You truly are a cocksucking dickheaded ...... Rog. ....... you've done it again ..... I'm actually sick of your manipulative tripe.
RDP and Stoner speed difference estimated at over 100kph ....... if you think thats nothing go stand out on your ole M1 there with a pair of rollerblades on ( cos thats about what its like when some cock does something stupid on a racetrack )
Then ride beside someone and try and punch them even remotely hard
You truly are a couch bound, blouse wearing , sookassed prick. ...... If you do do the roller skate thing ....... tell me I want to drive by you
Fu#%#^'n leotard wearing pussy boy manipulative whinging prick.
You are now wankng on about that planking crap ...... here's a more apt speed related Aussie phenomena for you to ponder:
thats what happens with human bodies and vehicles going over 100kph
Even Mohamed Ali couldn't do that to PeeWee Herman in half an hour of punching at him
now quit the sooking at anything Stoner and go buy a keg of Industrial strength poultry testosterone ....... and scull it!!
Any other wuss's who don't see that the possible outcomes of what RdP did are ten times ( to "death" ) worst than Stoner even trying to punch as hard as he could ........ take a walk with Reg. along a major freeway would you
Can't believe this idiotic crap ..... its ok to knock someone off a bike but punch them after they nearly killed you ..... "oh dear we can't do that"..... not that I think thats all that "blousy" but its the manipulative girly way that Rog. uses that I find abhorrent.
Ok I don't think Stoner should have punched him ..... but when I think about it I think about it meh I can undrstand that it happened .... anyway the two of them have it sorted ...... besides What with RdP living out here a bit I'm sure they will need to get over it as they have.