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Fall out from the loss of Marco Simoncelli

Or, she has been tossed out of to many apartments on a Sunday morning with the dude saying, ....., you got to go, the guys are coming over to watch the race.

hahahaha good one dude.
Fall out from the loss of Marco Simoncelli...

Persoanally the fall out is that i have found myself sat at my desk, struggling to concentrate and not let the sadness get to me. It's a general feeling on emptiness. On the other hand i feel as determined as ever to 'waste' less of my own time and try to make it count for the things and people i love. I cannot wait for Valencia so the world of motorcycle racing can stand united again and get on with what we love, with a renewed appreciation of just how special the sport is to follow and be a part of.

I will miss Marco, but I am determined not to miss a second of the thing that led me to him in the first place
Some irony could be seen in such a piece appearing in a tabloid newspaper, where the stock in trade is often the sensationalisation of human tragedy and misery to sell newspapers. I am led to believe at least one newspaper in the UK (not sure if it was one of rupert's) published graphic photos of the incident, whereas dorna pulled the video footage, and many of us who saw it made sure they didn't see it again, and many who didn't endeavoured not to see it afterwards.

The response to the marquez crash at PI is perhaps also illustrative, as despite his popularity he was almost universally condemned. I am also unaware of crashes ever in any way being used to promote motogp.

Yours and kropotkin's point about laziness is well made, particularly as journalists yourselves. I am not very familiar with Jill Singer , but the main opinion piece writers (or polemicists as some might regard them) for her newspaper group seem to consider anything as mundane and tedious as researching a piece to be beneath them, apparently redundant for those already in possession of absolute truth as they consider themselves to be, demonstrated in a recent court case in australia; one of these guys seemed to consider googling the names of a group of people he had prejudged on the basis of their appearance (in this case skin colour) as an adequate basis for defaming them.

I also thought of the irony in the column appearing in such a publication. The paper in the UK was the Daily Mail, not a Murdoch paper, but there are plenty of stereotypes of its readership. Not far off that of Murdoch.

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