Hack MotoGP journalist David Emmett/Kropo of Motomatters discussion

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It makes me laugh everytime I log on and see this thread up top.
JP I know you titled it to get under Kropos skin. Im sure he’s still lurking around. Or maybe not after this
Ah Christian, exactly like a blinded by religious fervor Christian, you dont see what is plain to see, downplayed to "usual piss taking", ........ you've attacked relentlessly, and you got my attention it was so outrageous, particularly when your paranoid damaged mind started conjuring boogeyman theories, in tow with Bitch Machine. Go back and check when I interjected, you and Bitch Machine had already registered a tally of attacks on Synn and for good measure, Albert Tatlock, who you ran off.

You take your .... to another thread psycho, you not only silenced Barbwirerider, but you ignored his plea to you and bitch machine to take your .... to the Lounge! For the most part the majority of us have been talking racing, EXCEPT: Kancer, Bitch Machine, and little kancer klone. Its necessary for us to scroll past pages of pages of you in particular chasing your synn tail. Take another look, make a tally, just scroll down any thread on the last 3 months. Chasing Synn, that's all you've done.

Bitch Machine attacked Synn from the moment he arrived because he didn't like Synn's opinion of Stoner testing, that's a while back, it hasn't stopped since. Thee sure way to get you and Bitch Machine energetic, I should add. You guys have been chasing Synn around while he's made you look silly.

Exercise some self-control. Stop blaming synn for your inability to stop responding. Act like the adult you claim to be. Shut up, don't reply. Fight your damaged brain's urge to reply. Put some duct tape on your fingers to remind yourself, don't reply, don't reply.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

Love the way you demand I take orders from you. You always try to make it seem that by doing what's convenient for you is the right thing for me. How transparent can you be?

A simple game of self-respect
You flick a switch and the world goes off
Nobody jumps as you expect
I would have thought you would have had enough by now

I'm not the only one who went after Dimm from the start. Every non-bopper on the forum called him on his ......... But of course :rolleyes: you try to pin it all on me. You're becoming the King Of The Double Standard.

No more pickin' on Dimm.

Barbedwire biker??? What a load of ..... We disagreed but there was no animosity and he wasn't forced to do anything. Such a vivid imagination!

And of course you totally avoid and ignore anything that points out your incredible bias in giving him a pass on behavior that is WAY beyond the pale. If he had said half the things he's said to others on the forum, your head would have exploded.

You cherry pick and straw man and divert. Rinse and repeat.
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Love the way you demand I take orders from you. You always try to make it seem that by doing what's convenient for you is the right thing for me. How transparent can you be?

A simple game of self-respect
You flick a switch and the world goes off
Nobody jumps as you expect
I would have thought you would have had enough by now

I'm not the only one who went after Dimm from the start. Every non-bopper on the forum called him on his ......... But of course :rolleyes: you try to pin it all on me. You're becoming the King Of The Double Standard.

No more pickin' on Dimm.

Barbedwire biker??? What a load of ..... We disagreed but there was no animosity and he wasn't forced to do anything. Such a vivid imagination!

And of course you totally avoid and ignore anything that points out your incredible bias in giving him a pass on behavior that is WAY beyond the pale. If he had said half the things he's said to others on the forum, your head would have exploded.

You cherry pick and straw man and divert. Rinse and repeat.

Demand to take orders? You demanded I take this to another thread bozo. What, your demands are law? I pointed out Barbwirerider pleaded with you and Bitch Machine to modulate your constant incessant chasing, moaning, and trolling to the Lounge. What did you and Bitch Machine do? Chastised him. You did the same to Daniboy. Did you take your relentlessly attacks to another thread? Hell no, your goal is to klog every thread.

You can help yourself Kancer. You have no ability to restrain yourself. It's actually quite fascinating because it's so predictable, apart from being disturbing.

I'd like to point this out to IAMPONY, had I not interjected, you and Bitch Machine etal would still be relentlessly klogging up every thread with " vitriolic nonsense"! Think about that.

Yet unbelievably he has been hoodwinked into thinking you're not at the center of it, newsflash Jknock hadn't been posting regularly when all that "vitriolic nonsense" was happening in our absence, nor Mdub, nor any of your many boogeymen. That's what's great, you don't have us to blame, you were carrying on flam waring to yourself! FACT!

I guess it's just okay if it comes from you. "Vitriolic nonsense" is ok if you're attacking someone that your sidekicks deem as deserving of your attack. Stop to think about that for a moment as you consider who are the culprits of damaging the forum. If Albert Tatlock had the stomach for it you would still be attacking him today! That was without my interjection.

Let's highlight your defense here, you say: "I'm not the only one attacking Synn." That is what a child would say Kesh. Take responsibility for your own actions, something you've not learned in life, that's obvious. 'But but but, I'm not the only one being mean Jumkie, others have too.' Listen to yourself, it's pathetic. Let's not forget your other lame defense, 'but but Synn has been mean too, why am I the ONLY bad guy?' Because you're obsessed with being the forum nanny and shutting the .... up would actually serve your stated goal of not klogging up the threads genius.


I wish there was a tally feature on the forum that had a running count of every klogging posts you've made in the last 3 months. Keep in mind Kancer, your usual suspects that you say are the forum pariah haven't and weren't posting regularly. That leaves YOU & FRIEND, little enabler, holding the culprits .... bag.

Ok, so telling you to shut the .... up didn’t work, it's something your pride and inability to restrain yourself is too much to overcome, let's try this:

I DEMAND YOU REPLY TO ME Kancer! I demand it, and I forbid you to ignore me! I COMMAND YOU to reply! You will do it, I have this power over you! CLICK THE REPLY BUTTON, DO IT NOW!

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Demand to take orders? You demanded I take this to another thread bozo. What, your demands are law? I pointed out Barbwirerider pleaded with you and Bitch Machine to modulate your constant incessant chasing, moaning, and bitching to the Lounge. What did you and Bitch Machine do? Chastised him. You did the same to Daniboy. Did you take your relentlessly attacks to another thread? Hell no, your goal is to klog every thread. You can help yourself Kancer. You have no ability to restrain yourself. It's actually quite fascinating because it's so predictable, apart from being disturbing.

Id like to point this out to IamPony, had I not interjected, you and Bitch Machine etal would still be relentlessly klogging up every thread with " vitriolic nonsense". Yet unbelievably he has been hoodwinked into thinking your not at the center of it, newsflash Jknock hadn't been posting regularly when all that "vitriolic nonsense" was happening in our absence. I guess it's just okay if it comes from you. "Vitriolic nonsense" is ok if you're attacking someone that your sidekicks deem as deserving of your attack. Stop to think about that for a moment as you consider who are the culprits of damaging the forum. If Albert Tatlock had the stomach for it you would still be attacking him today! That was without my interjection.

Let's highlight your defense here, you say: "I'm not the only one attacking Synn." That is what a child would say Kesh. Take responsibility for your own actions, something you've not learned in life, that's obvious. 'But but but, I'm not the only one being mean Jumkie, others have too.' Listen to yourself, it's pathetic. Let's not forget your other lame defense, 'but but Synn has been mean too, why am I the bad guy?' Because you're obsessed with being the forum nanny and shutting the .... up would actually serve your stated goal of not klogging up the threads genius.


I wish there was a tally feature on the forum that had a running count of every klogging posts you've made in the last 3 months. Keep in mind Kancer, your usual suspects that you say are the forum pariah haven't and weren't posting regularly. That leaves you and little enablers holding the culprits bag.

Ok, so telling you to shut the .... up didn’t work, it's something your pride and inability to restrain yourself is too much to overcome, let's try this: I demand you reply to me Kancer! I demand it, and I forbid you to ignore me! I command you to reply! You will do it, I have this power over you! Click the reply button, do it now!

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

I suggested it. But of course, like everything I say, you twist it around to be something it's not.

You have no power over anything. That's your problem. You have a mania for controlling and dominating every thread you take part in. You fancy yourself the Alpha Male King Of Powerslide; which is to say, a generic internet bully. And like all internet bullies you come unglued when people don't do as told and become abusive, vomiting up pages and pages of vitriol. Like most muscle heads you believe that sheer volume of words are a sign of intellect. It's all just pissy verbiage. Not writing. Just typing. Sammy the typing king. Click click click, type type type........
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I suggested it. But of course, like everything I say, you twist it around to be something it's not.

You have no power over anything. That's your problem. You have a mania for controlling and dominating every thread you take part in. You fancy yourself the Alpha Male King Of Powerslide; which is to say, a generic internet bully. And like all internet bullies you come unglued when people don't do as told and become abusive, vomiting up pages and pages of vitriol, that you think is a sign of intellect. It's just pissy verbiage. Not writing. Just typing. Sammy the typing king.
How does your damaged brain get around the fact I haven’t been participating in the forum much until I called you out? I haven’t dominated threads because I wasn't posting regularly! How does this simple fact escape your logic? Up until the Argentine debacle, I hadn't been posting regularly you idiot!

That was until I genuinely got tired of scrolling through pages and pages of YOU Kancer, responding relentlessly and trolling, by your own admission! You destroyed the very first thread of the season! And you admit to trolling, that's what you said in your now infamous pledge thread! I had been ignoring the flame war you were leading, until I thought, ...., I need to scroll through a bunch of posts and threads to read something of substance. That is your UTOPIA! Your usual suspects were ABSENT, and yet, the UTOPIA forum was a ....... mess! You, bitch machine, little kancer klone chasing Synn in every thread! That's what we want collectively, other than Daniboy and Barbwirerider, nobody called you out until I did. Your UTOPIA Is the freedom from people like me calling you out for a manipulative piece of .... forum klogging kancer! Sadly, and quite fascinatingly, you got groupies who cling to you because they've been offended by a common enemy!

The outrageous attacks, flame war, and paranoid theories about who is synn got me to a point this out, in the absence of the supposed forum bad guys, you were leading the charge to disrupt every damn thread. It's all here for their examination, that's what's so great, and equally so disturbing.

Reply to me Kancer, I command you. I demand you click the reply, do it now!

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Type type type - click click click, type type type . . .
Forum Kancer Klog.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
My thread is being ....... ruined.

I am reposting this as I think it is highly important.

Here's a bit from Jerez 2011 that Hackropotkin wrote...

Speaking of unwise maneuvers brings us naturally to the subject of Valentino Rossi's pass on Casey Stoner. At the core of the incident lies a misunderstanding, it appears. Rossi claims that he had not intended to pass Stoner on the brakes going into Turn 1, but that he found himself going too deep and too fast, and ended up on the inside of the Australian. The Australian, in turn, says he heard Rossi behind him, and left him plenty of room to make the pass on the inside. Rossi dived into the gap having braked too late, but having been offered the inside, he no longer had an escape route. Unable to make the corner, Rossi folded the front, wiping out Stoner in the process.

Speaking of the crash itself, both men were perfectly clear: Rossi said it was a mistake, and Stoner said it was a racing incident of the type that is inherent to motorcycle racing. Though Stoner gave Rossi a sarcastic slow hand clap as he passed the place where the Australian had been left stranded, Stoner understood that the pass was just one of those things. It may not have been Rossi's smartest ever move, but Stoner certainly doesn't think it was either deliberate or aimed particularly at him.

Contrast it with what Kropo wrote about Argentina...

Were Rossi's complaints justified? There is no doubt that Márquez rode recklessly in Argentina, and absolutely no doubt that he caused Rossi to run off the track. But to accuse Márquez of doing it deliberately goes far too far. There is no doubt that Márquez is prepared to take more risks than other riders: the fact that he fell off 27 times during 18 race weekends in 2017 is ample proof of that. What Márquez doesn't appear to realize is that the risks he is taking can also impact the other riders on track with him.

He takes MM to task for Argentina but calls Rossi's torpedo of Stoner a "misunderstanding". Two sets of standards in play. Sure he acknowledges MM didn't intentionally do it, but never acknowledges MM's front tucked on the wet surface, and that it was an unfortunate racing incident. Why? Because it doesn't serve his agenda to his overlords that hold the vaunted pass credentials. His rebuke of Rossi for Jerez 2011 is non-existent with a few throwaway lines about it not being his smartest moment even though it was a move that had zero chance of sticking. Meanwhile Rossi only had to stand his bike up but refused to do so and ensured contact happened. Also if he couldn't hear MM's RCV he has to be one deaf and dumb moron. He should have been prepared for MM instead of running wide to leave the door open.
I think it's time for the forum to grow some balls and start calling out Kancer and his enablers by name. Until that happens, unfortunately this .... will continue. I appreciate that you called out Little Kancer Klone in another thread. As I said, Kancer was klogging up the threads during my substantial absence, so it's not on me, i will not accept the idea of "feud", and to anyone that characterizes it this way they should explain why they failed to call this klogging out whilst I was on hiatus. Few were willing to call him out, Barbwirerider and Danski being the only two. We get the forum we deserve folks.


Regarding Krackpotalking (that's a good one btw). What really bothered me was his prosecutorial language to build a case for a ban. This to me was the most blatant hypocrisy and double standard. It's obscene that the Argentine incident would be the catalyst for change, when most disgustingly these "journalists" allowed Rossi to come out smelling like roses after Sepang AND Valencia 15.

It's too bad he is under intense scrutiny. I watched Argentina again, the dude was racing amateurs. The sense of urgency unchained a level unknown to any of those on the grid. Those guys were in a race, on factory and competitive satellites, no slouches, and he was ....... close to 4 secs faster, A LAP! If I may, and before I get laughed at, I know it's not a good comparison, but indulge me, i know what that looks like on a track getting smoked. I'm sure nobody is surprised. There are three levels, novice, intermediate, expert. I started off novice, eventually made it to expert and got my race license. When you're on the expert category you see pros pass you and it's amazing because you're going "fast". But these guys are motogp champions, and there was a guy going 4 secs a lap faster! I don't think people really understand what was on display. It's been completely and disgustingly overshadowed because Rossi basically was dawdling on the race line.

There's a comment in the write up you quoted by Dennis Noyes (whom I've respected, but has sadly become part of the Faux news GP network). He tries to downplayed Marc's pace, hilariously some other guy posts the lap time, it's like 3.8 or something close. I was laughing, but at the same time imagine all the .... they write decidedly in a way to deceive, spin, influence.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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I actually quite liked and respected David, both on his own site and when he posted here, and realised he had to make a living, and that we do go over the top in criticising Rossi at times, although while I recognise that there is a fine line if any between trolling and counter trolling I do quite strongly believe that Rossi has debased a sport I have followed from well before his time, and is complicit in what has pretty much been the persecution of his rivals, including all fellow premier class world champions since he won his first premier class title.

I don’t read the motomatters site anymore, but it would seem he has been both hypocritical and inconsistent if he is calling for a ban on MM for the Argentina thing after offering much more muted criticism of Rossi for Sepang 2015. What finished him for me, not that he would care obviously, was the venomous/spiteful piece about Danny Kent a year or two back, for which absolutely no necessity was apparent.
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I think it's time for the forum to grow some balls and start calling out Kancer and his enablers by name. Until that happens, unfortunately this .... will continue. I appreciate that you called out Little Kancer Klone in another thread. As I said, Kancer was klogging up the threads during my substantial absence, so it's not on me, i will not accept the idea of "feud", and to anyone that characterizes it this way they should explain why they failed to call this klogging out whilst I was on hiatus. Few were willing to call him out, Barbwirerider and Danski being the only two. We get the forum we deserve folks.


Regarding Krackpotalking (that's a good one btw). What really bothered me was his prosecutorial language to build a case for a ban. This to me was the most blatant hypocrisy and double standard. It's obscene that the Argentine incident would be the catalyst for change, when most disgustingly these "journalists" allowed Rossi to come out smelling like roses after Sepang AND Valencia 15.

It's too bad he is under intense scrutiny. I watched Argentina again, the dude was racing amateurs. The sense of urgency unchained a level unknown to any of those on the grid. Those guys were in a race, on factory and competitive satellites, no slouches, and he was ....... close to 4 secs faster, A LAP! If I may, and before I get laughed at, I know it's not a good comparison, but indulge me, i know what that looks like at trackday getting smoked. I'm sure nobody is surprised. There are three levels, novice, intermediate, expert. I started off novice, eventually made it to expert and got my race license. When you're on the expert category you see pros pass you and it's amazing because you're going "fast". But these guys are motogp champions, and there was a guy going 4 secs a lap faster! I don't think people really understand what was on display. It's been completely and disgustingly overshadowed because Rossi basically was dawdling on the race line.

There's a comment in the write up you quoted by Dennis Noyes (whom I've respected, but has sadly become part of the Faux news GP network). He tries to downplayed Marc's pace, hilariously some other guy posts the lap time, it's like 3.8 or something close. I was laughing, but at the same time imagine all the .... they write decidedly in a way to deceive, spin, influence.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

What MM was doing at Argentina was unreal with his pace. He absolutely blew away the field with his pace and they should have been showing blue flags to the riders since they were really nothing but backmarkers with the pace Marquez was at. I still boggle at that 4 seconds a lap faster. It was the performance of the weekend and it was ruined by the spineless scumbags in Race Direction who protect Rossi and let other riders do what they want. He was passing guys like they were standing still. This is why I always say he is the only true alien on the grid. He is so ....... fast.

But of course rather than celebrate the once in a generation talent at hand, Kropo chickenshits his way out of that and continues to carry the burning torch for Rossi like the rest of the scumbags in the journalist crew who would fit right in on Fox News. It's unreal, they carry a torch for a 39 year old has-been who becomes more and more bitter with each passing year. A man who kicked someone off the bike in the middle of a grand prix and they trivialized the entire issue by trying to apportion blame to the other rider...sort of like how some posters here have. Most recently RCV who said 16 overtakes was indicative of someone slowing the other rider down intentionally.

Because of how unfairly MM has been treated by Kropo and others, I hope he pulls a Doohan and wins the next 5 titles in such dominant fashion it sends Rossi into retirement a broken mess.
I think it's time for the forum to grow some balls and start calling out Kancer and his enablers by name. Until that happens, unfortunately this .... will continue. I appreciate that you called out Little Kancer Klone in another thread. As I said, Kancer was klogging up the threads during my substantial absence, so it's not on me, i will not accept the idea of "feud", and to anyone that characterizes it this way they should explain why they failed to call this klogging out whilst I was on hiatus. Few were willing to call him out, Barbwirerider and Danski being the only two. We get the forum we deserve folks.

I actually quite liked and respected David, both on his own site and when he posted here, and realised he had to make a living, and we probably do go over the top in criticising Rossi, although while I do recognise that there is a fine line if any between trolling and counter trolling I do quite strongly believe that Rossi has debased a sport I have followed from well before his time, and is complicit in what has pretty much been the persecution of his rivals, including all fellow premier class world champions since he won his first premier class title.title.

I don’t read his site anymore, but it would seem he has been both hypocritical and inconsistent if he is calling for a ban on MM for the Argentina thing after offering much more muted criticism of Rossi for Sepang 2015.

What finished him for me, not that he would care obviously, was the venomous/spiteful piece about Danny Kent a year or two back, for which absolutely no necessity was apparent.

The Danny Kent hatchet job showed who Kropo really is. It was a hit piece that journalist of repute would ever have engaged in. But he engaged in it and thought it was perfectly acceptable to do. Kropo is not worthy of an ounce of respect for how he conducts himself. Literally one of the most self-serving and ill-behaved "journalists" to grace MotoGP.
I actually quite liked and respected David, both on his own site and when he posted here, and realised he had to make a living, and that we do go over the top in criticising Rossi at times, although while I recognise that there is a fine line if any between trolling and counter trolling I do quite strongly believe that Rossi has debased a sport I have followed from well before his time, and is complicit in what has pretty much been the persecution of his rivals, including all fellow premier class world champions since he won his first premier class title.

I don’t read the motomatters site anymore, but it would seem he has been both hypocritical and inconsistent if he is calling for a ban on MM for the Argentina thing after offering much more muted criticism of Rossi for Sepang 2015. What finished him for me, not that he would care obviously, was the venomous/spiteful piece about Danny Kent a year or two back, for which absolutely no necessity was apparent.
Spot on Mike. I was a member of Krops site, and still today (unbeknownst to him) an un-banned member of his forum, but never posted more than 10 times. I was banned from the 'comments section' part of the site, rather oddly. Yeah, it's actually two different accounts required, not sure why he wanted users to sign up separately, though i suspect its all part of his plan to tightly control opinions. I emailed him after the ban and confronted him to explain why, in accordance to his stated rules for users, I was banned, and presented the "offending" comment in its entirety. His response was totally unprofessional, which amounted to, 'because I felt like it'. Fair play, it's his site, but people should be aware that dissenting opinions are not allowed, period. Keep in mind, I was cognizant that I had to tread lightly, so I worded my comments carefully to stay within the parameters, that didn’t 'matter', as it came down to a whim on his part. I've long since lost the post, though I cut and pasted it on Roger's site for anybody to examine. Unfortunately, that forum was torched in similar fashion to this one. I suspect the only reason this site is still standing is because Duc doesn’t give one .... about it. It's great in the way that anybody can express themselves, though as you can see from the recent activity, it's a double edged sword when there is no restrain.

For me the GP media, and the entire sport for that matter, was tested during the Rossi debacle of 2015. Starting with the infamous Sepang Thursday pre-event press conference, the on track incident, the accompanying post event conferences (and Dorna controlled "de-briefs), and the aftermath. At no time other than Michael Scott, who suggested something to the affect Rossi ruthlessly used the debacle to distract from the reality that he himself lost grip of the title because he wasn't good enough, he needed a scape 'goat', were there voices that called out Rossi, Race Direction, and prominent figures that decidedly enabled Rossi. Other than this, I didn't read a solitary prominent voice calling out the entire debacle, certainly not the organizers, who quickly disavowed themselves from Race Direction, distancing themselves even today (except of course when DORNA demand Mike Webb interview be destroyed).

Not just media, the indictment goes for ex racers, who because of their accomplishments in the sport seem immune to criticism. Can you imagine David Emmett taking Kevin Schwantz to task for suggesting there might be some truth to Rossi's (Uccio's) conspiracy? Would Kropo talk about KS like he dragged Kent through the mud? That would take balls that Kropo doesn’t have, not just Kropo, most GP journalists. It should seem absurd for us to question world champion and sport legend Kevin Schwantz right? I won't bother presenting quotes here, as I think I did a thorough job in the thread pertaining to it. (If anyone cares to scroll through all the trolling unfortunately klogging much of the discussions). But I've also been disappointed with Troy Bayliss, who called Marquez a "goon" whilst saying of Rossi's Argentine performance, "stylish". Let's shelve that Rossi was close to 4 secs a LAP slower than Marc, whilst on a factory machine no less where his 'inferior' satellite counterpart was battling for the win in 'style'. I digress. But as you say, the media was exposed in a moment where they should have acted as the fourth estate, a buffer, speaking truth to power, they failed spectacularly!

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Why are people upset about any articles regarding Danny Kent?
He ...... up his own career. Nobody else did it to him.
I agree that Kent made a big mistake, not surprisingly given his young age. The issue is that David Emmett used his considerable platform to take a giant .... on Kent by writing an article that had little to no journalistic duty. Particularly the fact he didn’t even interview the kid to get his side of the story. There is a thread here in the lower categories about it. Your opinion would be interesting to hear, not so much on Kent's decision but rather the 'journalist acumen' for which it was presented.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Why are people upset about any articles regarding Danny Kent?
He ...... up his own career. Nobody else did it to him.

I agree he ...... up. But he did manage a Moto 3 championship, a not insignificant achievement as a bike racer, rather exceeding David Emmett blogs about the sport (or me for that matter obviously) so why did Emmett, august personage though he may be, feel the need to kick him when he was down?. That article went well beyond pointing out the obvious, that Kent had ...... up.