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Jumkie, I did not say that. I just said that you blame every Rossi fan and give all of them the finger but there are some decent people out there and it's not right.
I can agree with you that more then 50 percent of VR fans are blind and does not have any respect.

Well, this is what you said:

As far as I can see in this thread, you guys, Rossi haters are far more aggressive and vulgar.

So I replied by pointing out all the 'aggressive and vulgar' ways overwhelmingly Rossi fans have behaved, which in comparison is far worse than us haters on this thread, would you agree.

Sonic, I'm not opposed to all VR fans, I'm quite happy that some of you are here on the forum. It does help to keep the conversations going. My biggest issue is with those prominent voices that enable Rossi to be treated with such exceptional attention. People like GP "journalists " who carefully craft articles that influence people and enable a Rossi centric culture in our sport, and they do it, of this there is no doubt. Of course they'll deny it, saying they're fair and balanced. Sure, of course there are decent Rossi fans, absolutely true. And I'll add, the Rossi centric culture is not Rossi's mostly fault, his influence only comes from those that give him disproportionate 'favorable" attention.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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The sad thing is that the press has been so ready and quick to call out Marquez for a racing incident when similar or worse ones happen very race weekend. I can't wait for Marquez to win again this year and the next two.

It is disrespectful to those other riders. Entire write ups are dedicated to how evil Marc is for a rather routine racing incident, but Canet gets a footnote, Petrucci gets a small mention, Zarco, who actually caused injury (and keep in mind, I don’t think any of this, other than Canet, were intentional, rather just unfortunate racing incidents). These points are made in the context, and are written in such a way to indict Marc further. I'm not kidding, read some of the popular write up. They talk about these incidents as color background to then pile on more .... on Marc. Because, as they craft their case, Canet, Petrucci, AND Zarco did NOT (they highlight) do this more than once in a race. That's their logic. I would say it's irresponsible but that would concede their have good faith intentions for journalism, no they write this up as prosecutors in the case against Marquez.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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If Canet's in practice was deemed a racing incident ............ well, what is to be considered as NOT a racing incident.
Nothing, ever, for all time. It's like the precedent of Jerez 05. All last lap torpedoes since then are acceptable, if not proper and thee textbook way of wining a race.

Consider this in contrast to David Emmett's , Dennis Noyes', Mat Oxley's, and for good measure Kevin Schwantz's calls for Marc to be suspended for the crimes of racing "recklessly"; Marc Marquez has had 4 opportunities to pull a Rossi Jerez 05, and has in fact refrained from doing so!

Stop and think about this, as I've reflected and shook my head reading the grossly disproportionate opinions being expressed out there by "journalists", had Marc barged into Dovizioso on the 4 occasions to win the races on last lap last corner battles, none, not one of these voices would be calling it reckless, given it has been in precedent considered by them as proper racing. Yet, thus being the second race of the season are sure the restrained and measured Marquez that has emerged after the 2015 season suddenly deserves a suspension. As I've been arguing, it's all about Rossi, if Marc had only barged Espargaro, and say, Viñalez, you think we'd be reading all this grandstanding outrage? Hell no. And it's so obvious that it's must be hidden in plain sight for this echo chamber of voices, all in unison, Marc bad!

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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And yet you boppers continue to come here to interact with us. You call us haters - but it's yourselves who are the haters. If you were lovers you'd mind your ....... business and hang around Crashnet sharing love with your fellow boppers instead of dickishly harassing a group of racing enthusiasts who don't share your opinion.

WHY do you do it?

I'll tell you why. It's that you just can't stand the fact that there are non-believers who are apparently happy and well adjusted without needing to bow to the god Flossi, because it undermines the illusion upon which your imagined glory and fragile self-worth are based. Same as religious ........ who are incapable of just being happy living in the delusion that they are the "chosen people" and that they are "saved" because their imaginary friend in the clouds looks upon them with favor, as they fill the pockets of the mortal preachers with their tithings and wear shiny metal things on chains around their neck. That's not enough. They can't be happy unless they have their people go on the telly and excoriate non-believers telling them how depraved they are and how they should suffer for their non-belief. They do this in the vain hope that they can vanquish the plague of painful self-doubts about the feeble belief system on which they predicate a sense of happiness and accomplishment which in truth - they've done nothing to deserve.

Boppers are exactly the same. They can't bare the idea that someone out there in the wide world might be living proof that their belief system is based on delusion and pathological cognitive dissonance that lets them believe that Rossi cares about them as much as they care about him as they strut about in hundreds of dollars of Rossi T-shirts, Rossi caps, Rossi shoes, Rossi wristwatches, Rossi douche, Rossi earbuds, Rossi cologne, Rossi sunglasses, Rossi jackets, Rossi helmets, Rossi butt-plugs, whilst driving Rossi-themed street bikes etc, when in fact your imaginary friend only cares about having you stroke his ego and seeing your money in his bank account.

Thenk you come agen
Despite David Emmett from motomatters feeble and transparent attempt to dignify Uccio by referring to him as VR46 Sky TEAM MANAGER, it doesn't look like Yamaha Japanese headquarters was buying it.

I like the part where they point out Lin Jarvis watched cowardly in the background like a gutless neutered lap dog.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Surprising to me he's not an official Yamaha member of the pit box, but of course he's not.

I did notice in that 30 second video of the marquez/rossi clash on youtubes when they showed the pit when Rossi dropped it, no one was paying attention to Uccio when he stormed off.

They probably all hate him
And yet you boppers continue to come here to interact with us. You call us haters - but it's yourselves who are the haters. If you were lovers you'd mind your ....... business and hang around Crashnet sharing love with your fellow boppers instead of dickishly harassing a group of racing enthusiasts who don't share your opinion.

WHY do you do it?

I'll tell you why. It's that you just can't stand the fact that there are non-believers who are apparently happy and well adjusted without needing to bow to the god Flossi, because it undermines the illusion upon which your imagined glory and fragile self-worth are based. Same as religious ........ who are incapable of just being happy living in the delusion that they are the "chosen people" and that they are "saved" because their imaginary friend in the clouds looks upon them with favor, as they fill the pockets of the mortal preachers with their tithings and wear shiny metal things on chains around their neck. That's not enough. They can't be happy unless they have their people go on the telly and excoriate non-believers telling them how depraved they are and how they should suffer for their non-belief. They do this in the vain hope that they can vanquish the plague of painful self-doubts about the feeble belief system on which they predicate a sense of happiness and accomplishment which in truth - they've done nothing to deserve.

Boppers are exactly the same. They can't bare the idea that someone out there in the wide world might be living proof that their belief system is based on delusion and pathological cognitive dissonance that lets them believe that Rossi cares about them as much as they care about him as they strut about in hundreds of dollars of Rossi T-shirts, Rossi caps, Rossi shoes, Rossi wristwatches, Rossi douche, Rossi earbuds, Rossi cologne, Rossi sunglasses, Rossi jackets, Rossi helmets, Rossi butt-plugs, whilst driving Rossi-themed street bikes etc, when in fact your imaginary friend only cares about having you stroke his ego and seeing your money in his bank account.
Can you get Rossi butt-plugs now??...guess we should be asking synn that question.
"If Rossi is scared, he can get a job at a bank." G. Agostini

That's a backhand if I ever read one. Get on with it son, quit your crying. I'm sure that left quite the sting.


If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Synn,how much did they sting you for your Rossi butt-plug and do fan club members get a discount??
Scary! This would be a great movie to take a chick to see. She'll be so scared she'll jump right into your arms. Right Uccio?


If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Despite David Emmett from motomatters feeble and transparent attempt to dignify Uccio by referring to him as VR46 Sky TEAM MANAGER, it doesn't look like Yamaha Japanese headquarters was buying it.

I like the part where they point out Lin Jarvis watched cowardly in the background like a gutless neutered lap dog.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

"Maurizio Bruscolini who quoted sources within the team, made the Yamaha management in Iwata question who’s really in charge of operations at the factory Yamaha team, and so they warned Uccio for his behavior.

Yamaha doesn’t want to see Uccio repeat this type of actions again in the future, and they’ve told him that if he does it, he won’t be able to enter the Movistar Yamaha box again."

About time too. Yamaha are making me sick of their inaction. And its dragging them in as part of the looney show.

They need to wrestle back some power and turn around the .... they are in.

I even wonder if they could start a whole new "real Yamaha" team with Lorenzo and Zarco.

Wow! Even I think that would be the dream team.
"If Rossi is scared, he can get a job at a bank." G. Agostini

That's a backhand if I ever read one. Get on with it son, quit your crying. I'm sure that left quite the sting.


If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

Actually even Ago would likely have acknowledged Rossi as his superior at the end of the 2009 season. However, Rossi has been so obsessed with winning the 8th/10th to match Ago that Ago is probably entitled to regard having won 8 rather than 7 premier class titles as meaningful vis a vis him vs Rossi, particularly since his 8th title was especially meritorious, in fact probably the greatest achievement of his career.

Despite my being so jaded Ago was before my time, you could only really follow him by reading the Australian bike press weeks after the events, but I can't imagine him being involved in the kind of unedifying circus Rossi's latter career has become.
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Despite David Emmett from motomatters feeble and transparent attempt to dignify Uccio by referring to him as VR46 Sky TEAM MANAGER, it doesn't look like Yamaha Japanese headquarters was buying it.

I like the part where they point out Lin Jarvis watched cowardly in the background like a gutless neutered lap dog.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Jarvis must feel like a right ....,isn't he supposed to be in charge? yet he plays second fiddle to a mouthy arsehole who lives his life through the success of his idol,I dislike Rossi but i ....... hate that jumped up .... Uccio,a talentless piece of .... in need of a good slapping.
Jarvis must feel like a right ....,isn't he supposed to be in charge? yet he plays second fiddle to a mouthy arsehole who lives his life through the success of his idol,I dislike Rossi but i ....... hate that jumped up .... Uccio,a talentless piece of .... in need of a good slapping.

The bopper personified. Yet another flunky with grandiose ideas of his own importance based on his orbit around the Sun King of MotoGp. A person who imagines himself a person of consequence, despite never having actually accomplished anything.

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