossi, but im not gonna spell it out (that's what his body language said to me). Which was decidedly not; "we all know what happened"--Rossi lost his mind. The vibe from Carmelo is Marquez screwed up and created this situation, where he (Ez) had to step in and clean up the mess. When Carmelo explains his reason for canceling the pre-event press conference at Valencia, he says the riders were "relieved" because they were "asked" not to talk about the incident. The vibe i get is its politician style lawyer double speak ......... He trys to come off as the hero who saves the riders from having to deal with an incident they wanted to avoid instead of a guy obviously pulling a PR damage control hardball gag order with the benefit of insulating Rossi. Carmelo is talking about the gag order, he makes it sound like he was just doing the guys a favor, putting it on the riders and disassociating himself from his own decision. The part where he talks about the data release by HRC, he makes it sound like he had nothing to do with it, as if it was purely an FIM decision, and he's just going along. The part I found most disengenious was his explanation why they had to make an emergency new rule (we seem to have a lot of reactionary 'new rules' often). There is a moment where he says, he doesn't think there was a "Spanish conspiracy" by the 'riders', but goes on to say, I see why people would think that. His body language makes it sound like he can certainly sympathize with those fans thinking Marc and Jorge conspired, he doesn't go out of his way to say it's absurd. But when he addresses that he might be accused of being part of that Spanish conspiracy, to show how honest he is, well let's just change rules to prove it. Basically he strikes me as a guy who is bullshiting me trying to convince me he's the nice guy trying to get everyone to get along doing his best for GP, a transparent and authentic kind of bloke, your buddy next door, but the impression I get is he's really the oil executive on the heels of a major oil spill disaster covering up that they creating the conditions for it, saying he really cares about the environment.

Ah, OK, now I'm not confused... You had me at "I'm fluent in Spanish", thanks for elaborating.

Fair enough: you're in a good position to interpret that and sure, non-verbal communications is a thing, no argument from me on that.

With regard to Kropotkin's comment, only he can answer that but I took it to mean that Ezz's normal style is, shall we say, a bit on the intense side and easily misinterpreted?
Race Direction is to be altered in the wake of the clash in Sepang between Valentino Rossi and Marc Marquez. A proposal to split the responsibilities of Race Direction is to be adopted at the next meeting of the Grand Prix Commission to be held on Thursday.

The proposal will see the responsibility for disciplinary matters removed from the current four members of Race Direction, and placed in the hands of a separate panel of stewards. Race Direction will continue to be in charge of all aspects of running the race, including marshalling and safety, but incidents between riders will be investigated by the new panel. They will be charged with judging all incidents of unfair play, and especially of violations of rule 1.21.2, which mandates responsible behavior by the riders on track.

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Race Direction is to be altered in the wake of the clash in Sepang between Valentino Rossi and Marc Marquez. A proposal to split the responsibilities of Race Direction is to be adopted at the next meeting of the Grand Prix Commission to be held on Thursday.

The proposal will see the responsibility for disciplinary matters removed from the current four members of Race Direction, and placed in the hands of a separate panel of stewards. Race Direction will continue to be in charge of all aspects of running the race, including marshalling and safety, but incidents between riders will be investigated by the new panel. They will be charged with judging all incidents of unfair play, and especially of violations of rule 1.21.2, which mandates responsible behavior by the riders on track.

Click for more...

I don't have much suspicion about RD favouring MM over Rossi or vice versa, as David Emmett says on his site the overwhelmingly positive commercial imperative for Dorna would have been to favour Rossi rather than engage in a Spanish conspiracy against him.

My suspicion in both 2103 and 2015 was that as the commercial rights holders of the media rights Dorna wanted both championships to go down to the last round. David says all the men on RD are good men and true and the designated Dorna guy has not interfered, and I am inclined to believe him.