El Pais said this. They were the same ones who said Rossi did the same to Espargaro at Valencia (which Espargaro called "pure ........").
His actual public words after the race:
"Creo que no era lo suficientemente fuerte como para estar delante de Dani y, además, él tenía un gran ritmo"
I believe that I wasn't strong enough to be stay in front of Dani, who, after all, had a great rhythm
"Sencillamente, Dani ha sido más fuerte que yo hoy...necesitaba esos cinco puntos y sabía que podía confiar en Dani, que podríamos estar cerca del límite, pero que sería una lucha limpia".
Simply, Dani was stronger than me today. I needed these five points and I knew that I could trust in Dani, that we could be very close to the limit but that it would be a clean battle