well dungey does it again! looked very mature just sitting behind stewart & hill for so long & then just got past & pulled away.... excellent stuff! dungey looks to be the only guy who came prepared this season. stewart was obviously suffering from last weeks disaster but still finishs 3rd... this is why he'll most likely still win the championship this season because when he's 100% he should be able to get to the front & stay there... still the fastest guy out there. hill did a good job as a replacement rider to grab 2nd should do wonders for his future. villapotto....... what a dissapointment this kid is turning out to be this year. he needs to pull his head out & get his ... in gear or he's just gonna be another also ran like milsaps, tedesco & the like. weimer has got the lites west sewn up. he needs to because he goes to the 450s next season reguardless.