Physical Violence on Track

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casey should not have punched randy that's for sure

...he should have whacked the moron on the back of his helmet FFS!

What is unbelievable is these guys are in the top flight and riding around "adjusting brakes" on the ....... racing line. You're either on the racing line going fast, or your looking around for faster riders as you are coming out of your box or going back into your box. And all the morons trying to say casey could have made randy crash with the "punch" obviously have never been on a bike or you'd know this was complete ........
They need to get this fixed before the grid starts getting bigger. The managers and factories need to get involved but at the same time you can't go riding around like a .... when you get upset. The fine is good as a warning to Casey. Maybe some of these guys should take a page out of Kenny Roberts book and tell their factories they aren't riding until it gets fixed, I guarantee you HRC and yam would be all up in dorna's ass.
This is why Talpa has ZERO credibility and is generally regarded as the village idiot.

And you do!!!!

You are a inept twit aren't you puppet......

Maybe you can add so value to the discussion instead of what you have so far-insane abuse........ And you speak of credibility!

Thank you though, this made me laugh for quite a while.....
This actually had me laughing out loud. Yes, it did. Hahahaha.

"extreme measures" hahahaha. The great thing is you are serious. And that's what makes shitting on you so much fun.

Stoner not only should have punched him on the shoulder, but took off his helmet and dropped kick his ass. Plowing into a guy at speed or becoming a brick wall for somebody at speed will result in the same ....... thing you moron. Race direction are weak, and they suck dick as much as you do Talps.

I'm amuse you think Stoner actually "punched" Dpunt. Hahaha. Oh, the horror, the violence!

BTW, I have some rare footage of Talps last "fight". LINK

Right so, this coming from the one who whinged bitterly about 'Proper Racing Etiquette' a little while back!
And how dangerous Rossi is........

Oh the laughs just keep coming........ anything valuable to add oh short one?

And you do!!!!

You are a inept twit aren't you puppet......

Maybe you can add so value to the discussion instead of what you have so far-insane abuse........ And you speak of credibility!

Thank you though, this made me laugh for quite a while.....

My pleasure
casey should not have punched randy that's for sure

...he should have whacked the moron on the back of his helmet FFS!

What is unbelievable is these guys are in the top flight and riding around "adjusting brakes" on the ....... racing line. You're either on the racing line going fast, or your looking around for faster riders as you are coming out of your box or going back into your box. And all the morons trying to say casey could have made randy crash with the "punch" obviously have never been on a bike or you'd know this was complete ........

Well said. The Sic/Pedro tangle seems to have brought a little perspective back to some, in that screwing around on a racetrack at speed (or not, if you prefer) can have serious consequences, and that Stoner's reaction is more understandable. Still, they should have made the fine a little more appropriate....perhaps an expired supermarket voucher? Three grams of navel fluff? I dunno, something like that.

Anyway, I got no problem with the action of Stoner. And no problem with the fine. Stoner's got no problem. Randy appears to be problem free. Wait, I'm lost, what's the problem?

And btw guys, I think you're being had. "Talpa" is nothing more than a clever software program designed to spout the most obscene propositions with such absurd conviction in order to convince others that he is a real "human" who holds such beliefs. It's one of those wacky, university psych experiments carried out on unwitting suspects. Anyway, just a heads up.

edit: also, the giveaway that it's a program is that it has a very limited range of discussion. This one seems stuck on "Rossi = God" atm. Now that I think about it, I remember they were doing this experiment in some Queensland uni, on their new supercomputer, Deep Poo.
Yeah and why were throwing in the what if's. What if RDP fell off his bike after being physically assaulted while doing 100kph and died ? Both were in the wrong, both posed a serious danger to other riders. One was a mistake and the other was deliberate.

Two wrongs don't make a right !

Mate, what Stoner did was bloody stupid & he got off lighty.What if's you ask? because that mistake can cost a rider there life.Some thing needs to be done about. Its the same the rival series WSBK.Here's another what if Rog,do you think people would make such a big deal if an other rider was involed?
Mate, what Stoner did was bloody stupid & he got off lighty.What if's you ask? because that mistake can cost a rider there life.Some thing needs to be done about. Its the same the rival series WSBK.Here's another what if Rog,do you think people would make such a big deal if an other rider was involed?

Yes i do but i don't really see what that has to do with dangerous action's on track.

Fans will be fans but the race control should look at every case on its own merit and take appropriate action, regardless of who is involved.

Ok another "what if" while were at it. What if Rossi punched another rider on track? What if stoner got in Rossi's way on track ? Oh hold on a sec i think he did. impeded was the phrase i believe and i dont see many comments about that, not even from the so called boppers
if stoner was doing a flying lap whilst he punched punit of strawberrys hats off to him. Punching someone at speed as you're passing takes precision, well done Stoner perhaps a career in josting should be next.

Question - if indeed stoner was doing a fast lap and strawberry got in the way but had been in the way long enough for stoner to slow down then he couldn't have been very quick. Im sure if that was someone who has brains doing a fast lap would turn it into a race situation and still overtake at speed using a slightly different line.

I hope Dani fixes quickly. And didn't i say Rossi will be back on track (podium position) by race four?????!!!!!
if stoner was doing a flying lap whilst he punched punit of strawberrys hats off to him. Punching someone at speed as you're passing takes precision, well done Stoner perhaps a career in josting should be next.

Question - if indeed stoner was doing a fast lap and strawberry got in the way but had been in the way long enough for stoner to slow down then he couldn't have been very quick. Im sure if that was someone who has brains doing a fast lap would turn it into a race situation and still overtake at speed using a slightly different line.

I hope Dani fixes quickly. And didn't i say Rossi will be back on track (podium position) by race four?????!!!!!

No excuse for the punch, but I think the issue for stoner was that he had to hit the brakes quite hard, with randy who had been lolllygagging mutually with bautista on the racing line at the last moment moving across whilst bautista stayed put, leaving casey few places to go other than into de puniet or into a wall 2 feet away had he not reacted and braked quickly enough.
All of this is due to the inaction of race control. They have failed to warn and punish riders for cruising on the race line which puts riders on hot laps in serious danger.

Race control in the past have failed in punishing unprofessional and violent behaviour with some riders. We have seen rider's kicking competitors bike's while on track, standing trackside during a live race to vent anger and frustration and now punching/pushing. This should have been addressed a long time ago by Butler. Now he has acted and i welcome the fine and think that should be the end of it. If the same rider behave's in this manner again then the punishment should be a lot more sevier.

Got it in one.

Ok, so obviously there is no excuse for Casey thumping de Puniet but at the end of the day he is forever getting held up by riders cruising around looking for a tow so I dont really blame him for chucking his teddies out (even if the way he did it was totally inappropriate)- its that which kinda makes the Superpole qualifying system better in some ways. But anyway, race control knows this goes on and they should enforce that if riders arent on an out lap and are not doing a hot one either, then they shouldnt be on track! This cruising along business is dangerous and needs to be stopped, getting a quick lap shouldnt rely on you finding a tow anyway so if you cant go fast on your own then you simply start lower on the grid!
Yes i do but i don't really see what that has to do with dangerous action's on track.

Fans will be fans but the race control should look at every case on its own merit and take appropriate action, regardless of who is involved.

Ok another "what if" while were at it. What if Rossi punched another rider on track? What if stoner got in Rossi's way on track ? Oh hold on a sec i think he did. impeded was the phrase i believe and i dont see many comments about that, not even from the so called boppers

You truly are a cocksucking dickheaded ...... Rog. ....... you've done it again ..... I'm actually sick of your manipulative tripe.

RDP and Stoner speed difference estimated at over 100kph ....... if you think thats nothing go stand out on your ole M1 there with a pair of rollerblades on ( cos thats about what its like when some cock does something stupid on a racetrack )

Then ride beside someone and try and punch them even remotely hard

You truly are a couch bound, blouse wearing , sookassed prick. ...... If you do do the roller skate thing ....... tell me I want to drive by you

Fu#%#^'n leotard wearing pussy boy manipulative whinging prick.

You are now wankng on about that planking crap ...... here's a more apt speed related Aussie phenomena for you to ponder:

thats what happens with human bodies and vehicles going over 100kph

Even Mohamed Ali couldn't do that to PeeWee Herman in half an hour of punching at him

now quit the sooking at anything Stoner and go buy a keg of Industrial strength poultry testosterone ....... and scull it!!


Any other wuss's who don't see that the possible outcomes of what RdP did are ten times ( to "death" ) worst than Stoner even trying to punch as hard as he could ........ take a walk with Reg. along a major freeway would you

Can't believe this idiotic crap ..... its ok to knock someone off a bike but punch them after they nearly killed you ..... "oh dear we can't do that"..... not that I think thats all that "blousy" but its the manipulative girly way that Rog. uses that I find abhorrent.

Ok I don't think Stoner should have punched him ..... but when I think about it I think about it meh I can undrstand that it happened .... anyway the two of them have it sorted ...... besides What with RdP living out here a bit I'm sure they will need to get over it as they have.
As I have previously stated and I will reiterate again Stoners antics were totally unjustifiable.

However, to put it into perspective I would like to ask Talpa a simple question and I would be very interested in his response...

So Talps....have you had an experience on the road where some ....... pulls out in front of you in his mobile comfort zone whilst you are riding along minding your own business, thus putting your life or well-being at risk from sheer negligence - it scares the .... out of you and I can tell you the first reaction is that you want is a perfectly natural thing to feel anger at the stupidity of what just occurred so I can relate to this reaction - even so I do not condone any act of physical violence.

Has it happened to any of you guys at all and if so what was your response to this situation?
As I have previously stated and I will reiterate again Stoners antics were totally unjustifiable.

However, to put it into perspective I would like to ask Talpa a simple question and I would be very interested in his response...

So Talps....have you had an experience on the road where some ....... pulls out in front of you in his mobile comfort zone whilst you are riding along minding your own business, thus putting your life or well-being at risk from sheer negligence - it scares the .... out of you and I can tell you the first reaction is that you want is a perfectly natural thing to feel anger at the stupidity of what just occurred so I can relate to this reaction - even so I do not condone any act of physical violence.

Has it happened to any of you guys at all and if so what was your response to this situation?

In a situation where some moron pulls out in front of you do you

A. Ignore it, pull back to a safe distance as this person has shown how stupid they are, so feel in the interest of yours and every other road users safety its best to keep your distance.

B. pull up alongside and give a load of verbal abuse and finger flicking

C. use your car as a weapon and punt them into the nearest ditch

D. pull them over and kick the .... out of them ?

Anything other than answer A. in the UK is an offence but there are all types of people who are road users. Now how would you expect a professional to act ?

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