2018 HJC Helmets Grand Prix de France

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There are none, but I'm sure they'll quote Dovi and stretch twist and revise his words into making it sound like he wants Lorenzo murdered.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.


The acid test was last year at Valencia. I was shocked at Dovi's diplomacy and manners - especially in the heat of the moment. Great guy.
To be fair, it looks like disheartened Zarco fans were booing today.
The grandstands that were close to the podium were 80% pro Zarco.

I personally have never booed a racer while attending a race, no matter what the results are. Watching Cal’s crash yesterday should remind everyone how much all of them put on the line to entertain us 19 Sundays a year.

I'd bet my left testicle that it wasn't Zarco fans who were booing Marquez...

The acid test was last year at Valencia. I was shocked at Dovi's diplomacy and manners - especially in the heat of the moment. Great guy.
Started at Malaysia actually. Don't you remember, according to my buddy Pov, Lorenzo gave up a guaranteed win, faked almost crashing, to gift Dovi the win. Dovi has been magnanimous throughout. Besides, it's not Dovi who put the words in his boss' mouth that Lorenzo has 2 races to impress, this race: Petrucci 1 Miller 1 Jorge 0.

Take a look at Dovi's post race interview, does this sound like diva? What a ridiculous thing to say of all people about Dovi. He took full responsibility.


Did you watch the post race conference? Petrucci says, when asked about the second Ducati seat on offer, and did this factor in to his performance; 'oh that's just the 186th time I've been asked about it.' The very next question by another reporter was the same ..... Petrucci answers the question, and mentioned perhaps the bike doesn't match Lorenzo, but also says Jorge is a great rider, champ, etc. Petrucci also makes a point of mentioning that he and Miller are considered because their salaries are significantly less. Oh look he made Lorenzo look like an .......! Look at Petrucci, he's such a "diva" (sarcasm).

What next will they say about Dovi to express their disapproval? That he's a crasher? There were 3 crashers who looked to be in for the podium today, at a track that seemed to have an extraordinary amount of fallers. Dovi hasn't changed. I think it bothers Pov that he took Marc to the last race of the season. Or as he put it, he wanted the championship to be over so he could see Marc unshackled with this pesky guy chasing down a title against all odds on a bike that rightfully shouldn't be there in the mix.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Yes the same Dr. Frankencosta who prescribes pain pills for races and lets riders ride with severe concussions.
Yeah, he let Petrucci ride when the lad was seeing double, or some similar symptoms. That one really annoyed me.

Amazing how Valentino is still able to hang in there with pace, and when all the faster boys crash, there he is to pick up the points. Sad that he can't acknowledge Marquez, even on the podium. I am starting to think Uccio and others have really poisoned VR's racer personality. The booing really gets to me, and those kind of fans are the only reason that I wish Rossi would retire. He has to take responsibility. This happened with Stoner, too.

Meanwhile, there is Marquez with ANOTHER elbow save. I have never seen Rossi do a knee or elbow save, and rarely anyone else. MM does this stuff, like it is a normal part of racing. Amazing rider. Fans are really missing out on an incredible rider by focusing on the past, in my opinion.

It was a let down that Zarco and Dovi crashed. The series needs guys like Zarco and Petrucci to do well. Otherwise, why have all the contrived rules?
I'd love to know what specifically it is about the Ducati that renders him incapable of making the soft tires last. Or if he is simply overriding the bike to a point that they don't hold up while Petrucci and Miller aren't doing this.

I felt the whole weekend Dovi was trying too hard after signing the contract. My guess is he'll be calmed down in Mugello. At least for his sake he better be.
According to Lorenzo it's not tire wear, it's fatigue and the gas tank.


Regarding Dovi, made a 'rare' mistake, perhaps too eager to get his championship back on track. Marquez said Dovi was the biggest threat to victory today, and figured perhaps his strategy with the medium tires was to establish a gap while Marc's tires got up to optimal temperature. Marc speculated perhaps the fuel load played a factor because he recognized that Dovi's usual race arch is to manage tires at the start then attack in the latter stages. Plausible explanation I think.

It must have been a relief to Dovi to have race winning pace, perhaps he got a bit excited. It doesn't help that his mobile chicane teammate straps on qualifying tires and makes himself as wide as Lil Kim only to fade from...getting 'tired' (as opposed to tyre). Dovi isn't a crasher, nor a diva (apparently Pov). Frankly the surface played it's part too. Not for nothing, even Marc was a nanometer from binning it too, which would have put the tally at 4 podium riders to crash out.

Which reminds me, shout out to Crashmore for 'finishing a race', a real accomplishment 'for him'. I'm not going to elevate it to "heroics" given there were no actual broken bones or recovery from surgery. It's way past due that he be put on notice for his crashing by someone concerned with safety, I just hope it happens before he seriously injures someone or himself. It's stupid to keep acting like he's some tough guy because he crashes so much and races with self inflicted injury. People may not like him being mocked, but conveniently ignore the very real danger to himself and others. They do him and fellow competitors a disservice. I don't expect the media to ever hold his crashing to account, .... they're busy writing fluff pieces about the virtue of crashing, Hack Oxley. I'll say it now, if this guy ever seriously hurts someone or himself, I won't accept the pity party from his fans towards detractors, if anything we have tried to point out his disturbing regularity of crashes highlighting this is not commendable! His fans aren't helping by giving him attaboys when they should be saying, hey, your crashing is a real problem, nor the cowardly chickenshit media for failing their duty of taking him to task during questioning, nor Race Direction for avoiding to warn him that crashing at his rate is actually dangerous. Crutchlow blames everything but himself, which should be alarming because he doesn't recognize his part in crashing! The latest ........ is that he imagines (he doesn't actually know) having to brake harder to compensate for the supposed "grip" a carbon swingarm offers, which he swears will prevent him from crashing. Hey, I got an idea, since you 'believe' a piece of equipment is holding you back, then hold back! Problem solved.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Sure..that's 2c i owe you...make it 3 you ballbag.

It’s funny how only the people who want to discuss racing are here during the race and then the cockroaches crawl out of the woods afterwards.

Make it an even 5c, I presume American or Euro cent, not that worthless middle earth dollars you lots use.
It’s funny how only the people who want to discuss racing are here during the race and then the cockroaches crawl out of the woods afterwards.

Make it an even 5c, I presume American or Euro cent, not that worthless middle earth dollars you lots use.
Why would i be on here during the race?..when the race is on i'm watching it..i'll talk about it before and after
Hey, some of us were out catching dinner man .............. c'mon

that cracked me up big time :D

Not sure I understand all the shades of humor and mocking between you Anglo-Saxons and Aussies/Kiwis in here tho.

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