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I hope one of these days you'll come up with a half decent comeback.
Go squat somewhere else to drop a deuce because that one stunk.

I got new for you Weak Tea. If you think you're demoralizing anyone one with those tired-ass, worn-out frat-boy jibes - you are seriously deluded. Every time you sink to making bigoted insults you lower the opinion of every intelligent person on the forum.

And your assertion that your remarks are not racist - it just more... Weak Tea. It has nothing to do with the color of my skin or where I was born. Your insults are the typical low-brow neanderthal .... I've heard many times coming from dumb-...., slack-jawed skin-heads insulting Pakistanis... and repeating that stuff exposes you as the sad, lonely cultural pariah you are.

You want to be witty. Do it without the insults. I don't think you can do it. You will never be one tenth as funny as Arrib or Mike. Like all the other can't-get-laid white boys with too much time, you're just angrier than everybody else.
I got new for you Weak Tea. If you think you're demoralizing anyone one with those tired-ass, worn-out frat-boy jibes - you are seriously deluded. Every time you sink to making bigoted insults you lower the opinion of every intelligent person on the forum.

And your assertion that your remarks are not racist - it just more... Weak Tea. It has nothing to do with the color of my skin or where I was born. Your insults are the typical low-brow neanderthal .... I've heard many times coming from dumb-...., slack-jawed skin-heads insulting Pakistanis... and repeating that stuff exposes you as the sad, lonely cultural pariah you are.

You want to be witty. Do it without the insults. I don't think you can do it. You will never be one tenth as funny as Arrib or Mike. Like all the other can't-get-laid white boys with too much time, you're just angrier than everybody else.

I don’t know which sanyasi taught you that while you were 69ing each other on the banks of Benares or whatever, but “Weak Tea”?

C’mon son, at least PRETEND you’re trying.
even if you are Uccio, aka a fat ... whose job is basically watching his friend's races from inside the box, you are still a public figure. It just wasn't nice.

Come on, be fair - credit where credit is due. He does have a rather splendid clip board and he can operate a stopwatch.
I still wish someone would put in an article that Marquez tried to apologize but couldn't get around Rossi's iPad stand.
I wish Marquez would have chinned Uccio. That's why I have so much respect for Romano Fenati. It cost him his job at VR46 but he got a chance to do what 99% of us want to. :lol:
Come on, be fair - credit where credit is due. He does have a rather splendid clip board and he can operate a stopwatch.
Is there any proof he can actually operate a stopwatch?? I know he is seen waddling about with one but not convinced he can actually use it.
More Weak Tea. Keep sending up those lead balloons. :rolleyes:

Hahaha holy ...., you are most definitely the worst trash talker I have ever come across.

Washed up, never been club racer, wannabe Hare Krishna and now ...... trash talker. Is there no end to your accolades?
I've been saying that for a while, but Arrabbi claims I'm full of BS. He goes all the way back to Lorenzo's 125cc days to dig up examples of Lorenzo doing "ok" in the wet or mixed conditions.

Let's put that in its full context shall we? Your statement was words to the effect that Lorenzo has never been able to race in the wet. This is untrue. I can find the quote if you like. Hence my response.

I simply demonstrated that you are incorrect - and actually you don't even need to go back to his time in the lower classes. You claim that he doesn't even try, even last season, although I concede he crashed out due to a lapse in concentration, he was the only one to put in 1:47s in the teeming rain leading the race from the flag at Misano. He conceded that he had got distracted by making an adjustment and that it was an unforced error but you cannot claim he wasn't trying. Your arguments are very selective at times. Lorenzo's problem is feel which is exacerbated by a cool surface - in particular mixed and wet conditions. In the full wet, I also concede that after his accident at Assen, in a subsequent wet race he admitted to lack of confidence and being 'scared'.

And I don't claim you're "full of ........".
Says the hack who peddles overpriced trash to unsuspecting suburban white people.

You should really kill yourself right now. You've clearly reached the pinnacle of synn achievement - making broke-ass jokes that always miss the mark.
It's all gonna be downhill from here sweetie.
The multiple champs tend to be not so nice or ultra competitive and win at all cost. Be that punt your opposition into the weeds, sell your granny, bitch and moan but winning is everything

There are exceptions to the rule of course...

I still wish someone would put in an article that Marquez tried to apologize but couldn't get around Rossi's iPad stand.

Nah, did it ever cross your mind Rossi was hysterical, out of his mind, he just saw his dream of 10th title going up in smoke, letting Marc to see him would have been only further embarrassment. Come on, primadonnas cannot be seen in condition like this.
Here's my thoughts as if anyone cares:

5. Jack Miller was treated unfairly. There needs to be some tweak of a rule to not allow this to happen again. A cut off point for when a bike can no longer be taken off the grid.

Good Thought.

But there already IS a rule currently in place to cover someone who takes their bike off the grid AFTER the sighting lap. That rider has to start the warmup lap from Pit Lane and the race from the back of the grid.
The problem yesterday was that EVERYONE took their bike off. Now what?

At most tracks, there is plenty of room to place everyone on the back in order of qualifying- starting at the last row.
In yesterday's case, there was a problem. Not enough grid spots located behind the LAST row of grid spots to place everyone. The solution they came up with?
Move everyone up on the grid. THAT is where the unfairness to Miller came in.

I'm pretty sure I have this right. Someone will no doubt correct me if not.

As for the Homo jokes here on the board- can't help you there.

I wish Marquez would have chinned Uccio. That's why I have so much respect for Romano Fenati. It cost him his job at VR46 but he got a chance to do what 99% of us want to. :lol:

ahahaha yeah that's true, Fenati was a lucky guy that day, but it's a tragedy that there's no footage of it.

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