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Funny thing, is as usual, Kesh never really addresses what is said.

He engages in the usual sidestepping, and tries to make everything about the other person, rather than have to truly acknowledge what is being said about how he behaves.

Yes - it's all me. Not only have I had cross words with the same 4 people - but I have also been attacking myself as well. It's all me. It's only my imagination that the four of you have been insulting me and trying to run me off the forum.

Don't you get it? Nobody here is going to bow down and kiss anybody's ass. What we need here is a no-fault agreement to stop fighting. This blame game thing isn't going to solve anything. I ask you the same question; are you more interested in talking about racing? Or are you more interested in arguing? Assume there are only two choices; then make one.
And since you have admittedly fessed up to being the reason why Krops left - maybe you can shed some light on why he returned with "noteworthy difference". It's already been demonstrated that Migs left for reasons other than what you evinced. You make it sound like Dave came back with his tail tucked between his legs promising to make nice with you.

Funny how this whole dialog's been running around in the back of my head while doing my daily stuff, and all of a sudden I have this epiphany. It isn't that people fled in terror because of your grandiose ranting abuse. It's just that a lot of folks who used to be your groupies, just aren't that into you any more. They left because you bored them to death.

I PM'd with someone yesterday and we discussed the notion of just ignoring you along with Frick and Frack. But - I have to admit I have this sick fascination with watching you make an ass of yourself day in and day out, getting increasingly bellicose, and your accusations more ludicrous all for the sake of impressing the four people on this forum who're convinced that you're the second coming.... of what I don't know.

With Frick and Frack - I understand where they're coming from. They've got nothing on the ball. But - as I recall - you have an intellect that can be used to come up with some very interesting (even when dead wrong) ideas. It seems a shame to see you let your pride get in the way to the degree that you debase yourself by peddllng endless cheap lies and self-indulgent twaddle. All the energy you waste on this flame war - could be used constructively to come up with bigger and better conspiracies and keeping the racing discourse invigorated.

Nothing will be resolved until you come to the obvious conclusion that this is not going to stop until the three of you agree to put an end to it. So the question remains.... are the three of you really interested in ending this? Or is this flame war more interesting (to you all) than talking about racing?

I love this post. No really. it's ....... gold. I think this dude is mentally ill. Kesh let me explain something to you. Jumkie is not impressing anyone. The people you think he is trying to impress actually like him. We all know him personally, have been on trips with him have spent time with his family and love him. The people you have met on this forum do not like you and consider you a ....... weirdo. Let me say this again. People that have met Jumkie like him. People that have met you don't. Wait I'll say it one more time maybe it'll get through your drug addled brain. People that have met Jumkie like him, people that have met Keshav, dont like Keshav
Yes - it's all me. Not only have I had cross words with the same 4 people - but I have also been attacking myself as well. It's all me. It's only my imagination that the four of you have been insulting me and trying to run me off the forum.

Don't you get it? Nobody here is going to bow down and kiss anybody's ass. What we need here is a no-fault agreement to stop fighting. This blame game thing isn't going to solve anything. I ask you the same question; are you more interested in talking about racing? Or are you more interested in arguing? Assume there are only two choices; then make one.

Kesh, I've said very little to you other than to periodically call you on your ...........of which a lot comes from you.

Let's not forget you basically accused me of being Jum's groupie for it.
Kesh, I've said very little to you other than to periodically call you on your ...........of which a lot comes from you.

Let's not forget you basically accused me of being Jum's groupie for it.

So what? You called someone a .......... a few pages back. It's the internet. .... gets said.

So again - how do you chose?

War or Peace. Those are the only two choices available.
Kesh, I've said very little to you other than to periodically call you on your ...........of which a lot comes from you.

Let's not forget you basically accused me of being Jum's groupie for it.

Another delusion. He thinks were only in ganging up on him because we are Jums groupies. I guess he forgets the dozens of threads where either I or Dubs singularly had it out with him, years before Jum ever got into it with him.
So what? You called someone a .......... a few pages back. It's the internet. .... gets said.

So again - how do you chose?

War or Peace. Those are the only two choices available.

So you try to put it as an all-or-nothing proposition to me, once again proving my point that you try to put everything on everyone else instead of accepting responsibility for the role you've played.

Only fools deal in absolutes.

You believe that your perception is the only one that matters, and automatically discount anyone who deviates from your agreed upon internal narrative.

You're hilarious Kesh, because you try and hide behind the "it's the internet" excuse, trying to imply that people take it too seriously. But then by your own admission and behavior here, you expect the participants of this forum to adhere to a standard, which is of your own creation. You cannot have it both ways Kesh...although you want it both ways because then it leaves you an out for when you act badly.
War or Peace

Hahaha, so ominous. Oh lord, what will happen?

Let me see if history can help us here.

Keshav : I will stop being an ....... so if just one person tells me to stop. I give my word!

Gaz, Yakama46 (directly ) , and indirectly, Mick and Migs: Hey stop this .....

Keshav : uhm, no no I didn't say that.

Jumkie: well here is your quote.

Keshav : oh but I meant everybody else has to stop too to make my word valid.
Sometimes I think I am not quite the same as other people, and don't quite fit in in polite company. But you people are ...... up. Proper ...... up. Or as some of the people where I come from would say, reet mental.

Great post Krope a dope. I feel your pain. Life is 90% acting that the grin on your face is real.

Hey Krops, do you watch anything other than racing? Do you have any thoughts on soccer? I opened up a soccer thread in the Lounge. Can I interest you in that? (And no we are not talking FIFA or conspiracies, just soccer (well, trying to at least ).
So you try to put it as an all-or-nothing proposition to me, once again proving my point that you try to put everything on everyone else instead of accepting responsibility for the role you've played.

Only fools deal in absolutes.

You believe that your perception is the only one that matters, and automatically discount anyone who deviates from your agreed upon internal narrative.

You're hilarious Kesh, because you try and hide behind the "it's the internet" excuse, trying to imply that people take it too seriously. But then by your own admission and behavior here, you expect the participants of this forum to adhere to a standard, which is of your own creation. You cannot have it both ways Kesh...although you want it both ways because then it leaves you an out for when you act badly.

I take it then from your answer that you prefer to continue to fight. I've said I don't want to continue this. It's your own inflexibility then that drags this out. You don't want it to end except on your own terms which I gather means I should apologize for things I never did, which is unrealistic. Even life and death enemies in the real world at some point get tired of fighting and move on. But you can't do the same? Then don't blame me for pushing back when I'm pushed. Don't lay the blame on me. it's you who can't put aside your need for a vendetta. A reasonable mature person would let it go already. But apparently it's more important to you to continue this than it is to let the forum function in a reasonably civilized fashion.
I take it then from your answer that you prefer to continue to fight. I've said I don't want to continue this. It's your own inflexibility then that drags this out. You don't want it to end except on your own terms which I gather means I should apologize for things I never did, which is unrealistic. Even life and death enemies in the real world at some point get tired of fighting and move on. But you can't do the same? Then don't blame me for pushing back when I'm pushed. Don't lay the blame on me. it's you who can't put aside your need for a vendetta. A reasonable mature person would let it go already. But apparently it's more important to you to continue this than it is to let the forum function in a reasonably civilized fashion.

Kesh olive branch. No olives, lots of thorns, with a splash of vinegar and battery acid.

"I don't want to continue this." Kesh

Where have I heard this before? JP, it's your fault Kesh continues down this road. He doesn't want to continue. Its just, well he doesn't know how to stop you from making him spew vitriol.

Hey Kesh, I've told you this before, you want to really stop? Give me your log in credentials. When the Gang of Four+1+1 posts, I'll just not post anything.
War or Peace

Hahaha, so ominous. Oh lord, what will happen?

Let me see if history can help us here.

Keshav : I will stop being an ....... so if just one person tells me to stop. I give my word!

Gaz, Yakama46 (directly ) , and indirectly, Mick and Migs: Hey stop this .....

Keshav : uhm, no no I didn't say that.

Jumkie: well here is your quote.

Keshav : oh but I meant everybody else has to stop too to make my word valid.

The offer was from the beginning; that the four of you stop lashing out and I would do the same in return. But it's apparently a waste of time since you would rather have an eternal pissing match. You say you're upset that the threads get hi-jacked - but won't stop re-opening the wounds. So really - you don't care at all about the threads being about racing. You still haven't figured out that there's no way for you to .... on me and get away with it. I've made an offer multiple times and you always piss on it. So it's on your head if the forum suffers from your tantrums.

As far as Frick and Frack are concerned - I don't expect better of them. The two of them are as dumb as bag of hammers. They're so hair-brained, irrational that it's easy to ignore them. They're the internet equivalent of lunatic homeless people who accost strangers on the street and yell "Get a job!!!" You see enough of them and after a while - they just blend in with the trash and the rats in the gutter. You just stop noticing them at all.

So go ahead - and subject everyone here to your needy compulsion for endless squabbling. Apparently for you that takes precedent over talking about racing. As for myself - I'm bored with it. Other than the four of you - I think I speak for the rest of the forum when I say it's boring to them also. This place is so much fun and silly and some of it's playful and some of it's intensely intellectual. IMHO - there's a lot of "crimes" one can commit in a forum like this but being a bore is the most unforgivable.

Kesh olive branch. No olives, lots of thorns, with a splash of vinegar and battery acid.

"I don't want to continue this." Kesh

Where have I heard this before? JP, it's your fault Kesh continues down this road. He doesn't want to continue. Its just, well he doesn't know how to stop you from making him spew vitriol.

Hey Kesh, I've told you this before, you want to really stop? Give me your log in credentials. When the Gang of Four+1+1 posts, I'll just not post anything.

Stop wasting my time.
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The offer was from the beginning; that the four of you stop lashing out and I would do the same in return. But it's apparently a waste of time since you would rather have an eternal pissing match. You say you're upset that the threads get hi-jacked - but won't stop re-opening the wounds. So really - you don't care at all about the threads being about racing. You still haven't figured out that there's no way for you to .... on me and get away with it. I've made an offer multiple times and you always piss on it. So it's on your head if the forum suffers from your tantrums.

As far as Frick and Frack are concerned - I don't expect better of them. The two of them are as dumb as bag of hammers. They're so hair-brained, irrational that it's easy to ignore them. They're the internet equivalent of lunatic homeless people who accost strangers on the street and yell "Get a job!!!" You see enough of them and after a while - they just blend in with the trash and the rats in the gutter. You just stop noticing them at all.

So go ahead - and subject everyone here to your needy compulsion for endless squabbling. Apparently for you that takes precedent over talking about racing. As for myself - I'm bored with it. Other than the four of you - I think I speak for the rest of the forum when I say it's boring to them also. This place is so much fun and silly and some of it's playful and some of it's intensely intellectual. IMHO - there's a lot of "crimes" one can commit in a forum like this but being a bore is the most unforgivable.

Technically this counts as not ignoring me. And which one am I frick or frack? Its important to me. Johnny and I have been arguing about it all day. I don't want it to turn into a thing.
Stop wasting my time.
Haha you just said, "that is a nonsensical offer". Why did you edit that part out? It's a reasonable offer and one that will actually achieve your goal of "stopping yourself ". You don't have self control, so I can help you.
Technically this counts as not ignoring me. And which one am I frick or frack? Its important to me. Johnny and I have been arguing about it all day. I don't want it to turn into a thing.

.... you Dub. I told you Im Frack, Frick rhymes with dick which perfectly suits you
No dude. Your the Frickin dummy. Everyone knows that
Hey hey, stop insulting each other's intelligence, leave that to the professional Kesh.

Speaking of intelligence, what would compel an "intelligent" person to drop his birth name and take on such a sacred cow?

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