Hack MotoGP journalist David Emmett/Kropo of Motomatters discussion

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From Wiki:

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In fact, the monkey would almost surely type every possible finite text an infinite number of times. However, the probability that monkeys filling the observable universe would type a complete work such as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time hundreds of thousands of orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe is extremely low (but technically not zero).

In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey" is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces an endless random sequence of letters and symbols. One of the earliest instances of the use of the "monkey metaphor" is that of French mathematician Émile Borel in 1913,[1] but the first instance may have been even earlier.

Variants of the theorem include multiple and even infinitely many typists, and the target text varies between an entire library and a single sentence. Jorge Luis Borges traced the history of this idea from Aristotle's On Generation and Corruption and Cicero's De natura deorum (On the Nature of the Gods), through Blaise Pascal and Jonathan Swift, up to modern statements with their iconic simians and typewriters. In the early 20th century, Borel and Arthur Eddington used the theorem to illustrate the timescales implicit in the foundations of statistical mechanics.
Kropo is ok. He just didnt write what some on here wanted him too. Its a shame he doesnt post here any more.

I read a Danny Kent article on his site .... I dont think its too harsh.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Surely you mean "I have no idea what you are talking about" or " you have no idea what Im talking about".

You are saying you are telepathically linked to my brain and somehow I misspoke or mistyped my own thoughts.
We havent had too many psychics on here before ... only 1 who thought he was .. but alas ....

I assume you disagree with me.
Surely you mean "I have no idea what you are talking about" or " you have no idea what Im talking about".

You are saying you are telepathically linked to my brain and somehow I misspoke or mistyped my own thoughts.
We havent had too many psychics on here before ... only 1 who thought he was .. but alas ....

I assume you disagree with me.

No, it's really you have no idea what you're talking about.
Kropo ... character assassination pieces.

And he is on a mission to assassinate Marc's character. Perhaps its his payback for his grudge towards Alzamora.

And he just wrote another one, part 2 of his prosecution of Marc. Ladies and gentlemen of the yellow jury… is how his hack pieces should start. He interviewed Mike Webb and used his interview something an extension of his smug question during the press conferences, this being an extension of his prosecution of Marc, where exploited this opportunity to pose hypotheticals about the “new” harsher penalties and how they might have been applied to Marc at Argentina. This wasn’t even that subtle, if his aim was for Webb to justify the penalties based on precedent, then why didn’t David Emmett ask about the obvious parallel to Sepang 2015? Mike Webb even concedes that they go back two seasons to look at precedent, yet Webb glaringly omits along with Kropo’s help and fails to mention the Yellow elephant in the room that no penalty was imposed during the Sepang race for which Argentina should have been judged BEFORE the NEW rules were imposed!

The logic doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, and the decisions of Argentina and COTA suss out the glaring fact from the penalties as follows: penalties are imposed on a whim of who is the supposed perpetrator (Marc) and victim (Rossi). In the Argentine case the perceived victim (who left the door ‘wide’ open, more on this below) was treated exceptional, where even precedent was dismissed. That is what Lorenzo referenced when he point out at COTA, things have NOT changed, no doubt if Miller had stuffed Rossi there would be hell to pay. Race Direction would have pointed out the “new” rules of course.

In the same piece Kropo starts off by describing Lorenzo “leaving the door ‘wide’ open” to of course inoculate his gullible readers into spinning that it was ok for him to get stuffed. This is of course done for affect, to justify Mike Webb’s inconsistent application of the “new” rules, given he didn’t impose a penalty on Miller for irresponsible riding. In Lorenzo’s case, Mike Emmett justifies the maneuver by describing Lorenzo not just leaving the door open but “leaving the door WIDE open”, and tah dah magically this is nothing like what Rossi did at Argentina. Kropo then spends several paragraphs supporting and spinning Mike Webb’s inconsistency.

Kropo also inoculates his gullible readers into accepting that the absence of penalty on Canet was done with scrutiny unbeknownst to us. Krops writes in such a way that we should all accept that Race Direction did their job as they are privy to the to camera angles that us ignorant people can’t see. The inconsistency of Race Direction is a mirage.
No .... Barry.

You obviously don't read the garbage he writes otherwise you wouldn't be saying he's "okay".

I dont think I would ever get as animated as you guys do over any journalists writing . But Kropo was a good poster on here.

Gee I remember jumkie fawning over him when he first got here. Then he wouldnt agree and post what jumkie wanted him to
... so the bitching started.

You know you can walk if you dont like his stuff?
I dont think I would ever get as animated as you guys do over any journalists writing . But Kropo was a good poster on here.

Gee I remember jumkie fawning over him when he first got here. Then he wouldnt agree and post what jumkie wanted him to
... so the bitching started.

You know you can walk if you dont like his stuff?

If you don't have a problem with journalists committing character assassination, it speaks volumes about you and your ethics or lack thereof.
I obviously dont agree with your ethics.

That's fine, but we're not discussing me.

Journalistic integrity used to matter and you're obviously okay with a complete lack of integrity on the part of David Emmett who uses his website as a platform to disparage riders for various doings that he decides based on whatever way the Dorna wind blows. He has never once taken the keyboard and done such a thing with Valentino Rossi. That you appear to have no issue with this speaks volumes about whatever integrity you have. Michael Scott was the only sane voice on the subject of Argentina and gave a balanced look at the entire incident. He didn't do what Emmett did and start whining for race bans which he never did in the case of Sepang 2015. He characterized Rossi's torpedo of Stoner as a "misunderstanding". He is not "okay" as you put it. Far from it. He's become a Dorna mouthpiece.
I dont think I would ever get as animated as you guys do over any journalists writing . But Kropo was a good poster on here.

Gee I remember jumkie fawning over him when he first got here. Then he wouldnt agree and post what jumkie wanted him to
... so the bitching started.

You know you can walk if you dont like his stuff?

JP basically covered it for you Bitch Machine.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
That's fine, but we're not discussing me.

Journalistic integrity used to matter ...

Krops has evolved as I mentioned before, now I don’t recognize the guy. He's become obsessed with prosecuting Marquez, it's very transparent and rather obvious. It's as if he had been waiting to redress being bitch slapped by Alzamoron, though he's taking out his anger on Marc. Krops really exposed his intention when he smugly repeated the same ........ gotcha question to Marc then again in the press conference. Hey guys, perfectly legit question here, do you know the starting procedure? Even Cal Butthole caught it and pushed back a bit by replying, "David you've never sat on a GP motorbike on the grid." Emmett's smugness was exposed.

Emmett is cognizant of his place in the food chain. Knowing a "journalist" was coerced into destroying an interview he had recorded of Mike Webb, I'm sure that put the fear of Dog in him. But really, since 2015 and his stint for BT Sports, he's become part of ..... and Friends Dorna edition.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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Krops has evolved as I mentioned before, now I don’t recognize the guy. He's become obsessed with prosecuting Marquez, it's very transparent and rather obvious. It's as if he had been waiting to redress being bitch slapped by Alzamoron, though he's taking out his anger on Marc. Krops really exposed his intention when he smugly repeated the same ........ gotcha question to Marc then again in the press conference. Hey guys, perfectly legit question here, do you know the starting procedure? Even Cal Butthole caught it and pushed back a bit by replying, "David you've never sat on a GP motorbike on the grid." Emmett's smugness was exposed.

Emmett is cognizant of his place in the food chain. Knowing a "journalist" was coerced into destroying an interview he had recorded of Mike Webb, I'm sure that put the fear of Dog in him. But really, since 2015 and his stint for BT Sports, he's become part of ..... and Friends Dorna edition.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

As I have said, the Kent piece was what put me off him permanently. I don’t know what article Barry read, but the one I read was basically a complete destruction of Kent’s character and personality.

Everyone knows Kent ...... up, but he is a young bloke who was good enough to be moto 3 champion in the fairly recent past, and if he is out of the sport or running last so soon after same it is regrettable I would have thought, and I am not sure why there was any necessity to further put the boot into him.

I don’t read Emmett’s blog any more, but the snippets I hear/see from others certainly suggest he follows the Dorna narrative now. Like Barry I originally enjoyed both his site and his posts on here.
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I dont enjoy his site .... I dont enjoy any journalism sites. But I take them for what they are, just someones opinion.
But I certainly dont give a rats arse what they write. Nor do I begrudge them to write whatever they wish. I certainly dont sook over what they write .... life is way too short.

But Kropo was a good poster here.