Man, MM seems to hardly be breaking a sweat, taking very few risks, super comfortable. And he basically has the same gap to P2, than P2 to P9. That's freaking impressive. And yes, I think Pecco realizes the writing is on the wall, since he knows MM is basically cruising now, and willing to take more risks if needed. It should be obvious to anybody he's the better rider, leading this early, on a new bike for him, AND by this much, and making it look easy. I'm happy for him. He deserves not only another title, but 2 more, to be the undisputed GOAT, since he really is IMO. Also very happy to see he's hardly taking any risks now, minimizing chances of another serious injury. Finally, it's another lesson to younger riders than staying in shape is important in MotoGP, since basically a grandpa by MotoGP standards, is kicking their arses. Ha ha.