FUGLY! (both leathers & bike) I don't know how to fix the leather, it simple looks like a guy who fogot half his gear so borrowed his friend yellow gloves & boots at the track (which i hav actually seen).
The solution for the bike is this, the yellow needs to be placed on a white background. The yellow should NOT b near the red because it creates design dissonance. Any yellow needs to b framed in black, then placed on a large area of white. For example, that rally stripe needs to be large enuf for the entire 46 to be well within its margin. Same goes with the yellow around seat and rear cowel, they need to reced the red away from the yellow with a large white area.
Btw, The gloves meeting the sleave is simply hilarious.
Well, Vale accomplished what he wanted, it defo says LOOK AT ME! Reminds me of Rogers hideous Laguna Tshirt. Yuk!