Destructive Power of the Media- the end of reason.

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That's a hell of a lot to take in over a week. My daughter took two months for the E.Asian leg of the journey out to cover similar ground last year. Have a wonderful time.

It isn't new, to me - I spend half my life here, Australasia, ME. Actually, more than half - not quite sure where I 'live' these days - where my wife is, I guess
We are in HK so that's half the battle. I would like to live here full-time, but then I wouldn't be able to compete, business-wise, with the locals... so better to use it as a convenient stepping-stone and place to do business.

The week's holiday is a little pressie for her doing well in her first year in Uni. She doesn't get to stay in 5 star hotels or go on shopping trips - it's beach huts, eating at the markets and lots of animal/scenery/edifice camera action, maybe with a few sun-down beer sessions thrown in

I agree about the time-frame, though. I could spend a month in Vietnam alone and still not feel I have seen it all. Maybe when I have made my 100,000th chair
It isn't new, to me - I spend half my life here, Australasia, ME. Actually, more than half - not quite sure where I 'live' these days - where my wife is, I guess
We are in HK so that's half the battle. I would like to live here full-time, but then I wouldn't be able to compete, business-wise, with the locals... so better to use it as a convenient stepping-stone and place to do business.

The week's holiday is a little pressie for her doing well in her first year in Uni. She doesn't get to stay in 5 star hotels or go on shopping trips - it's beach huts, eating at the markets and lots of animal/scenery/edifice camera action, maybe with a few sun-down beer sessions thrown in

I agree about the time-frame, though. I could spend a month in Vietnam alone and still not feel I have seen it all. Maybe when I have made my 100,000th chair

You're not in recruitment in HK are you?

What you have planned is far more authentic and preferable to the 5 star hotel souless compounds - sounds superb to me. Upload some photo's in the Lounge when you're back
Not again.

Yeah again. Perhaps the fact that it is a recurring thread (not only with me) is an indication that things aren't all peachy.

Possibly an element of not being able to see the forest for the trees...

But I take your point - I should know by now how difficult nuance is on the net, especially so when so many threads are drowned out with the white noise generated by three or five members who seem to feel that unless they get their 300 posts in a day, the world is missing out.

Maybe they need to embrace Twitter?
You're not in recruitment in HK are you?

God no - I work for a living
HK is a great stepping-off point for business in Asia, is all. I grew up in Singapore and HK until I was 12 and we still have a bunch of friends and family across Asia. Have been coming to these parts for ever.

I am a computer / graphics / designer. I have a small factory making (expensive!) designer furniture for children and teens. Started out with whatever could fit on a 4x4 CNC router, finishing it myself, selling to friends and on the net, then schlepping it from shop to shop and now am building a couple of new 10x6 machines for making desks, beds, etc. My factory is in Malaysia. Good market in these parts for 'designer' stuff - lots of money in HK, MY and Singapore. And they spend it on their kids.

I have 'justified' this trip as part of a buying/research trip to look at CNC components in China. It's probably the last chance at a holiday I will get this year - I have already had to cancel two R&R sessions at the end of the year as I am going to be flat-out with work. Hopefully I will make it back to the UK sometime before xmas.
Hmmm... in person 'stuck up' wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind as an adjective - gobby prick, possibly... 'will you be serious!!!' definitely...

And no, not much of an ego to bruise - what there is is pretty hard-boiled, but thanks for the characterisation

Maybe you long-timers have gotten so used to it you can't see it - I suggest visiting some other fora... this one is quite.... aggressive. I don't normally have a problem communicating, nor with understanding and accepting other points of view, but there is a definite element of '.... off new-boy' on here. And then, if you do stand up for yourself, you are given a lesson in how things are done here by the twenty-thousand-plus-post brigade.

I dare say it has a bit to do with why there are thousands of registered members but only 10-20 regular posters... I know it isn't just me.
Dammit - I hate this bloody editing system. I had nearly a page of edit which has just gone down the toilet... thanks to the 'no edit' editor

Just as well, it was probably just ......

I've only got 842....

By which virtue you can be confident that I wasn't meaning you
And my wife just reminded me why I am such a bitch - I gave up smoking this week.

So no doubt I need to apologise for misplaced aggression.

Hopefully I will be in a much better place after a week off

Sayonara, ........
Hmmm... in person 'stuck up' wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind as an adjective - gobby prick, possibly... 'will you be serious!!!' definitely...

And no, not much of an ego to bruise - what there is is pretty hard-boiled, but thanks for the characterisation

Maybe you long-timers have gotten so used to it you can't see it - I suggest visiting some other fora... this one is quite.... aggressive. I don't normally have a problem communicating, nor with understanding and accepting other points of view, but there is a definite element of '.... off new-boy' on here. And then, if you do stand up for yourself, you are given a lesson in how things are done here by the twenty-thousand-plus-post brigade.

I dare say it has a bit to do with why there are thousands of registered members but only 10-20 regular posters... I know it isn't just me.

Your still sore over the spoiler bollocking . get over it !

By the way, we have another member who goes to Hong Kong quite a bit. His name is pinky and i'm sure you two would get along great.
Back on topic......................Pov, you have gone down in my estimation. The whole point I was making was about relaible sources of information. You failed at the first hurdle. Please say something sensible, so I can see a shadow of your former self.

Yamaka-where are you? You should have been able to have done your reading by now.

Rog, friends with Arab?? An intellectual disconnection, if ever there was one.........................
Back on topic......................Pov, you have gone down in my estimation. The whole point I was making was about relaible sources of information. You failed at the first hurdle. Please say something sensible, so I can see a shadow of your former self.

Yamaka-where are you? You should have been able to have done your reading by now.

Rog, friends with Arab?? An intellectual disconnection, if ever there was one.........................

Ah, yes.

Tried to post this the other day & it kept winging that the start & end quotes didn't match & I was short on time. From cutting & pasting it bit by bit it seems that the number of seperate quotes blow up the system, so I've split it into two posts. Don't forget, Bunyip, it was you that brought it up again, I'd forgotten

This has gone further off topic than Bautista in a first corner incident, so I apologise in advance to those already bored. It will also be my last post on the subject, so please bear with me!

Perhaps I have been condescending, but it is difficult not to be when people such as youself speak utter nonsence when they should know better. Particularly people like yourself......and people like Ian Plimer.

Why is it difficult to not be condescending? If you honestly believe you have better knowledge or understanding than I surely an attempt at enlightenment is better than condesension?

Starting at the beginning of your response , "If you don't want to look outside the information you currently believe with a passion to be true, then I'm not sure you understand the concept of science".

Well I am a scientist ( the word science appears in my degree), so this statement is a bit rich.

Ah, argumentum ad verecundiam – argument from authority. You “are” a scientist because, as you claim, your degree “has the word science in it”. Your phrase “a bit rich” implies that I have not your stature, and so should not be casting aspersions.

My degree was awarded in 1989 and was in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science”, so does mine trump yours? Who cares TBH, as long as you understand the concept of science :

From Wiki (can be poor, but good enough in this simple case): “The chief characteristic which distinguishes a scientific method of inquiry from other methods of acquiring knowledge is that scientists seek to let reality speak for itself, supporting a theory when a theory's predictions are confirmed and challenging a theory when its predictions prove false

The bold part is what I cannot see the climate scientists doing, as they cling to the models that nature no longer wants to follow.

As a scientist, do I have any expertese in the field of climate science? .

Well no, no more than you, apart from the fact that it appears that I do understand the scientific process, whereas It appears that you are the one that cannot. As an engineer, you cannot be stupid, but you are not trying hard enough here. (more condescention!

What is it about “the scientific process” that you believe I don't understand? Why do you believe that you understand it better than I? It is precisely this type of argument that characterises the “believers” argument that the “skeptics” are “dumb”, ie you say that I have NFI, but don't bother to detail what I have NFI about, other than the “fact” that Global Warming Is Real And About To Kill All Of Us, Just Because You Can't See Any Sign of It For The Past 15 Years Is No Reason Not To Be Afraid!!! (Patronising enough?

I have as much expertese here as yourself, Joe Bloggs, Ian Plimer etc, BUT the difference is that I know my limitations and trust the experts.

Argumentum ad verecundiam again – trust the experts, ie believe. You might also want to consider that people in authority in your life might not have your best interests at heart....

So 31,000 scientists signed a petition. Big deal! That would represent perhaps 1% or less of total scientists and would only be relevant if any of them were climate scientists.

Notice that you ignored the very clear decimation of your “97% of scientists said global warning was happening” tirade and instead focussed on something that I only used to demonstrate that there could be no “consensus”, which, at the end of the day, is not the way real science is done. Remember your claim that you had the word “science” in your degree title, therefore you are a scientist? You also claim to “ understand the scientific process” but fail to understand that the “97%” was effectively spin.

Bunyip' timestamp='1341544745' post='321726 said:
The point that I make here is very important. As Clint Eastwood once said......"You gotta know your limitations". By this, I mean , even if you are a professional, even if you are a scientist, even if you are Ian Plimer a famous geologist, unless you have expertese in that specific field , your opinion is meaningless. Its just the same as believing expert advice on say heart transplants from your dentist. From time to time I see brilliant posts on the intricacies of sound analysis from Geonard, or engineering discussions from someone who apparently isn,t Lex , and other engineers. It goes over my head. I sit back in awe and leave it to the experts. The experts.

I don't think you've understood my previous posts – I read the published scientific papers – that doesn't mean I parse the words and sit back thinking “this one fits my bias”, “this one doesn't”. Just because you choose not to self educate (based on the decent scientific formal education you & I already have) and are self proclaimed “sitting back in awe” of “experts”, does not make you a better scientist than I. BTW, your comment about Ian Plimer's opinion being meaningless because he has no “expertise” in the field is a crock of ..... When Michael Mann went to college there was no degree in Climate Science available, so how did he become an expert and Ian Plimer not? You chose your experts in the way a believer chooses his high priests. FYI, Mann has degrees in Physics and Applied Math, a masters in Physics and a Ph.D. in Geology & Geophysics. Ian Plimer has a degree and a Ph.D. in Geology.

Bunyip' timestamp='1341544745' post='321726 said:
If you had done what I had suggested, then you would have read articles by the experts, where you would have seen around 98% of them agree that RAPID climate change is real, has been measured, is significantly been influenced by human activity, and will lead to global temp rises of around 4 degrees C or more by 2100, if no action is taken.

I have already told you that I have read peer reviewed papers by “experts” with both POV. Nothing I have ever read shows that 98% of anyone believes that RAPID (your caps) climate change is happening. Quite what RAPID means I am unsure, but all I can say is that the massaged “global” temps show a slight decline over the last 15 years. “RAPID change” would imply acceleration. Or, I suppose, deceleration, but no-one is claiming that at the moment (remember the 1970s?). The temps have been FLAT. There is no acceleration in anything global at the moment. When did you stop doing science and start doing activism? If you can show me ANY evidence for

the following I will listen : “will lead to global temp rises of around 4 degrees C or more by 2100, if no action is taken” (I particularly like the certainty of the word “will” - have a look at some of Hansen's old predictions, also based on models for a cheap thrill).

I also like the concept that it can only be “4 degrees or more, what about the bistable system that is the earth? More time spent in ice ages than not, and yet 5% of less than 0.04% of the atmosphere is going to send us to a tipping point...... but it hasn't warmed in 15 years – Conundrum!!

Bunyip' timestamp='1341544745' post='321726 said:
An interesting point......sure there have been significant long term temperature fluctuations over the millenia, but they have occurred over thousands or millions of years. The dinosaur extinction ocurred not only because of the Yucatan meteorite, but also because the worlds temperature rose by 3 degrees C over 3 million years. And you are unconcerned by a greater rise over less than 100 years??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You love your “experts”, but how can anyone “state” that the Earth's temp was stable within 3 degrees over 3 million years? We have temperature (taken by real people, with real themometers, however accurate) records going back to 1850 in Central England but still UEA et al see fit to adjust them. However, temps going back 3 million years – firstly that involves proxies, which are not themometers. The thermometers in 1850 might have been accurate to +/-1 Degree. The proxies have to be “correlated” (hard to do into the past) with temps and certainly cannot claim similar accuracies, especially as the 0.01 type accuracy claimed for the “global temperature anomaly” (whatever that means) is, even with today's thermometers, massively misleading.

BTW, your “4C rise over less than 100 years” is from models. There is no evidence that reality follows models, so equally it could get 4C colder in the next 100 years. That at least would not be unprecedented (ice ages are more common in earth's history thatn “warm” periods.
part deux:

Species can adapt over long periods with many generations. This will not be possible in our current short time frame. There will be mass extinctions, there will be massive loss of food producing land, and there will be a rise of tropical diseases. This is serious stuff, but while people choose to ingnore this or are misled by the media as you have, then we are in big trouble. Humans as lemmings.
”Will” repeated 4 times. Based on what evidence?

You underestimate the power of the media. It took 2-4 years before the majority of motogp fans understood that Stoner really was a special talent. Why? Because the majority of motogp journlalists, bloggers and fans perpetuated the story of the Ducati advantage. If we had taken more notice of the experts (people like Krop who knew they were seeing something special) , who were on the inside, who really knew what was happening, could speak directly to all the riders, and who were unbiased enough to see that CS was significantly outperforming his team-mates, .....................then we would have known the truth from the beginning.

No. The problem with the media is that they preach the religion, not the truth. CAGW is in the forefront even though it does not look to be viable scientifically anymore, hence the focus change at Rio + 20.

The same thing with climate change. The big rich guys have kept clouding the issue, trying to discredit the messengers, when they didn,t like the message.

Far too true. There was a paper by Paul Bain published in Nature recently entitled (no less) “Promoting pro-environmental action in climate change deniers”. BTW, I am not funded by “Big Oil”, nor do I know of any skeptics who are, but billions gets paid to climate scientists the world over and if it were to become clear that there was no threat from CO2 then that money would dry up. As is already starting to happen in Canada.

For instance the whole "climategate" nonsense. A few typographical errors were blown up into a full-on absurd conspiracy theory.

Ah, so you didn't actually read any of the stuff that came out in climategate I & II, you just read what your beloved “experts” said was in it. Try actually looking – it might shake this belief of yours. It was not typos and there was no need to invent a conspiracy.

Despite the internet providing many useful purposes, one of its biggest downsides is the fact that anybody can post their misguided crap out there, and for any non-vigilant observer the crap appears to carry as much weight as the utterances of the experts. It is easy to be deceived and you appear to be one of these. A sign of intelligence is adaptability. If you are truly intelligent, then get out of your comfort zone, stop re-reading all the stuff that comes out of your familiar information sources , and do some real reasearch. Read what the experts say. I cant repeat this often enough. Do the "scholar" search, and the truth will be revealed. When you have done that come back and kick all the condescention out of me!
(I will enjoy the pain)

That is where you and I differ – I read all sides and make my own conclusions, you choose your “experts” and read them in the same way a religious believer reads the bible and refutes all other avenues of information as being blasphemous. I have repeatedly told you I have read the evidence presented by experts of all shades and have come to the conclusion that I have in an informed way. It is you that bandy words like “will” when the only “evidence” is models. In engineering it is a given that “all models are wrong (it is impossible to parameterise everything in either nature or a even a relatively simple mechanical system such as a combustion engine) but some may be useful.”

The climate models are woefully inadequate (this is even admitted by climate scientists) and have failed to predict the climate for the last 15 years – they predicted rising temperatures – so why should anyone continue to believe that they may be useful? In engineering we'd have chucked them out years ago and tried to design better models.

Once again I apologise to those who are not interested, but then again, you won't have got this far will you
Yamaka, you are an idiot. You have failed to do as I requested and as you said you would do. You do as every less qualified idiot does, is quote articles that reinforrce your own pre-conceived opinions. Not the scientific process.

I can,t help you if you are so keen to be a lemming. Over the cliff you go......................................................

No wonder humanity is doomed................
Yamaka, you are an idiot. You have failed to do as I requested and as you said you would do. You do as every less qualified idiot does, is quote articles that reinforrce your own pre-conceived opinions. Not the scientific process.

I can,t help you if you are so keen to be a lemming. Over the cliff you go......................................................

No wonder humanity is doomed................

So, your sources are more credible because they are your sources. You have admitted to not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to climate science, so you chose a side to believe, and that automatically makes you right? ........!. You act more and more like a someone who invested heavily in this scam, than someone who is looking at cold hard data. Climate science in its self is not a scam, but AGW certainly is. That has been proven beyond reasonable doubt. The scammers have been exposed and discredited, what else do you want before you take another look.
So, your sources are more credible because they are your sources. You have admitted to not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to climate science, so you chose a side to believe, and that automatically makes you right? ........!. You act more and more like a someone who invested heavily in this scam, than someone who is looking at cold hard data. Climate science in its self is not a scam, but AGW certainly is. That has been proven beyond reasonable doubt. The scammers have been exposed and discredited, what else do you want before you take another look.

It is entirely obvious that the climate has changed in the past without human agency, sometimes quite markedly, and even in almost historic times in terms of the involvement of land bridges in the spread of humanity.

There doesn't seem to be much doubt that CO2 levels are going up though, and the fossil fuel burning component may be only 5% a year but that adds up after a few years when not part of the previous balance, or not for 70 million years anyway, and conditions then whilst good for dinosaurs and cycads might not be so good for modern species. Whether the CO2 will change the climate and if it does how important an influence it would have in comparison to other factors is the question as far as global warming goes, I guess, and maybe it will just ward off the next ice age. The pH of the sea going down by -0.1 which I have seen reported is a worry from a biological perspective though.
Not again.

Look, I agree with you on many of points concerning powerslide. However, this is a community consisting entirely of user generated content. If you disapprove about they way things are discussed, try making a positive contribution yourself (you already do on many occasions). Don't go all passive-aggressive, that's no help to anyone. What's next, logging in once every 6 months, posting something like 'Wow, this place is still total ....!' and then dissappearing again? You'll just have to stick with it, accept that not everybody can or wants to have good, reasonable debates all the time on all subjects. If you feel that those debates get buried by all the ........, it's up to you to contribute quality posts rather than getting suckered into the BS.

Perhaps some useful tips, not meant in anyway condescending: 1) you don't have to read everyone's posts, 2) you don't have to reply to anything, 3) you don't have to take anybody seriously. These three things are in fact priveleges you may wish to grant to others. It's up to you.

#4 Don't take yourself too seriously.