With the bike weighing only a small number of kgs less than it did last year, I'd say it's not so much a question of Dani being advantaged compared to other riders than being at a lesser disadvantage than he was last year. The guy's barely five feet tall. He weighs less than nothing. Handling a bike which approaches 3 times your weight can't be easy. He's built like a girl. Or half a girl if you compare him to me. At the end of the day bikes are quite inclined to take off unless there's nothing pushing them towards the ground and Dani is pretty much next to nothing. No weight, no traction. On the other hand less weight, faster speed. It's hard or even impossible to tell where the balance lies. One thing I noticed about Dani last year is how he'd have to shift his weight forward and back on the bike to keep the wheels on the ground. Maybe the smaller size of the bike will give him a hand there, but I don't see that it gives him any massive advantage. I think Dani will be very strong this year. He had an impressive rookie year and I think it would really suck if merit were taken away from him just cos people are saying it'll be the bike. He did well enough last year and had the bikes not been changed I'd still think him Rossi's biggest challenger for the title.