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I think the proof of the pudding will be once the racing hits Europe, or, as I have heard it referred to before, 'the ground war.'

Arrabi has said this 896 times, every single time as if nobody has ever heard it. Ha!

It's something Wayne Rainey originally said.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
What about idiotic riders like rossi who arent capable of working out whether their actions are dangerous on track?

Come off it Barry, there have been far more dangerous riders than Rossi and you know it.
It's only by luck that Marquez hasn't seriously injured anyone, He very often rides through a corner with complete disregard for who's already there.
Not saying Rossi has never done it but he's the only one getting singled out for it.
There's many others too.
What the .... is wrong with you people,? moto gp does not need fans that wish death on any rider.

Anyone wishing death or injury on a rider, whether joking or serious is not a fan of the sport (IMO).

Such statements say more about those making them than it does about the subject involved no matter what that person may have done at one time.

We are critical of the Valeban, the yellow hordes, the yellow sheeple and what not who wish ill on a competitor of Rossi. Two wrongs do not make a right and wishing ill will or ill health on him just makes those wishing it as bad as those they despise (IMO).
Come off it Barry, there have been far more dangerous riders than Rossi and you know it.
It's only by luck that Marquez hasn't seriously injured anyone, He very often rides through a corner with complete disregard for who's already there.
Not saying Rossi has never done it but he's the only one getting singled out for it.
There's many others too.

Being honest, I am not sure that we have ever had to many 'dangerous riders' as such but certainly have had riders who have had a number of 'dangerous/negligent' incidents when compared to other riders over similar times, but dangerous riders that is a different implication altogether and I would not include VR either, just as I would not MM.

Today's field is quite tame by comparison to many over the years where riders pushed the boundaries when it cam to how to treat on track rivals, dangerous riders are not words I would associate with those of today. ...., if some of these people who we may call hard today, rode in the 70's, 80's and 90's they would have .... themselves at some of the tactics
Today's field is quite tame by comparison to many over the years where riders pushed the boundaries when it cam to how to treat on track rivals, dangerous riders are not words I would associate with those of today. ...., if some of these people who we may call hard today, rode in the 70's, 80's and 90's they would have .... themselves at some of the tactics

There's an interview of Kevin Schwantz who was defending Rossi's manure (pun intended) of Sepang 15. He said what Rossi did wasn't really a big deal, in fact, he suggests, it's 'just something riders do to send the message we don't like how the other guy is riding' (I'm paraphrasing, perhaps someone can find exact quote). Schwantz said he's "annoyed" at how people don't understand what Rossi did, implying we're all ignorant of some racers racing parlance. Frankly I never heard of such a ridiculous thing, I guess that makes me ignorant. It's fascinating Schwantz defended Rossi's actions at Sepang, and gave Rossi wide berth to entertain the Great Uccio conspiracy theory of Philip Island.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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899 times to be precise.

Which is also something I have consistently said.
I think I got it from the BT Sport commentary, Jules Ryder in particular. He also used the term 'in the trenches' for the European rounds, which also fits nicely.
Certainly though, these rounds are the acid test for a teams success.
Anyone wishing death or injury on a rider, whether joking or serious is not a fan of the sport (IMO).

Such statements say more about those making them than it does about the subject involved no matter what that person may have done at one time.

We are critical of the Valeban, the yellow hordes, the yellow sheeple and what not who wish ill on a competitor of Rossi. Two wrongs do not make a right and wishing ill will or ill health on him just makes those wishing it as bad as those they despise (IMO).

There's an interview of Kevin Schwantz who was defending Rossi's manure (pun intended) of Sepang 15. He said what Rossi did wasn't really a big deal, in fact, he suggests, it's 'just something riders do to send the message we don't like how the other guy is riding' (I'm paraphrasing, perhaps someone can find exact quote). Schwantz said he's "annoyed" at how people don't understand what Rossi did, implying we're all ignorant of some racers racing parlance. Frankly I never heard of such a ridiculous thing, I guess that makes me ignorant. It's fascinating Schwantz defended Rossi's actions at Sepang, and gave Rossi wide berth to entertain the Great Uccio conspiracy theory of Philip Island.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

That makes 2 of us. However I wouldn't take much notice of Schwantz opinion these days given he said that Rossi would retire at the end of last yr if Vinales handed him his arse.

In direct conflict with his sentiments on the Sepang 2015 incident, he said of the Argentina incident "You can't knock someone down"
It's fascinating Schwantz defended Rossi's actions at Sepang, and gave Rossi wide berth to entertain the Great Uccio conspiracy theory of Philip Island.

Fascinating, yes, almost as if Kevin has his head up Rossi's ass.
That makes 2 of us. However I wouldn't take much notice of Schwantz opinion these days given he said that Rossi would retire at the end of last yr if Vinales handed him his arse.

In direct conflict with his sentiments on the Sepang 2015 incident, he said of the Argentina incident "You can't knock someone down"

Wrong, Rossi never knocked Marquez down at Sepang. Rossi broke the rules by slowing down and blocking Marquez, but it was Marquez that made contact with Rossi's bike.
Wrong, Rossi never knocked Marquez down at Sepang. Rossi broke the rules by slowing down and blocking Marquez, but it was Marquez that made contact with Rossi's bike.

By turning into him? In that case, if that's you're argument then Rossi was the one who turned into Marquez when he tried to shut the door.
Wrong, Rossi never knocked Marquez down at Sepang. Rossi broke the rules by slowing down and blocking Marquez, but it was Marquez that made contact with Rossi's bike.
But have you ever seen a more egregious act in the top class?
I was rooting for Vale up until that point, but it was just too much for me I'm afraid.
But have you ever seen a more egregious act in the top class?
I was rooting for Vale up until that point, but it was just too much for me I'm afraid.

Most if not all on-track clashes between riders prior to that incident were far more dangerous. IMO, what makes it hard for some to accept it that Rossi clearly slowed down and blocked Marquez (there is no denying it). Had Rossi done the same thing at full race pace (like it has always been done) people would be able to claim it was simply hard racing.
Most if not all on-track clashes between riders prior to that incident were far more dangerous. IMO, what makes it hard for some to accept it that Rossi clearly slowed down and blocked Marquez (there is no denying it). Had Rossi done the same thing at full race pace (like it has always been done) people would be able to claim it was simply hard racing.
You're absolutely right, most on track contact is far more dangerous.
It was the deliberate nature of the act that, for me, made it unforgivable.
Rossi tried to have a late apex, the problem was that another bike was already there and level if not in front of him. Much like Misano 2016.

Safe passing involves getting in front of the rider you're overtaking BEFORE the apex of the corner. Attempting to overtake another rider at the apex is almost always going to lead to incidents.
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