One more thing Johnny......... AC, can you fix up a shattered conservatory?
Sorry to hear about your conservatory arabb. Unfortunately I am unable to help u in your repair. I am familar with that type of construction but do not believe u can build a conservatory with any structural integrity. The core principles of its design are fatally flawed and subject to frequent collapse. Here in the states they are for some reason still being built despite their shoddy track record of complete structural failure.
On paper Conservatory design seems plausible and sound. They are built from materiels that can be found in markets over the world . While cost is kept low by this market freedom most of the materials were manufactured in China and are suspect in quality
Conservatory glass is designed and placed with minimal support from structural members. Conservatory architects believe that the more structural members there are the more of an impediment it is to incoming sun rays. Some radical architects even believe no structural members should be used in the building process.
Most Conservatory projects are built thru private companies who are only concerned with the bottom line.
True craftmanship is lost. They are built hastily without any concern for quality.
There are no regulations or building codes present so the builder is left to his own discretion as to what is safe for the public.
Advocates for conservatories state that the freedom of sunlight is unparalled and that all who experience their brightness will eventually want one. This theory has recently been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan thru installation of Conservatories throughout the country. Most of these structures have
since fallen into an irreparable state.
While it might seem like a good idea to rebuild at the moment keep in mind that once built, they are known to deteriorate in a time span of 4 years. Oftentimes they can last up to 8 years but at that point when they collapse they usually damage the entire house as well. A good portion of America has figured this out but sadly most southern and central states still believe that someday they will work without collapsing.
What really surprises me is that Jumkie didn't see and warn you about the conservatories imminent collapse. He is duly knowledgable and quite keen about its inherent flaws.
Sorry I can't do much for you Arabb. If by chance you would like to rebuild with a Liberalatory than I can certainly help you out.
In the mean time if you want to rebuild with a conservatory I would suggest you ask Povol for help in this regard.