Michelin etc.

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That's awesome considering you, Migs, and Krops have taken a "hiatus" from the forum over being butt hurt on the Internet. FACT. ( well if you include Keshav leaving for no minutes a hiatus.)

Though Migs and Krops have returned to interact with noteworthy difference.
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Kesh has been caught in lies, continues to make fabrications, when pressed with quotes from his own posts he acts like the words don't exist, or the strange tactic, just twists the definition of words, he has let it slip he has consulted with mods (his own words), has made promises he does not honor (his "word" easily to read his quotes); in addition independent accounts of his own dealings with people not associated with the forum testify that he is a contemptible person (see feedback). So then why would he be credible in the least that is not the forum snitch, he has already admitted it! Not to mention the context based on his delusional forum mission to rid the forum of the bad apples. Seriously how is anything he says entertained as credible? Consider this unprecedented fact, he has been the ONLY member in the history of the forum, that is in real life meet ups, has made enemies, and who has been observed to be this weird social deviant, demanding and accepting burdensome special treatment. On this very forum he has habitually and continually passed judgment on people, no not about their racing opinions, but about their person, this while exhibiting classic delusional psychotic ideation of some responsibility to nanny and herd this space, undoubtedly fed by one or two nameless PMs to foster such illusions of grandeur. How is anything he says taken seriously?!? Those posting on this thread have taken a stake, how are Keshav's own words being overlooked? And those lurking, for the record, at least two have told Kesh to quit his behavior, this after Kesh himself appealed and made commitments for such intervention.

You guys think because Kesh can on occasion posts a few racing opinions that perhaps the guy on the other end of the keyboard is a normal person. I can tell you from experience he is not someone you would feel comfortable around. If he can with so little thought write lies here (thoughtless because yet implicates another member), he can and does carry this behavior in real life. Backed up by actual accounts.

Migs, if your voice here on this thread is indication of your interest in a sound forum, how have you overlooked Kesh's habitual judgment on members, dishonesty, and dishonor? Seriously, how is that possible or is it you just want to keep a distance from the fray? Take a look again at the last flamed thread, Michelin etc. MickD (who unfortunately like you has supported Kesh on the grounds that you and I have had racing disagreements) made an obtuse response to me regarding the Michelin tires. Go back and visit the thread sequence. I retorted with a quote from Krops. That is, we were having a racing debate. Dr.No made an amusing post TO me because i used a quote from Krops, making the point I have disagreed with his racing takes in the past why use his quote, noting my disagreements about the RCV, regardless its about racing. I left it alone because I knew Kesh wouldn't /couldn't help himself. And waited for Kesh to do what he does! Take a look at the very next post. Yup, Kesh MO of judgmental and instigation. So I replied in kind. But wait, Kesh has defended himself saying he would do the same, but also said and promised he wouldn't be the one to start. He has repeatedly told us he is not the problem, but this is one of many examples YOU can easily see that he is in fact the forum kancer. Then what happened on the thread? Tuned into a flame war. I have never said I'm the better man, so no need to tell me or others two to tango, i am happy to tango. You see the point is Kesh pretends a higher standard, he claimed some lofty standard because he thinks he is better than us. How does this get overlooked by you and others? Why, if you are voicing your opinion here, have not had the courage to call him out directly like Yakama46 did? And not that it helped, all Kesh did was leave that thread, as if that was something great, then went on to destroy another thread a click away. He has repeatedly said he would stop, then comes back and claims conditions. Its a pattern.

And really, who am I kidding, I know it's impossible to reason with a psycho like Kesh (a psycho either from birth or a result of damaging his cerebral cortex). His gang of four+ (which he suddenly discovered to be a derogatory label, that should tell you something about his delayed processing) has consistently called him out using reason and logical, thing is that the only way this might work is if the recipient was reasonable. I'm convinced based on my personal experience with Kesh coupled with his expression here on the forum, that he inflicted damage on his brain with mind altering hallucinogenic drugs. In addition to whatever damage strong toxic mushrooms may cause on the brain. I know this because he confessed it to me. There is something very strange about Kesh, and it's not an uncommon effect to damage certain emotion processing areas of the brain (among other things). I will add he has trouble processing his observations in real time. I can assure you, within 5 minutes of meeting him, it's rather obvious. I should add, I hope it was the drugs, because if not, then his deviant behavior is cause for concern.

Time for you and Mr. Roarke to go meet the plane.


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That's awesome considering you, Migs, and Krops have taken a "hiatus" from the forum over being butt hurt on the Internet. FACT. ( well if you include Keshav leaving for no minutes a hiatus.)

Though Migs and Krops have returned to interact with noteworthy difference.

My haitus was to do with my divorce and redundancy all in the same year....but i came out of both with a new love of my life (who is now my new wife), and a new better paying job....so in a way i did come through it as a new person.... :cool:
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That's awesome considering you, Migs, and Krops have taken a "hiatus" from the forum over being butt hurt on the Internet. FACT. ( well if you include Keshav leaving for no minutes a hiatus.)

Though Migs and Krops have returned to interact with noteworthy difference.

You know, if you engaged in witty, intelligent repartee it would be different; it would be engaging. It would be worth sticking around more.

But wildly inaccurate and implausible allegations in screeching hyperbole is just tiresome. Hence the occasional need to yawn, take a nap and recover from overwhelming ennui one suffers after being subjected to repeated crack rants. Excuse me I need another cup of coffee to keep me awake after this last one.

BTW - Can't wait to read Krop's testimonial about how your genius ministrations resulted in his being a happier, more socially adjusted person.


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BTW - Can't wait to read Krop's testimonial about how your genius ministrations resulted in his being a happier, more socially adjusted person.

It had nothing to do with me. Didn't you read Migs post? Why would YOU think that's any different for Krops? Oh..I see, you are trying to advance the same notion that set you off on psychotic ideations, that Powerslide members are my subjects and that I have some control over their lives and opinions.

Migs, do you need any more reason to stay on the fence? I just noted, without any qualifications, that u and Krops came back different. (Which in your case confirmed it telling us something very personal, congrats and kudos btw). Take a closer look at Kesh's deviant reaction. This set off Kesh once again! Its no different than when I posted a pic and expressed the forum was a joy, then Kesh reacts with an epic rant that I'm the King of Powerslide. Have u ever wondered why Kesh gets and feels so angry with this delusion that i am the boss of tge forum? Seriously, how crazy is that? He instigates flame wars migs? You can check the time stamps. What on earth is going on in his damaged brain?
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That's awesome considering you, Migs, and Krops have taken a "hiatus" from the forum over being butt hurt on the Internet. FACT. ( well if you include Keshav leaving for no minutes a hiatus.)

Though Migs and Krops have returned to interact with noteworthy difference.

It had nothing to do with me. Didn't you read Migs post? Why would YOU think that's any different for Krops? Oh..I see, you are trying to advance the same notion that set you off on psychotic ideations, that Powerslide members are my subjects and that I have some control over their lives and opinions.

And since you have admittedly fessed up to being the reason why Krops left - maybe you can shed some light on why he returned with "noteworthy difference". It's already been demonstrated that Migs left for reasons other than what you evinced. You make it sound like Dave came back with his tail tucked between his legs promising to make nice with you.

Funny how this whole dialog's been running around in the back of my head while doing my daily stuff, and all of a sudden I have this epiphany. It isn't that people fled in terror because of your grandiose ranting abuse. It's just that a lot of folks who used to be your groupies, just aren't that into you any more. They left because you bored them to death.

I PM'd with someone yesterday and we discussed the notion of just ignoring you along with Frick and Frack. But - I have to admit I have this sick fascination with watching you make an ass of yourself day in and day out, getting increasingly bellicose, and your accusations more ludicrous all for the sake of impressing the four people on this forum who're convinced that you're the second coming.... of what I don't know.

With Frick and Frack - I understand where they're coming from. They've got nothing on the ball. But - as I recall - you have an intellect that can be used to come up with some very interesting (even when dead wrong) ideas. It seems a shame to see you let your pride get in the way to the degree that you debase yourself by peddllng endless cheap lies and self-indulgent twaddle. All the energy you waste on this flame war - could be used constructively to come up with bigger and better conspiracies and keeping the racing discourse invigorated.

Nothing will be resolved until you come to the obvious conclusion that this is not going to stop until the three of you agree to put an end to it. So the question remains.... are the three of you really interested in ending this? Or is this flame war more interesting (to you all) than talking about racing?

And since you have admittedly fessed up to being the reason why Krops left - maybe you can shed some light on why he returned with "noteworthy difference". It's already been demonstrated that Migs left for reasons other than what you evinced. You make it sound like Dave came back with his tail tucked between his legs promising to make nice with you.

Funny how this whole dialog's been running around in the back of my head while doing my daily stuff, and all of a sudden I have this epiphany. It isn't that people fled in terror because of your grandiose ranting abuse. It's just that a lot of folks who used to be your groupies, just aren't that into you any more. They left because you bored them to death.

I PM'd with someone yesterday and we discussed the notion of just ignoring you along with Frick and Frack. But - I have to admit I have this sick fascination with watching you make an ass of yourself day in and day out, getting increasingly bellicose, and your accusations more ludicrous all for the sake of impressing the four people on this forum who're convinced that you're the second coming.... of what I don't know.

With Frick and Frack - I understand where they're coming from. They've got nothing on the ball. But - as I recall - you have an intellect that can be used to come up with some very interesting (even when dead wrong) ideas. It seems a shame to see you let your pride get in the way to the degree that you debase yourself by peddllng endless cheap lies and self-indulgent twaddle. All the energy you waste on this flame war - could be used constructively to come up with bigger and better conspiracies and keeping the racing discourse invigorated.

Nothing will be resolved until you come to the obvious conclusion that this is not going to stop until the three of you agree to put an end to it. So the question remains.... are the three of you really interested in ending this? Or is this flame war more interesting (to you all) than talking about racing?

Edit to add: Quoted to keep the posts from endlessly changing on the whims of your psychosis.
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well, i wouldn't say jum is the second coming...but he's pretty damn close.

i mean, wilski is probably passing him.

actually, wilski is god.
No need for "probably", he passed me a long time ago. I'm 2nd in command, I'm like Jesus, except without the superpowers and sexy abs. You know Little Sparrows, Jesus' girlfriend was a whore. FACT.

Dear Sparrows: Will you be my internet girlfriend?

□ yes
□ no
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No need for "probably", he passed me a long time ago. I'm 2nd in command, I'm like Jesus, except without the superpowers and sexy abs. You know Little Sparrows, Jesus' girlfriend was a whore. FACT.

Dear Sparrows: Will you be my internet girlfriend?

□ yes
√ no

.......... trying to make me say yes so you can call me a whore.

what a dick bag.
Sometimes I think I am not quite the same as other people, and don't quite fit in in polite company. But you people are ...... up. Proper ...... up. Or as some of the people where I come from would say, reet mental.
Sometimes I think I am not quite the same as other people, and don't quite fit in in polite company. But you people are ...... up. Proper ...... up. Or as some of the people where I come from would say, reet mental.
Quoted for truth.

Edit to add: Quoted to keep the posts from endlessly changing on the whims of your psychosis.

So... editing is a crime?

I edit because oftentimes, I post and see that I could have expressed myself more accurately by changing a few words. Is there anything you won't whinge about?

You remind me of a story from a book, "Born To Kvetch".

A man is riding on a train and sitting in the seats behind him is an older who calls out every few minutes, "Oye! I am thirsty" There is a tap just a few feet away and free paper cups just for the taking. So the younger man thinks to himself, if the old fool is so thirsty, why doesn't he get up and help himself to a cup of water? But after several hours of hearing the old man whine "Oye... am I thirsty!" in his pitiful voice, the young man finally begrudgingly puts down the Torah he's been reading, gets up, gets a cup of water and brings it respectfully to the elder. He goes back to his seat, puts his glassed back on, and starts to read the Torah, when he hears the old man call out in the same pitiful voice, "Boy.... was I ever thirsty!?

Stop inventing reasons to be unhappy with me. Move on. Time to go back to the happy-go-lucky Jumkie of old. I tell you Miho, this anger will do you no good in the end.

You don't have to apologize, take blame of any kind or capitulate in any fashion. Just admit to yourself that this whole flame war is absurd and not worth the energy you expend on it. It's all .........
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Funny thing, is as usual, Kesh never really addresses what is said.

He engages in the usual sidestepping, and tries to make everything about the other person, rather than have to truly acknowledge what is being said about how he behaves.

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