Yo guys!
Wow, what a weekend
Saturday sucked for those track side unfortunatley, it rained really really bloody hard! One minute its full of people, the next, everone is sheltering under the stands and motogp shops! heh. Who would have thought I would have needed to buy myself an umbrella?..............Donington yes.........not here!!!
Anyway, the good thing about qual being cancelled (and it was the right decision to do so), was that the pit lane walkabout was started just after the orginal time (4.15pm), as because of the rain, if qual had run the pit walk would have started around 6pm or so, which was too late as we had booked out taxi!!
The walkabout was cool, very busy though. Got a nice look into all the garages, didnt see any riders mind. Credit to LCR for sticking Casey's bike outseide of the box so fans could get some really decent pictures...........credit to D'antin for booting up one of the bikes just for the crowd..............bloody loud!!!!!!
Went to clinica mobile and was chating to the doc's their in broken Italian & English..........nice chaps. Mr Puig came out himself, didnt get time to take a pic, so guess dani was in their getting fixed up.
Very long day though - was good back at the hotel in KL as you could tell which guests had been to the race - we was told that the hotel was fully booked becauseof the GP.......which is good.
Race day was fab. It was a bloody hot day, we were sat in the JAM packed main stand, just across from the Tech 3 box, and Rossi's was right next to that, so we had maninly Rossi fans everywhere! (in fact I think 99% of the crowd was gunning for Rossi!). It was that hot we both got sun burnt (not as bad as assen mind!), even though we was in the shade all day - I cant work that out! We was sat next to some nice malaysian lads, who kept offering us their food throughout the day!
The atmosphere during the race was bloody electric, much better than any other race I've been too, maybe it was because we were in the stands? (never been in the grandstand before). We had a big screen right in front of us, which ment we missed none of the action..........and I'm bloody glad we didnt coz it was a cracker of a race, one of the best I've seen........but I think being there made it a lot better
Cant really say much apart from whats been said, the battle with Rossi & Loris was wicked, proper motogp racing. 5 star action all the way!
The only disappointment is there was no track invasion, I though the crazy people in the stands who had been jumping up and down for the race would have climbed the fences and got on the track, biut no one moved!!!!!!!!! I was all prepared to make a run for it!! heh
One thing I've never expericanced before at a live race is the start, and the noise that is ceated when the bikes ride togther at the start...........man - it was aweseome, it literally shake your body!
We've met some really nice gp fans - theres a bunch of us looking for a bar to watch the race live on Sunday which should be cool.
Viva motogp