Physical Violence on Track

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I believe TALPA is actually an acronym for

Total Absence of Logic Perception and Analysis

Couldnt help but quote myself here...

Interesting to read the posts on this thread by the "boners".

Pretty well all of them were critical of Stoners behaviour on this occasion....contrast that with the biased rants of the current influx of boppers and it becomes crystal clear that they CANNOT be objective about any criticism of Rossi whatsoever.
This is how I see Rossi in 50 years:


Arguably, the key word. In your opinion as a Rossi fan and Stoner hater yes. However, the issue is you are trying to excuse Rossi for his behaviour while calling for Stoners head on a spike in your OP. A premaditated incident during a race is worse.

You encapsulate my following post in 2 very much more succinct lines.
You are very obviously a genuine fan of the sport, and with good reason also a fan of Valentino's, but again demonstrate the double standards also prevalent among far less informed Rossi fans which is what started all the "Rossi-hating" as you call it in the first place.

What exactly makes Talps a fan of the sport? Is it his adoration of Rossi, his hatred of everyone except Rossi or his objective view of everything involving Rossi? Someone should point out that Rossi is involved in Moto GP (Motorcycle Racing) so he knows what the other people around Rossi are there for. Talps is the Grand Poobah of the Boppers as far as I can tell.:)
The only post worth responding to with a resonable amount of effort, is in overdrive at the moment, you can rely on the gang to come in and smash any would be pro rossi member ;)
Talpa, please don't try to perpetrate the myth that you're some persecuted minority defending the faith. Trawl through the posts on here between 2006 and 2008 in particular. Stoner's 2007 championship was greeted by fanatical malicious levels of hatred. On the subject of minorities, I'll come back to that in due course.

I believe you were imperviuos to the fact I started this thread when digging it up as much as I believe Marc Marquez is an all around good clean fair racer :D

Then joking or not you are accusing me of being a liar, which I assure you for all my foibles I am not. Didn't Valentino level the same allegation at Marc and his family at Sepang?

The new Deranged members, wow, if they shared the overwhelming Anti Rossi sentiment with just as inept commentary I seriously doubt you'd call them out, as you haven't called any of the rossihatersclub out for their utter asinine remarks about the 'kick' and various other malicious rubbish which has proven to have no merit.


Can you please go away.

You are such a knob of such overwhelming magnitude I have an immediate reactionary compulsion to dress entirely in yellow, have a giant 46 tattooed on my forehead and purchase a bulldog christened Guido to bite you on the ass.

Your posts are a constant stream of incessant uninformed, unrelenting drivel and your arrival on this board is like a sudden episode of food poisoning accompanied by a constant stream of nausea and diarrhoea. If they even had the slightest in the way of substance to them then you'd at best be the latest unflushable turd of this forum.

The Mass hysteria and trolling which commenced the other Sunday was on both sides - and like I said, why does this have to be so polarised?

So you obviously believe the Rossi kicked Marc? Despite race direction, Yamaha, Rossi, many, many commentators and highly respected Jouros, riders, ex-riders stating he didn't

As I said opinions polarise - the truth is rarely universal and is often filtered by affiliation, loyalty, vested interests and politics. Of course RD stated that he didn't kick Marquez, otherwise they would have to defend their decision not to immediately black flag the rider which they failed to do in the interests of a lucrative championship which they wish to keep alive. In my opinion, he clearly did and based upon the events that I saw, that wouldn't change irrespective of the riders involved. You can question the motivation and intent, which I have, but to make a definitive conclusion over this would be conjecture at best.

And again, if I choose to believe a world class rider, or a respected journos opinion over a person who posts on a forum (even if those posts are as well contructed and articulate as yours) known to nuture, develop and encourage the anti-rossi POV, that is my right-call me crazy?

Anti Rossi point of view? - you mean any opinion that doesn't conform with your own?

You may or may not of noticed, I don't have a favourite rider. Well, I did, - genuinely the 'greatest of all time' - but he was cruelly taken from us in 1981. A true gentleman, didn't need to resort to mind games or denigrate his rivals, could ride anything, did all his talking on the race circuit and his legend was his own not some artificially manufactured spin. Furthermore he didn't elect to wear his own branded socks. And the view on Mike from your brethren? -

I dont know who you are talking about and I dont care. I guess he is long gone in a retirement home.

I hypothetically suggested that had events have transpired in reverse you would take the opposite view. If that was Stoner or Marquez in contention for the championship and Valentino who was not able to challenge for the title but was nonetheless was racing either of them hard (as he did Lorenzo in 2010), you would vehemently defend his right to do so, moreover Laverty would never have materialised on Twitter with his 'unwritten law' ......... If then, a visibly frustrated and angered Marc or Casey deliberately slowed and ran Rossi off line you would be screaming for a black flag...if God forbid, the two made contact, far from suggesting that Rossi had 'ridden into' Marc or Casey, if they then 'reacted' and put your idol on the deck we woudn't be having this conversation at all. Because, by now you would have likely been committed, undergoing an intense programme of shock treatment and in the brief moments that they allowed you out of your straight jacket scrawling anti Stoner/Marc testimonies on the wall of your padded cell with a blunt crayon.

"And again, if I choose to believe a world class rider, or a respected journos opinion over a person who posts on a forum (even if those posts are as well contructed and articulate as yours) known to nuture, develop and encourage the anti-rossi POV, that is my right-call me crazy?"

Seriously Talps, believe what you like. 'world class rider'!!!??? - you mean one with a view that is contiguous with your own? Foggy was a 'world class' rider and you could loosely argue that Parish and Heuwen were too, based on the level that they competed. Should we hang on their every word too? - evidently, but it seems only selectively, providing it's what we want to hear. I think even you would find it hard to dispute that Casey Stoner was a 'world class rider' - perhaps you should reference his view too.

"Known to nurture an anti Rossi point of view?" Granted, I don't buy into the hype. I feel that he has been preferentially treated throughout much of his career - often at the expense of others. I maintain that the myth was shattered when he vainly and arrogantly moved to Ducati which starkly exposed the 'real Valentino'. What I post on here isn't necessarily right - it is based upon my observations and my interpretation of the information available - but because of that, is also subjective. However, it is not driven by a disliking for any rider or dictated by a preference for another. I also voiced full support of Rossi following the incidents at Argentina and Assen, in common with the other so called 'haters' on this forum. As I recall, you 'hated' Stoner - am I not correct? If not, I would welcome your correction and clarification on the matter.

-For most of the small number of regular tossers here are happy to brush over any other riders deeds no matter the severity as long as its against Rossi or to somehow vindicate their loathing for Rossi-despite the hypocrisy involved. A cult indeed, however to be considered a cult you need at least certain number of members ;)

Allow me to draw your attention to a telling quote from Ayn Rand. Never concurred with her politics or necessarily the philosophy, but 'Atlas Shrugged' is nonetheless a compelling read. In it she said -

"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual)."

Following Sepang, innumerable new members and trolls signed up to this forum, including resurrecting the old yellow guard, solely with the purpose, far from debating motorcycle racing, but to proselityse, preach and enforce the dogma that is Valentino Rossi. Forgive me for finding that slightly irksome. I am fully prepared for the fanatical fallout should he secure his tenth world title this Sunday and the rabid outrage if he does not.

Back to my hypothetical situation, if the roles had been reversed, I would still be contending the same principles, and insisting that far from being placed to the back of the grid - championship or no championship - Marquez should have been black flagged. I would also defend Rossi's right to race a championship protagonist just as I think he was perfectly justified in doing in 2010 - and so for the record did he. I assume that your 'world class rider' would conveniently dispense with his 'unwritten law' and insist the same. Furthermore, I have never doubted his immeasurable talent, his passion for the sport, and until now, his fairness on the track. Rarely if ever have I heard you similarly acknowledge the talent of Stoner, or indeed come to think of it any other rider other than Rossi. Do you see the pattern here?

I will choose to remember Rossi for his sublime, virtuoso performance in the wet at Donington 2005 - rider and bike in complete harmony - the violin strokes as he crossed the line, the greatest feat of motorcycle racing that I have ever witnessed trackside. I will choose to remember Rossi for overcoming the ten second penalty at Philip Island. I will choose to remember Rossi for the immaculately timed pass on Lorenzo final turn at Catalunya. I will choose to remember Rossi for his first pole at Brno in '96, his unorthodox sweeping lines maximising every inch of the widest circuit on the calendar, beating Martinez in the race and his ecstatic celebration which almost put him into the pit wall. I will remember him for his commanding mastery of the 250 Aprilia in '99 - and his rapid adaptation to the NSR the following year. I will remember him for the first win on the M1 at Welkom in 2004, becoming the first rider to win back to back premier class races with a different manufacturer.

I will choose to remember Rossi for a multitude of wonderful reasons, but I will also remember him for Sepang 2015 - and in the likelihood that he does 'win' the 2015 championship, which I suspect he may well do, the unsavoury circumstances that taint it.

I will however choose not to remember his largely glory hunting so called 'fan base' which as devotees of VR as opposed to the sport of motorcycle racing will fortunately vanish as rapidly as they proliferated.
Talpa, please don't try to perpetrate the myth that you're some persecuted minority defending the faith. Trawl through the posts on here between 2006 and 2008 in particular. Stoner's 2007 championship was greeted by fanatical malicious levels of hatred. On the subject of minorities, I'll come back to that in due course.

Then joking or not you are accusing me of being a liar, which I assure you for all my foibles I am not. Didn't Valentino level the same allegation at Marc and his family at Sepang?


The Mass hysteria and trolling which commenced the other Sunday was on both sides - and like I said, why does this have to be so polarised?

As I said opinions polarise - the truth is rarely universal and is often filtered by affiliation, loyalty, vested interests and politics. Of course RD stated that he didn't kick Marquez, otherwise they would have to defend their decision not to immediately black flag the rider which they failed to do in the interests of a lucrative championship which they wish to keep alive. In my opinion, he clearly did and based upon the events that I saw, that wouldn't change irrespective of the riders involved. You can question the motivation and intent, which I have, but to make a definitive conclusion over this would be conjecture at best.

Anti Rossi point of view? - you mean any opinion that doesn't conform with your own?

You may or may not of noticed, I don't have a favourite rider. Well, I did, - genuinely the 'greatest of all time' - but he was cruelly taken from us in 1981. A true gentleman, didn't need to resort to mind games or denigrate his rivals, could ride anything, did all his talking on the race circuit and his legend was his own not some artificially manufactured spin. Furthermore he didn't elect to wear his own branded socks. And the view on Mike from your brethren? -

I hypothetically suggested that had events have transpired in reverse you would take the opposite view. If that was Stoner or Marquez in contention for the championship and Valentino who was not able to challenge for the title but was nonetheless was racing either of them hard (as he did Lorenzo in 2010), you would vehemently defend his right to do so, moreover Laverty would never have materialised on Twitter with his 'unwritten law' ......... If then, a visibly frustrated and angered Marc or Casey deliberately slowed and ran Rossi off line you would be screaming for a black flag...if God forbid, the two made contact, far from suggesting that Rossi had 'ridden into' Marc or Casey, if they then 'reacted' and put your idol on the deck we woudn't be having this conversation at all. Because, by now you would have likely been committed, undergoing an intense programme of shock treatment and in the brief moments that they allowed you out of your straight jacket scrawling anti Stoner/Marc testimonies on the wall of your padded cell with a blunt crayon.

"And again, if I choose to believe a world class rider, or a respected journos opinion over a person who posts on a forum (even if those posts are as well contructed and articulate as yours) known to nuture, develop and encourage the anti-rossi POV, that is my right-call me crazy?"

Seriously Talps, believe what you like. 'world class rider'!!!??? - you mean one with a view that is contiguous with your own? Foggy was a 'world class' rider and you could loosely argue that Parish and Heuwen were too, based on the level that they competed. Should we hang on their every word too? - evidently, but it seems only selectively, providing it's what we want to hear. I think even you would find it hard to dispute that Casey Stoner was a 'world class rider' - perhaps you should reference his view too.

"Known to nurture an anti Rossi point of view?" Granted, I don't buy into the hype. I feel that he has been preferentially treated throughout much of his career - often at the expense of others. I maintain that the myth was shattered when he vainly and arrogantly moved to Ducati which starkly exposed the 'real Valentino'. What I post on here isn't necessarily right - it is based upon my observations and my interpretation of the information available - but because of that, is also subjective. However, it is not driven by a disliking for any rider or dictated by a preference for another. I also voiced full support of Rossi following the incidents at Argentina and Assen, in common with the other so called 'haters' on this forum. As I recall, you 'hated' Stoner - am I not correct? If not, I would welcome your correction and clarification on the matter.

Allow me to draw your attention to a telling quote from Ayn Rand. Never concurred with her politics or necessarily the philosophy, but 'Atlas Shrugged' is nonetheless a compelling read. In it she said -

"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual)."

Following Sepang, innumerable new members and trolls signed up to this forum, including resurrecting the old yellow guard, solely with the purpose, far from debating motorcycle racing, but to proselityse, preach and enforce the dogma that is Valentino Rossi. Forgive me for finding that slightly irksome. I am fully prepared for the fanatical fallout should he secure his tenth world title this Sunday and the rabid outrage if he does not.

Back to my hypothetical situation, if the roles had been reversed, I would still be contending the same principles, and insisting that far from being placed to the back of the grid - championship or no championship - Marquez should have been black flagged. I would also defend Rossi's right to race a championship protagonist just as I think he was perfectly justified in doing in 2010 - and so for the record did he. I assume that your 'world class rider' would conveniently dispense with his 'unwritten law' and insist the same. Furthermore, I have never doubted his immeasurable talent, his passion for the sport, and until now, his fairness on the track. Rarely if ever have I heard you similarly acknowledge the talent of Stoner, or indeed come to think of it any other rider other than Rossi. Do you see the pattern here?

I will choose to remember Rossi for his sublime, virtuoso performance in the wet at Donington 2005 - rider and bike in complete harmony - the violin strokes as he crossed the line, the greatest feat of motorcycle racing that I have ever witnessed trackside. I will choose to remember Rossi for overcoming the ten second penalty at Philip Island. I will choose to remember Rossi for the immaculately timed pass on Lorenzo final turn at Catalunya. I will choose to remember Rossi for his first pole at Brno in '96, his unorthodox sweeping lines maximising every inch of the widest circuit on the calendar, beating Martinez in the race and his ecstatic celebration which almost put him into the pit wall. I will remember him for his commanding mastery of the 250 Aprilia in '99 - and his rapid adaptation to the NSR the following year. I will remember him for the first win on the M1 at Welkom in 2004, becoming the first rider to win back to back premier class races with a different manufacturer.

I will choose to remember Rossi for a multitude of wonderful reasons, but I will also remember him for Sepang 2015 - and in the likelihood that he does 'win' the 2015 championship, which I suspect he may well do, the unsavoury circumstances that taint it.

I will however choose not to remember his largely glory hunting so called 'fan base' which as devotees of VR as opposed to the sport of motorcycle racing will fortunately vanish as rapidly as they proliferated.

Thanks Arrab....I would have done it but I cant be arsed and it wouldn't have been as compelling.
What exactly makes Talps a fan of the sport? Is it his adoration of Rossi, his hatred of everyone except Rossi or his objective view of everything involving Rossi? Someone should point out that Rossi is involved in Moto GP (Motorcycle Racing) so he knows what the other people around Rossi are there for. Talps is the Grand Poobah of the Boppers as far as I can tell.:)

As a Stoner tragic myself ( I was a Doohan fan long before that, but probably not so emotionally invested perhaps precisely because he didn't have Rossi fans to hate him), I can understand how people can led fandom get away from them.

I have had very reasonable discussions with Talps about pre-Rossi days, in which it was obvious he was a fan of the sport then. He has never outright stated it, but I also suspect he hates Stoner in particular for more personal reasons, perhaps an encounter or encounters with him, and since I don't know Casey personally it is hard to gainsay that, whether or not Stoner has given him cause for genuine offence.
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Absolutely agree, I guess I didn't explain it well but, you can't put restrictions on riders if there is no proper process in-house: the pressure will just build and something has to give. I'm talking about reforming the internal processes and then backing that up with a code of ethics regarding media statements. But anyway... it's just blah blah blah really. Nuff said.

Hmmm, I think maybe you have something there with the wrestling... Imagine the audience you would get if one guy was wearing a cape and he was allowed to pluck another guy off his bike and body-slam him into the deck, then follow up with a few fake knee-drops to the helmet. Interesting :p

Y'know, you couldn't tie me to a couch (tho there's some who'd like to) and pay me to watch wrestling. But I go to go to watch La Luche Libre at least once every year when we make our annual pilgrimage to Mexico. It's great theater and hot chicks with the round cards are great, but the crowd is just the best in the world. Pinche! Puto! Pinche! Puto!:furious:
Couldnt help but quote myself here...

Interesting to read the posts on this thread by the "boners".

Pretty well all of them were critical of Stoners behaviour on this occasion....contrast that with the biased rants of the current influx of boppers and it becomes crystal clear that they are constitutionally incapable of being objective about any criticism of Rossi whatsoever.

Fixed it - just a bit. If cognitive dissonance were considered a curable disease, I'd give generously to cure it.
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Short clip from Phillip Island 1990 125cc race where Spaan tried to punch Gresini.

Just curious, does anyone think that was justified based on the circumstances of what went on in that race?
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Short clip from Phillip Island 1991 125cc race where Spaan tried to punch Gresini.

Just curious, does anyone think that was justified based on the circumstances of what went on in that race?

1991? twas 1990... was there. Dirty as ..... but also lawyerless.
1991? twas 1990... was there. Dirty as ..... but also lawyerless.

Oops, edited year. ;)

Well I guess what I wonder is if an extreme circumstance such as what happened to Spaan, where you've got no real precedent (that I am aware of) do you just try to beat them outright or do something like get next to them and grab their front brake? Yes I know what I am saying is quite bad with the grabbing the front brake, but I'm just trying to figure out what the hell one even does there.
This was the era before Capirossi fixed his teeth. Who knkws what the standards were?
Physical violence should be kept to the garages, it doesn't really happen often though, I recall Michael Dunlop getting a year long ban from the ACU for headbutting another rider as probably the worst act of violence, the rest of it is normally just "handbags" as they call it.

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