good weather for a ride

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I commute on my bike so I split lanes on regular bases but in general I do ride very defensively. My bike is small and can't go faster than 100mph so I can't do much stupid anyway. And if I wanna go fast (well...100mph, duh) I do so in the desert road that I go out every week. No traffic and great visibility. If something happens, I do not wanna get other people involved at least. Getting run over is bad but run someone over probably feels equally as horrible.
Living in SoCAL, you can't get around without getting on freeway. But I see tons of drivers on freeway texting and going 75mph all the time so I take extra caution, especially when I see Prius. I don't know why but it's always Prius that does stupid .... like crossing over double yellow lines.
What scares me equally is those asshats who do wheelies on freeway and ones on a litter bike but obviously got no riding skills. I am a novice rider myself so when I say he got no skills, he really can't ride. Seriously I really think these guys are nothing but willing organ donors. It's sad to say but they may have to learn the hard and very painful way.
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I commute on my bike so I split lanes on regular bases but in general I do ride very defensively. My bike is small and can't go faster than 100mph so I can't do much stupid anyway. And if I wanna go fast (well...100mph, duh) I do so in the desert road that I go out every week. No traffic and great visibility. If something happens, I do not wanna get other people involved at least. Getting run over is bad but run someone over probably feels equally as horrible.
Living in SoCAL, you can't get around without getting on freeway. But I see tons of drivers on freeway texting and going 75mph all the time so I take extra caution, especially when I see Prius. I don't know why but it's always Prius that does stupid .... like crossing over double yellow lines.
What scares me equally is those asshats who do wheelies on freeway and ones on a litter bike but obviously got no riding skills. I am a novice rider myself so when I say he got no skills, he really can't ride. Seriously I really think these guys are nothing but willing organ donors. It's sad to say but they may have to learn the hard and very painful way.

Pretty much how I feel. I'm newer than most here to riding, but even with all of the experience I've got under my belt now, doing stupid stunterz .... should be avoided. I think the biggest thing is simply respecting the bikes with a lot of power should you ever get on one regardless of your skill level.

More and more as I ride, I've sort of come to the conclusion that most of the people riding the liter bikes have no business doing so. I see guys on forums talking about how they've jumped up to liter bikes after a couple of years after having started out on a 600cc supersport!!!! What the ....? I still really want to follow Arrab's advice and get on a dirt bike so I can learn the .... that you can't really learn on the road regarding traction limits and the like. While I do want to ride a liter bike eventually, I wouldn't get on one and start pegging the throttle right away and acting like general fuckhead the way some of the riders do around here. One road I will not ride on here is the Garden State Parkway because the summer time is filled with idiots on their supersports and superbikes playing the traffic slalom game where the prizes are all bad. Doing 120MPH+ in heavy traffic? Yeah, no.
Pretty much how I feel. I'm newer than most here to riding, but even with all of the experience I've got under my belt now, doing stupid stunterz .... should be avoided. I think the biggest thing is simply respecting the bikes with a lot of power should you ever get on one regardless of your skill level.

More and more as I ride, I've sort of come to the conclusion that most of the people riding the liter bikes have no business doing so. I see guys on forums talking about how they've jumped up to liter bikes after a couple of years after having started out on a 600cc supersport!!!! What the ....? I still really want to follow Arrab's advice and get on a dirt bike so I can learn the .... that you can't really learn on the road regarding traction limits and the like. While I do want to ride a liter bike eventually, I wouldn't get on one and start pegging the throttle right away and acting like general fuckhead the way some of the riders do around here. One road I will not ride on here is the Garden State Parkway because the summer time is filled with idiots on their supersports and superbikes playing the traffic slalom game where the prizes are all bad. Doing 120MPH+ in heavy traffic? Yeah, no.
Get a trials bike if you want to get a better grip of bike control.

If you jump straight onto a large crosser 250 two stroke or 450 four stroke they will certainly spin and give you a big smile, but they can bite back easy
Pretty much how I feel. I'm newer than most here to riding, but even with all of the experience I've got under my belt now, doing stupid stunterz .... should be avoided. I think the biggest thing is simply respecting the bikes with a lot of power should you ever get on one regardless of your skill level.

More and more as I ride, I've sort of come to the conclusion that most of the people riding the liter bikes have no business doing so. I see guys on forums talking about how they've jumped up to liter bikes after a couple of years after having started out on a 600cc supersport!!!! What the ....? I still really want to follow Arrab's advice and get on a dirt bike so I can learn the .... that you can't really learn on the road regarding traction limits and the like. While I do want to ride a liter bike eventually, I wouldn't get on one and start pegging the throttle right away and acting like general fuckhead the way some of the riders do around here. One road I will not ride on here is the Garden State Parkway because the summer time is filled with idiots on their supersports and superbikes playing the traffic slalom game where the prizes are all bad. Doing 120MPH+ in heavy traffic? Yeah, no.

Absolutely. I commute between my apt. in Manhattan and my house in Rockland County once a week and I see these asshats in t-shirts, no jacket, wearing open-face Nazi helmets wheelying between moving cars and vans on the FDR and on the Palisades and it just gives me the ....... heebie jeebies. Where my apt. is on The Lower East Side, I see young guys in wheelchairs all the time and when you ask folks in the know, you learn that 1% are from gang related shootings and the other 99% are overweight dimwits who bought (or stole) Suzuki liter-bikes for a first motorcycle and never bothered to get a licence. Survival of the fittest I guess.
We rode to Borrego Springs, CA. It was 115F / 46C today.

Sasquatch in Ranchita.
lately it has been to hot to ride in Texas, even at night its still in the upper 90s, its like riding in a hair dryer... as for engine size, you dont need a 450 to have fun and improve riding skills a 125cc or even an 80cc is still plenty of fun at the motorcross park.
lately it has been to hot to ride in Texas, even at night its still in the upper 90s, its like riding in a hair dryer... as for engine size, you dont need a 450 to have fun and improve riding skills a 125cc or even an 80cc is still plenty of fun at the motorcross park.

Last month I rode my modest 27 mile commute in what by UK standards would be described as a heatwave...a plume or mass of warm air that migrated up from Northern Africa. It was around 32 degrees C and in a one piece combined with the heat of the engine and frequent stops at traffic lights - debilitating. I handle heat quite well but it's all relative. In the UK the major affront is wind and rain.
lately it has been to hot to ride in Texas, even at night its still in the upper 90s, its like riding in a hair dryer... as for engine size, you dont need a 450 to have fun and improve riding skills a 125cc or even an 80cc is still plenty of fun at the motorcross park.

Too hot to ride in Texas? I've been riding every day, feels great unless you're stuck in traffic. I like the warmer temps, keeps the tires nice and warm for cornering.
Too hot to ride in Texas? I've been riding every day, feels great unless you're stuck in traffic. I like the warmer temps, keeps the tires nice and warm for cornering.

im in the city, and there is always traffic... Though I might take my harley out tonight and see what kind of trouble I can get into!
I just clicked on main page and saw no spam, is there something wrong with the site?
Is that an Eastern Long Necked turtle?
Used to have one as a pet when I was a kid.

Jealous of the scenery...and bike. All I have here is an electric scooter.
Have to admit that I know little about turtles but looking at the pictures on the web they are definitely similar looking and in size.

I ended up having to get this one off the road as traffic was coming and he was a little hidden from view with the colours - not sure he liked being moved though

As for the scenery, I have lots of this kind of stuff so enjoy it and the wildlife around.