People in fact do make poor decisions when intoxicated, because they are intellectually compromised, not because they are morally bankrupt. And that is key. The public make a moral judgement about drunk driving which is an error in logical thinking. The general public make a wrong, blanket assumption that all people who drive drunk do so because they blithely engage in acts of depraved indifference to public safety. IMHO - those that do are in the minority. The great majority of drunk drivers are seriously troubled people with poor impulse control, exacerbated by the disinhibiting effects of alcohol.
Naturally, I agree, that anyone who is convicted of multiple counts of drunk driving should have their license revoked, not because they are bad people per se, but because they're not in control of their impulses. Alcoholism is a physical and spiritual disease. People who have Alzheimers should not be allowed to have a license either, but not because they're "bad people". But because they're incapable of safe driving.
I've been thrown off my bike and badly injured twice, both times by sober drivers who A. Didn't look where where they were going and B. Didn't bother to signal their turn. These are the motherfuckers who need to have their license revoked for a 5 year period. Again, not because they're evil, but because they're ....... stupid and thoughtless.