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Marquez is a truly great rider by any definition. He makes the most amazing saves, has crazy bike control and is a proper racer. But ... but ... but ...

I worry for him. His self-belief and confidence in himself is astonishing but one day, he will make a tiny misjudgement, thinking he can do anything, that he is impregnable and boom ... you can only fall off of a motorbike so many times before it bites your bum!!!

Dont worry about him Marquez is fine. In reality rossi is nowhere near him. Its just because rossi hates him that you are running with the current "safety" concern line.
Youll get over it and rossi is the most dangerous privk out there. Especially since he has started taking dives. Lets face it race direction got a bit upset when rossi started kicking folk he had to come up with a new angle.;)

Maybe we should start calling him " the diving diva" :rolleyes:
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They must be making bicycles with reverse gears in Pomona because that is some excellent backpedaling, curryfart.

Yo Short Pants, you must have lead poisoning where you are. Why else would insist on deluding yourself that your weak taunts are somehow hurting anybody's feelings. In fact since you define yourself not with racing knowledge or logic, but instead with ad hominem attacks - your new new name is Weak Tea. I don't give a .... that you went to my website and know where my business is. Did you think that was some great secret you'd uncovered? You think that makes me feel threatened? What a clueless little .... you are. You think you're some internet gorilla pounding everybody with your sophomoric jokes. Reality is, you're like a little flea biting the 4 foot dick on an elephant. What you pass off as humor is like tired old flies that die mid-flight and fall to the earth.

If you were capable of humbling someone with real knowledge, you would matter. But you can't and you don't.
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Dont worry about him Marquez is fine. In reality rossi is nowhere near him. Its just because rossi hates him that you are running with the current "safety" concern line.
Youll get over it and rossi is the most dangerous privk out there. Especially since he has started taking dives. Lets face it race direction got a bit upset when rossi started kicking folk he had to come up with a new angle.;)

Maybe we should start calling him " the diving diva" :rolleyes:

Some of you have quite an imagination when it comes to Rossi. At Sepang 2015, you give him superhuman powers by claiming he kicked Marc off his bike. So while accelerating a GP bike he was somehow still able to perform a no-look kick powerful enough to take out Marc? Rossi was truly born with some amazing genetics!

Now Marquez makes contacts with Rossi and forces him onto wet grass, but Rossi needed to fake that he was on a low-grip surface and purposely crashes?

When you have to cross over into the land of make-believe to justify your stance, you're just a conspiracy theorist (and a bad one at that).
He was given a ride through for nothing

He rode a motorcycle against traffic on a live track. And you call that nothing?
Gobsmaked!! Brad Smith got a 5000euro fine for freewheeling the wrong way down pit lane in Valencia. Doing it on track and disregarding a track official who told him to go int pit lane! Damn right he should be black flagged. total disregard for safety and authority.
If Marc's dangerous riding is allowed then Iannone torpedoes are also fair game. You're not one to talk since you've posted on here that you hoped Dovi broke his leg so that Stoner may race again. Hypocrite.

Marquez should've been black flagged early in the race. The end result of him having ZERO points for the weekend would have been the same. The only difference is all the other riders would've been much safer and no other rider would've lost points as a result of Marc's reckless actions.

Never ending irony from you guys.

MM should have got a several race suspension for the Willairot incident.

Rossi has done worse than the incident under discussion both intentionally and unintentionally, often with nary a hint of a penalty. At least Marquez doesn’t whine when he is done over, nor does he have Uccio to whine for him by proxy.

MM was definitely at fault, but without having watched the whole race yet Rossi being too slow seems to have been contributory. I can remember a time when Rossi being faster/better than the likes of Max and Sete pretty much justified anything.he cared to do.
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If Marc's dangerous riding is allowed then Iannone torpedoes are also fair game. You're not one to talk since you've posted on here that you hoped Dovi broke his leg so that Stoner may race again. Hypocrite.

Marquez should've been black flagged early in the race. The end result of him having ZERO points for the weekend would have been the same. The only difference is all the other riders would've been much safer and no other rider would've lost points as a result of Marc's reckless actions.

I apologized for that remark so move on. I don't see you apologizing for the Iannone torpedo comment. Not man enough to admit it's a bit much?

He shouldn't have been black-flagged. While aggressive --which is what he has always been known for-- he was hardly anymore so than we've seen before. The only thing that did him in was the Rossi incident. An incident so overblown by the boppers and Valeban crowds.
Yo Short Pants, you must have lead poisoning where you are. Why else would insist on deluding yourself that your weak taunts are somehow hurting anybody's feelings. In fact since you define yourself not with racing knowledge or logic, but instead with ad hominem attacks - your new new name is Weak Tea. I don't give a .... that you went to my website and know where my business is. Did you think that was some great secret you'd uncovered? You think that makes me feel threatened? What a clueless little .... you are. You think you're some internet gorilla pounding everybody with your sophomoric jokes. Reality is, you're like a little flea biting the 4 foot dick on an elephant. What you pass off as humor is like tired old flies that die mid-flight and fall to the earth.

If you were capable of humbling someone with real knowledge, you would matter. But you can't and you don't.

I hope one of these days you'll come up with a half decent comeback.
Go squat somewhere else to drop a deuce because that one stunk.
My advice to Rossi - if there is a rider behind you, doing 1-2 second faster laps than you can do - let him go. Unless you can pull a Dovi it may end in tears. You don't know there is a rider coming up behind you? Then it's you who does not belong to the MotoGP.
My advice to Rossi - if there is a rider behind you, doing 1-2 second faster laps than you can do - let him go. Unless you can pull a Dovi it may end in tears. You don't know there is a rider coming up behind you? Then it's you who does not belong to the MotoGP.

I am sure Rossi is combing through MotoGP forum for riding advise.
I apologized for that remark so move on. I don't see you apologizing for the Iannone torpedo comment. Not man enough to admit it's a bit much?

He shouldn't have been black-flagged. While aggressive --which is what he has always been known for-- he was hardly anymore so than we've seen before. The only thing that did him in was the Rossi incident. An incident so overblown by the boppers and Valeban crowds.

Why would I apologize for my Iannone comment? If Marc is allowed to physically force other riders off the racing line, I have NO PROBLEM with Iannone blasting him into the grandstands. He doesn't get to have it his way, he thinks he can initiate contact but other riders have to play nice with him.

He was hardly anymore aggressive than we've seen before? We've never seen a rider get 3 penalties in one race. He hit 2-3 riders in the same race! He traveled in the opposite direction on the starting grid and disobeyed the directions of an official. Yes, Marc should have been black flagged.
Some of you have quite an imagination when it comes to Rossi. At Sepang 2015, you give him superhuman powers by claiming he kicked Marc off his bike. So while accelerating a GP bike he was somehow still able to perform a no-look kick powerful enough to take out Marc? Rossi was truly born with some amazing genetics!

Deny all you like rossi kicked out at Marquez in 2015 at Sepang.

Now Marquez makes contacts with Rossi and forces him onto wet grass, but Rossi needed to fake that he was on a low-grip surface and purposely crashes?

There was a totally fìne recovery surface metres after the grass patch. Why didnt rossi take that? :rolleyes:

Why would I apologize for my Iannone comment? If Marc is allowed to physically force other riders off the racing line, I have NO PROBLEM with Iannone blasting him into the grandstands. He doesn't get to have it his way, he thinks he can initiate contact but other riders have to play nice with him.

He was hardly anymore aggressive than we've seen before? We've never seen a rider get 3 penalties in one race. He hit 2-3 riders in the same race! He traveled in the opposite direction on the starting grid and disobeyed the directions of an official. Yes, Marc should have been black flagged.

Physically forcing riders off the racing line?. Now who have we seen do that throughout his career, sometimes with a little more subtlety than MM, sometimes not, mostly to acclaim by those of your ilk.

How is Iannone on a Suzuki going to get anywhere near MM to torpedo him btw?. Even you seem to have realised your boy is not currently equipped for take on MM one on one.
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Physically forcing riders off the racing line?. Now who have we seen do that throughout his career, sometimes with a little more subtlety than MM, mostly to acclaim by those of your ilk.

You would be frothing at the mouth if Rossi went backwards on the circuit and tangled with 6 riders in one weekend.

.... off with your fake neutrality.
both you and I are faster than him on any motorcycle, I can guarantee you that.

He races rally once a year in a race called "rally di monza" which is more of an exhibition/party.

Don't you mean the "I am Rossi and I'm the greatest 2 or 4 wheeled driver" queers party
Physically forcing riders off the racing line?. Now who have we seen do that throughout his career, sometimes with a little more subtlety than MM, mostly to acclaim by those of your ilk.

Rossi has had poor starting positions often throughout his career. He has been able to successfully work his way to the front of races without smashing into the riders he passed. Yes, GP riders are expected to be aggressive and sometimes passes can be mistimed and accidents happen. But no rider should be able to get away with everything Marc did in one race weekend without severe penalty.
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You would be frothing at the mouth if Rossi went backwards on the circuit and tangled with 6 riders in one weekend.

.... off with your fake neutrality.

Well by your judgement all riders except Miller should have been black flagged because one by one they all went backwards to get back to the pits :rolleyes:.

How much is backwards? Regularly you see them overshoot and roll back. Ive seen them readjust bikes that accidentaly lined up in the wrong place.

No its all just a hissyfit at Marquez because he has learned how not to overtake rossi on those extremely rar occasions he heeds to.
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He rode a motorcycle against traffic on a live track. And you call that nothing?
Gobsmaked!! Brad Smith got a 5000euro fine for freewheeling the wrong way down pit lane in Valencia. Doing it on track and disregarding a track official who told him to go int pit lane! Damn right he should be black flagged. total disregard for safety and authority.

If he violated rules there why did they start the race? Why didn't the officials come out and tell him to get the .... off the track?

This is what I don't get.
If he violated rules there why did they start the race? Why didn't the officials come out and tell him to get the .... off the track?

This is what I don't get.

The red flag was still out so it was all kinda dicky. A very wierdarse race lol.

When all the riders walked off to change bikes, they were just putting on a good ole coup for the locals. The argentinians used to love a good coup.
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Again, tell me the last race weekend where Rossi was involved in half a dozen incidents.
I didn’t hate on Zarco when he tried to dive bomb Rossi last year. That was a racing incident. But this entire weekend, Marquez has been in other people’s business (which he really didn’t need to do because he was so much faster than them).

It’s not a single incident, it’s a pattern. This was the return of the old Marquez, a guy I am not terribly fond of.

Australia 2015. The Rossi circus on Thursday/Friday/Saturday and Sunday, the bitch moaned and groaned like a politician whose been caught with his hands in the till.

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