How to make Yamaha great again.

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Genuine question, Synn and I am not trying to illicit a reaction, but what do you think Yamaha should do?
Clearly the bike was working a treat for Mav' early last year and the same 'early setup' works for Zarco so why not return to that as a base for the factory boys?

No point asking him,he's gone somewhere else where they worship Rossi and he can fantasise about being Uccio..
Genuine question, Synn and I am not trying to illicit a reaction, but what do you think Yamaha should do?
Clearly the bike was working a treat for Mav' early last year and the same 'early setup' works for Zarco so why not return to that as a base for the factory boys?
Sounds simple enough but it's not.

Early session last year they were on a different construction of the tyres and using the 2017 frame.

This year, we have the newer construction tyres and everyone is on the 2016 based chassis (which is actually the 2015 chassis as far as I'm aware as the 2016 chassis had the fuel tank under the seat and never got raced).

I'm not sure Yamaha actually have an issue yet. We've only had two races and they were both outliers for various reasons.

Rossi has seemed happy with the bike most since the last preseason test (the front end feels right and is giving plenty of feedback), they seem to have more mechanical grip and it's just the tyre life that looks to be in question (which looks to be electronics).

Mav has also found a set-up he likes (basically everything stiffer).

I guess the last thing is if they can be competitive with the Hondas at the low grip circuits...

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Thanks, Macca
So ultimately it's a tyre compatibility issue (within certain surface strictures) more than anything.
I suppose it makes it difficult for Michelin, they don't want to be seen making a tyre that favours one manufacturer.
You're right though, whilst Mav' hasn't been as strong as last year, Vale's performance in Qatar was on point.
Genuine question, Synn and I am not trying to illicit a reaction, but what do you think Yamaha should do?
Clearly the bike was working a treat for Mav' early last year and the same 'early setup' works for Zarco so why not return to that as a base for the factory boys?

Because the factory boys are crap. Hence they need to get rid of them. Then get Lorenzo back and get Zarco. Though I suspect Zarco can see how the wind blows and is going HRC.
But I'm going to use your post to interject a dig if you don't mind. And here it goes: if Rossi really did need the M1 to be fixed...he could easily find someone to do it in 80 secs.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

Vinales IMO.
Because the factory boys are crap. Hence they need to get rid of them. Then get Lorenzo back and get Zarco. Though I suspect Zarco can see how the wind blows and is going HRC.

If Rossi is going to have his own team and they are Yamaha's I cxan't see Lorenzo ever going back there, as Rossi will stick his oar in again.

On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi. Maybe then we wouldn't have the antics we see now.
I'm not sure Yamaha actually have an issue yet. We've only had two races and they were both outliers for various reasons.

Yes. Yamaha carried Rossi to the podium in 2nd place last year in Texas. Vinalez crashed out in Austin (much to the Yellow Cult's delight) but Yamaha carried Mav who scored a win and a 2nd when they returned to Europe. I expect the M1 will be fine, and now that Pedrosa is out, I expect Yamaha factory to capitalize on it, especially given Pedrosa was on the podium las year in the US round, and two podiums (scoring a win) when he returned to Europe. So gift Yamaha at least one extra position in these next few rounds thanks to Pedrosa's injury.
What I'd like to quantify is, how detrimental an effect does Uccio's obviously abundant body odour have on the team's morale? How many points does his endlessly wafting aroma cost the manufacturer each season? Does his sweaty, stagnant stench in such close vicinity to the finely fettled machines cost them horsepower?
rossi is such a crap magnet!

And even when folk near him dont seem crap at first ..... they get there ... like Jarvis.

Im wondering if its why Burgess and rossi parted ways ..... I cant see Burgess with rossi any more and cant see Burgess ever being an arsehole.
Genuine question, Synn and I am not trying to illicit a reaction, but what do you think Yamaha should do?
Clearly the bike was working a treat for Mav' early last year and the same 'early setup' works for Zarco so why not return to that as a base for the factory boys?

Factory dominance comes and goes in cycles. The rule changes are designed for this.

When the 800cc switch happened, Honda suffered. The 1000cc switch happened and Ducati suffered. With the tyre change and the common ECU, Yamaha is suffering. It doesn’t mean that they have a terrible bike. It just means that they are one step behind in adapting to the new rules. Racing now is closer than ever and even the “Suffering” Yamahas are just about a second behind the best bikes.
That is not a huge margin if you think back 10 years or so ago.

Yamaha will get more people to work on the electronics and they will be back on top. People who have watched this sport for a long time know how this goes, only the virgin mouth breathers on this forum (not including you in this category) jump up and down about it.
On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi. Maybe then we wouldn't have the antics we see now.

If a garbage truck decides to give you the kiss of death, not a single tear would be shed. In fact, I’ll be rooting for the truck.
Racing now is closer than ever and even the “Suffering” Yamahas are just about a second behind the best bikes.
That is not a huge margin if you think back 10 years or so ago.

You make a good point and, with hindsight, I think I was swept up in the thread title a bit. Last year they seemed to have lost their mojo a tad. But there have only been 2 races so far this year, one that yielded a podium with 0.7s off the winner and the 2nd race where not one session had the same weather as another and everyone suffered, as was evidenced by the top 4 bikes, (although that isn't to detract from Cal, Alex, Johan or Jack's achievements.)
You make a good point and, with hindsight, I think I was swept up in the thread title a bit. Last year they seemed to have lost their mojo a tad. But there have only been 2 races so far this year, one that yielded a podium with 0.7s off the winner and the 2nd race where not one session had the same weather as another and everyone suffered, as was evidenced by the top 4 bikes, (although that isn't to detract from Cal, Alex, Johan or Jack's achievements.)

Don’t worry about it, it’s easy to get swept up in all the soap opera drama that’s all so prevalent in these parts.

No bike or rider is infallible now. That’s excellent for racing. Marquez looked head and shoulders above everyone else in Argentina and might do the same in COTA, but no one knows what will happen in the other tracks. Yamahas looked miserable during the Qatar test and they were seriously fast in the race. Ducati was untouchable in Qatar and way off in Argentina. Suzuki might win a race this year.

As a racing fan , this is as good as it can get.
If Rossi is going to have his own team and they are Yamaha's I cxan't see Lorenzo ever going back there, as Rossi will stick his oar in again.

On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi. Maybe then we wouldn't have the antics we see now.
.... Theo you are soooo classy...NOT,
A very sick thing to even have in your head never mind say.
Genuine question, Synn and I am not trying to illicit a reaction, but what do you think Yamaha should do?
Clearly the bike was working a treat for Mav' early last year and the same 'early setup' works for Zarco so why not return to that as a base for the factory boys?

Because rossi has the influence on Yamaha. The last thing rossi wants is a team mate who beats him. Mav. Was going great, rossi wants bike changed .... Zarco is going great and should get a factory Yam. rossi anounces he wants a Yamaha team and wants more than Tech 3 are getting. Zarco no longer has any Yamaha next year. Its always how it goes with rossi ...... and its costing Yamaha.
I don't like this.

Neither do I as I liked Marco Simoncelli , yet Rossi milked it for all it was worth, which IMO was disgusting.
I'm sorry if it offends, but I have taken a real dislike of Rossi and he should be pushed out.